Live video rox

I got the live video feed working from the house. 30 FPS from my house using a regular broadband connection. Granted if I go above 2 simultaneous users it is going to slow down dramatically. Still the video quality is awesome. If you want to try it out start windows media player. Choose FILE/OPEN URL. Enter With any luck you will be connected to a live feed of whatever my camcorder is pointed at. Right now it is pointed at our parrot.

Can you get more dutch than this:

They make great ring bologna, you pay a little more than in a store but the shit is awsome. i can go to lens and buy a ring of berks and half of it goes to wasted because we dont eat it all. if i go to the highway, the ring lasts around 2 days

i’ll go there saturday and get some lunchmeat, cheese, rolls, chicken salad, mac or pot salad, maybe even go to highway meats and get a ring bologna

You would think this was posted by some 70 year old PA dutch guy, nope someone in their early 30’s. Funny as hell.