Hmmm been a few days.

Hmmm been a few days. We went to the County Fair Tuesday night. A rip roaring time featuring a high wire act, motorcycle stunts, magic show, rides, animal exhibits and wrestling! It wasn’t full so we had full run of the place. The one downside is when there are few people, the carnival people jump on you like vultures to play their overpriced games to win worthless junk. We get free passes for being right next door. We may try it again this weekend.

Reality TV briefing. Russ on Bachelorette got the axe finally, about time. Now he can go write another book. Celebrity Mole is a VERY funny show. But the big deal was the Michael Jackson special. OH MY GOD. I knew he was eccentric but had no idea just how much so. I don’t think he is a child molestor by any means but his obsession of being with kids is very very odd. Heck I don’t want to grow up either but that doesn’t mean I want to spend all my time hanging with kids with single digit ages. It sounded like his dad had a huge part in why Michael is as weird as he is. That face! Man it is just brutal, brutal! The money this man spends is beyond belief. If you didnt see it, you need to find someone that taped it. It is THAT weird.

This morning my car was trailered up and hauled away. I sold it to a guy up in Tampa. I was sad seeing it go. I really enjoyed having a classic car again. I hardly got to enjoy it. Next time it will have an extinguisher in it. It will be a relief to not have to see the tarp covered carcass there tonight. It could have been worse, I could have not had it insured.

This weekend we are finally getting a gas grill. I look forward to my first burger or steak off the grill. It’s been a long time, since we lived in Wernersville. We are also plan ting our big queen palm as well as finishing up installation of our rain barrels. It would be great to be able to hit the beach as well. I am a little gun shy since my skin cancer screening. The doc at the health fair there said I had 3 or 4 that I should get checked. I went to my Doc and he said they looked ok but I should just keep an eye on them. So this weekend, out comes the ruler. I get to measure my blemishes. Getting old sucks.