The Bachelor finale was on

The Bachelor finale was on last night. He picked who I thought he would. Although the woman has an incredibly annoying nervous laugh that she does incessantly. She also talks during kissing which could be a real pain in the ass. He actually proposed which was quite surprising. Hope it works out but I doubt it.

Went out early this morning to fly my plane. Thick fog made it a little tough as well as creating a risk from water on the electronics. It was fun anyway. I did my first low altitude roll. I hope to get a lot of flying time in this weekend.

Wow I can’t believe it is the end of November. The holidays really seem to creep up on you down here because of the weather. It doesn’t seem possible for it to be Thanksgiving because it is 80 degrees and beautiful. I guess I will get used to it. I suppose the Christmas shopping must commence soon. Yuk.

3 day work week next week! Should be great. We are supposed to have a “party” next Saturday. The guest list is small and getting smaller. It may wind up just being us and one other couple. Coordinating parties sucks.

Last night at the gym I did 6 plates each side on the leg press 4 times. A new personal best. Yea, who cares but I was happy about it. My bad knee has definitely been better since I cut back on the vball and started taking that wonderfully slimy and bad tasting flaxseed oil. Yep it tastes bad but has all sorts of good stuff in it for you. Chasing it with a shot of OJ minimizes the aftertaste.

Here is another gym gripe for ya. Put the plates back in order! How annoying is it when you are trying to get plates for the barbells and someone has but 5’s, 10′, 25’s and 45’s all on the same arm of the weight tree? Drives me crazy that people are too lazy to put them back in order. How damn hard is it? People suck.