Still got it, Terra Nova officially

I had been laying off muscle ups for a few days.  Late last week I did a few rough reps at the gym “cold” which was stupid.  The muscle up puts a lot of stresses on various parts of your body, attempting one without being properly warmed up is not smart.

I have this weird fear that I am going to wake up one day and no longer be able to do a muscle up so I don’t want to go very long without mentally reenforcing my ability to do so.  So last night I finished up my post work mini-workout outside on the bar.

I did a total of 6 muscle ups in multiple sets.  I wanted to see how many I could get consecutively.  That number was two.  Both times I got stuck with my chest right at the sticking point up on the bar but couldn’t quite snag a third rep.

It’s odd but the first rep where my feet start on the ground are actually easier than the reps coming down off the bar.  The reps off the bar should benefit from the downward momentum getting bounced back into upward momentum.  In my case I think the variable angle at the bottom of those reps makes it more difficult.

Whatever the case I was happy I didn’t forget how to do them.  My short term goal is to get 5 in a row.

Last night I once again spent the majority of my evening doing race related work, this time for a cross country event I am timing in a couple weeks.  There is no online registration for this event.  Instead I have to massage numbers I get via spreadsheet into a format I can pull into the timing system.  It is a pretty big pain in the ass since there are upwards of 25 teams.  I have about half of the rosters entered and we are already pushing 500 kids.

So I watched episode 3 of Terra Nova last night.   I’m sorry but it officially sucks.  I may force myself to sit through one more episode but maybe not.  After watching something as well done as Breaking Bad, I just have no patience for shows with such bad writing and main characters I don’t give two shits about.

I wanted to post this the other day but forgot.  This should just reenforce one of the multiple facets of living in America that is f’d up beyond belief.


“In 2007, CEOs in the S&P 500, averaged $10.5 million annually, 344 times the pay of typical American workers. This was a drop in ratio from 2000, when they averaged 525 times the average pay.”