Bender, super pain in the ass, super spline, holy smoke

Last night after work I was quite busy.  First I quickly shot my first attempt at this month’s Bar-barian challenge, the Bender.  I am running the challenge this month.  Ironically, the move and the name was suggested by Jeremy.   I have three different levels of difficulty set up but in a nutshell it is a pull up followed by a leg raise.  I only got 7 reps on the normal mode, it is a pretty taxing movement.  So far the guys on the forum seem to like the challenge, kudos to Jeremy for suggesting it.

I wanted to make some headway in installing my super screen in at least one of the two damaged screen sections.  I broadcast the event on but later found out there was something screwed up so I only got 9 seconds of footage instead of the two hours it actually took me to do ONE panel.

The section of screen I was working on is on the far corner of the cage where two wire supports are attached.  After removing them I was able to easily remove the old screen.

When I did my first screen replacements a few years back I always used to have Ali assist me, especially when doing the initial spline along the top.  It’s tough to do with only one set of hands.  However the most recent screen replacements I have done, I have done solo, managing to get the process started myself.  I figured I could do the same thing with super screen since Ali wasn’t home.

Well I quickly discovered this was not going to be easy.  Super screen’s strength means it is also much heavier and thicker than normal screening.  The additional weight made it tough to hold it in place correctly while trying to get the spline started.  This was made even more difficult because thicker material did not want to seat firmly with the spline.  I struggled mightily getting the top spline in, it took forever.

I was frustrated enough as is.  That was multiplied by listening to our neighbor’s one chihuahua bark at me almost incessantly the entire time I was out there.  The neighbor was not home.

I later texted her to let her know the dog was still a habitual noise maker.  She has not bought the citronella collar she said she would or inserted any sort of visual barrier in the dog run area.  She actually indicated that the dog may eventually find a new home.

Apparently it chronically uses the house as a bathroom when it is inside.  I strongly support the dog finding greener pastures elsewhere with someone that is better equipped to deal with the needs of a chihuahua.

Anyway I worked until darkness on the screen.  I got it in place but didn’t have time to do the final trimming of the excess.  I can definitely understand why super screen holds up so much better.  The difference between it and the cheap stuff I buy at Home Depot is night and day. The installation is a bitch though, it sucked, plain and simple.

When I finally went inside I jumped on the Super Screen web site to see if there is a special spline that is used for the product.  What I was using was Home Depot flat spline.  I saw that they indeed did sell Super Spline and it is slightly more narrow than regular flat spline to accommodate the additional stiffness of super screen.  I told Ali it looked like I had another early morning road trip to Fort Myers lined up for Wednesday.

I pulled out this morning a little after 6 am.  I was at their location right before their 7 am open time.  I purchased a 1500 foot spool of super spline which should meet my screening needs for the next decade or so hopefully.  While I was there I also bought a pack of 100 super screws.  Super Screw have a nylon capped head that will not rust like normal pool cage screws will after several years.  I figured I will replace the rusty ones right now and maybe eventually replace most of them.

During the drive up and back I was inhaling a lot of smoke even with the windows closed at the AC set to recirculate..  The entire area is covered in smoke from some brush fires that have been burning in the the Everglades.  Evidently the wind recently shifted.  It is very thick and strong smoke, might be the worst I have experienced since living here.

Man I was feeling pretty beat up this morning.  The swelling in my right knee has gone down but both my feet still hurt from playing volleyball.  My upper body has various sore muscle groups as well.  My first 2 minutes of walking in the morning probably looks like I stepped out of a geriatric unit.