I haven’t done any Flash

I haven’t done any Flash / Swish stuff in quite awhile. Check out this recent good natured comedic effort I just completed. Flash is fun.

2 weeks till I drive my mom down from PA. I’m looking forward to it.

This Easter weekend will feature a busy saturday of mowing and straightening up the house. Later in the day I want to try to find some new volleyball sneaks. I am going to go to a gym to try to play some indoor vball. I haven’t played indoor in 3 years probably. It should be a challenge. Sunday is our Easter cruise/brunch. I have not been on a boat in YEARS. I am hoping I don’t have any adverse side effects if ya know what I mean….

Got some new videos up on my RC page, check them out if you have broadband. One of them is a camera mounted on a remote control 4 wheel drive mini-hummer. Kinda cool perspective 🙂

Happy Friday to all.