Damn it, damn it, DAMN

Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT! The Eagles had their best opportunity in 20 + years to march into the Superbowl. All of the indicators pointed to an Eagles win. Tampa was 0-6 in playoff road games, 1-20something under 32 degrees, 0-3 in the playoffs against the Birds. The Eagles had so much emotion and energy from the fans before the game, you would think the Vet would explode. The Birds explode and get a TD in the first minute of the game. A PERFECT SCENARIO. However they respond to this tremendous start by going into a shell and playing cautious and soft for the next 2 quarters.

Donovan in a word was BAD. His inaccuracy was on display again, as well as his lack of pocket presence and tendency to hold onto a ball too long. The defense was SOFT. They abandoned the agressive style that has worked so well in the past for a rush 4 and play zone style that gave up tons of soft yards underneath. They only returned to an agressive D once they were down 2 scores. The running game was a NON-FACTOR. They only get yards on the ground when they run in obvious passing downs. They can not run the ball down anyone’s throat since the 2nd half of the season. The play calling was CONSERVATIVE. I am so tired of 3 yard passes when you need 10. Stretch the damn field.

The Eagles were able to single handedly stop an unreal surge of momentum. Instead of using the crowd’s energy to make plays, they played it close to the vest and let the Bucs become the agressors. It was their’s for the taking and they simply choked. A horrible loss that I will never forget. I can only hope they can go up from here but sadly I think this was this team’s crest. Down from here I would imagine.

A TOTAL, INEXCUSEABLE CHOKE! I need something to strangle…..