Weekend update on Wednesday

I had another whirlwind trip up north to play in a vball tournament. I flew out Saturday morning and was back by Monday at lunchtime. On Saturday after I got up there I went right to Gary’s place for an informal cookout. Within the first 5 minutes of me being there I was in the pool with everyone playing pool volleyball. It was very weird, like I was never gone and stepped right back into the crowd. It’s nice to have friends that you can be that comfortable with. I drank quite a bit and played some non-jumping volleyball in their sand court. It was really a fun time for me. A reminder of how I miss those hang outs more then most things from PA.

On Sunday we were out early to our tournament. It was Rich, me, Sue and Jonna. It is the first time we played a quads tournament with 2 girls. We played relatively well all day and were in position to go into the playoffs when it started to rain, HARD. A Florida-like deluge that turned the field into a muddy, slippery mess. People left in droves and so did we. It wasn’t worth risking getting rained on more and/or getting hurt slipping in the muck. So, we piled our drenched muddy bodies into Rich’s truck and left. It was a bummer, almost like reading a good book and then not getting to read the ending. The rotten PA weather strikes again.

Saturday night I hung with my bro and sis-in-law (beat him 2 out of 3 in NFL blitz) and then I was out at 5:45 am to drive to Harrisburg. When I got to the gate I saw they were looking for volunteers to get bumped for a free ticket anywhere. YES! I checked and would get into Fort Myers at 5:30 instead of 12:30. A pain in the butt but I could deal with it for a free ticket. I frantically tried to call Ali at home (left for work) and on her cell phone (no answer, right to voice mail) DAMN IT! I debated if I should just do it and let her know after the fact. I finally decided to not do it since I couldn’t reach her and the idea of spending 4 hours sitting at the HBG airport was going to be miserable since there is NOTHING there to do at all. It pissed me off that Ali didn’t have her cell phone on. It turns out that she said she did have it on and she would have been ok with me letting her know after the fact. Oh well, guess I know for the next time.

The flight home was annoying. It was a late departing and arriving, the planes that US Airways uses are all old, I was stuck next to a 300 pounder on the one leg and the luggage took a good 20-30 minutes to hit baggage claim. After flying other airlines recently like Continental and Delta, US Airways is at the bottom of my list.

I picked up a Wired magazine at the one airport. I love that magazine. It is the only magazine that I read almost every article. It has the kind of info I find interesting. It’s great.

I was off from work Monday and Tuesday. I spent that time doing little house things but spent most of the time working on my home built plane and playing Frozen Throne on the computer. On the plane project, I actually got it into the air and flying. It gave me some satisfaction to see something I totally built from scratch flying in the air, albeit very slow and clumsy. Now I just need to do some design tweaks to see if I can get some better performance out of it. It’s a real pig in the air. My video game playing was probably a good 8 hour chunk out of my day yesterday. Yea that’s excessive but I was in one of those moods that wasn’t very pleasant and sometimes I deal with that by burying myself in a game. I think I was still bummed out about the unnatural end to the volleyball competition and some other little things.

3 day week. Like it.