No weight work out

I missed my gym workout yesterday so I wanted to put in some extra time at home outside.  Ali headed out with me as well.

The first thing I tried was the hard mode version of this month’s Bar-barian challenge, inverted dips.  An inverted dip is a tough and awkward move.  Basically you try to keep your back straight, your feet up in the air and then pull your body towards the bar.

With my lengthy appendages it was challenging just to try to get into the starting position.  I pulled out 3 so so reps both with a pull up and chin up grip.  The effort landed me firmly on the bottom of the hard mode scoreboard but at least I am on there. Here is the video.

I then moved onto other body weight work including muscle ups, ring dips, front/back tucked levers and human flag training.  Ali was very helpful in my lever holds as she could let me know when my back was parallel to the ground.  I was amazed how my perception of parallel was so far off from the what it actually was.

I then moved onto half flags, pictured to the left.  You basically use the elbow on your lower arm as a support for your body and then utilize your core to hold yourself more or less parallel to the ground.  I initially made some weak attempts at a tucked full flag but I couldn’t even get off the ground.  Al Kavadlo is really good at them, I need to watch some of his videos regarding flags and maybe get some in person adivce during the next NYC trip.

If you want to see the video of the rest of the workout it is here.

I watched the last three episodes of The Walking Dead last night.  I had been holding off watching them sort of like why you try to keep the marshmallows from Lucky Charms till the end.  The show did not fail to deliver and now joins Breaking Bad and Dexter in the list of shows that I can’t wait for their most recent seasons to become available on Netflix.

My DNS-323 NAS has been flaking out for awhile.  One of my one TB drives was evidently going bad.  I decided to snag some used 2 TB drives to replace/upgrade the unit.  I had to first back off the nearly 400 GB of data from the old drives.  It took almost 6 hours to do so.  I was just glad the external hard drive on my Win 2008 R2 server had the space.  I am in the process of copying the data back now.  It will be nice to have 2TB of mirrored storage available.

I have been turned on to a bunch of new documentaries on Netflix, all available for instant streaming.  I recommend you check them out.  The names are, The Gerson Miracle, Ingredients, and Burzynski.