Been feeling really low energy

Been feeling really low energy this week. Sleeping like a rock but still feel tired. My strength at the gym is waaaaaaay off. I am not sure if it is a side effect of the antibiotics I am still taking or some left over aspect of the ear infection. I have one more day of antibiotics to go. Hopefully that will be end of the lethargy.

The puppy had accidents in the house each of the last 2 evenings but she also made it through the night last night without making any mess in her cage. A first. She still flusters us. Even though we may feel like just crashin on the couch and watching some tv, if the puppy is wound up and ready to go we have to entertain her. Does anyone sell puppy tranquilizers? 🙂

This weekend we are going to a spring training game between the Red Sox and the Phillies. It should be fun, last year we saw a Twins spring training game. Tickets for the Sox are VERY tough to get. I ordered mine nearly a month ago and could only get general admission seats.

On Monday night while I was out with Nicki, there was a surreal sky. We had thunderstorms earlier but part of the sky was clear. The moon was in this clear area, very full and super bright, lighting up the sky. On the edge of the horizon you could still see the thunderheads of the storms and they were lighting up all over the skyline. It was really something to see. Quite often I don’t take the time to really appreciate stuff like that. I need to do it more often.

War is coming. As soon as Iraq launches their first chemical munition at our troops the UN can all offer a collective “oops, our bad, I guess Iraq DID have weapons of mass destruction”. Even good old France said they would back us if Iraq used chemical weapons. How nice of them. I just hope it ends quickly. I don’t want Saddam exiled, he should either rot in an American jail or be 6 feet under. Some of the Iraqi troops are trying to surrender already but have been sent back because they had to wait until we were officially at war. Crazy world.