Beautiful weekend

Thw weather this weekend was about as perfect as it gets in Florida. 80 degrees, sunny and low humidity. We have to enjoy it now cause 90 degrees, 90% humidity is right around the corner. I accomplished a lot of small things I have been wanting to for a little while but still had plenty of time to kick back and relax. Got some RC plane time in, rollerblading, video game playing, and some simple sit on the patio and relax time.

The war news has been generally good. The rebuilding process is going to be huge. It amazes me that they have a plan for everything. The capabilities of our military is incredible. It seems that Syria and Russia have been disingenius with their activities with the Saddam regime. I think all sorts of shady dealings will continue to be dug up and I doubt any of it will make us feel much better about our “allies”.

Geeked out and hooked up my puter to the 60 inch TV to play some C&C Generals. It was a pain to hook up, the resolution wasn’t great but I wanted to try it anyway. 🙂

My next few months are gonna be eventful. My sis is getting married the end of June in Arizona, my Mom moves down the beginning of May, we will be going up to PA the third week of June for a tournament and Rich might be coming down the beginning of June for a tournament. Should be fun stuff.

The puppy had two “accidents” in the house this weekend. Grrrrrrr. She starts obedience classes this week, hopefully it makes a difference.