Full plate, spreading her wings

I had a nice night at home with the dogs last night.  They seem to have no issue bouncing back and forth between their dual homes, they seem to be comfortable in either.  When I picked them up at Ali’s place they were quite excited to walk on the leash around the lakes and they were equally excited when they got out to the backyard of the house, able to run around unencumbered.

I tried to get a jump start on my weekend work by doing the laundry and cleaning Tuki’s cage.  When it comes to doing laundry I buck the traditional guidelines of separating lights and darks. I just throw it all together, set it to speed wash and everything comes out just fine.  Thus far I have not had any issues with my simplified technique.

Ali on the other hand is the laundry separation queen.  Not only does she break apart darks from whites, she breaks the darks into two different shades of dark.  She also does the same deal for delicate items, hence why the laundry center has 6 baskets in it.  Well I only use one, two if there is overflow.

This weekend will busy between house chores, dog baths, a few automotive maintenance items and timing a race Sunday morning.  Plus I surely will take the time to go do something fun with the girls as well.

Ali’s flight to PA yesterday had a 90 minute delay at the gate.  I was very surprised when I saw this picture posted on her FB feed.  It is a picture of Ali doing the yoga warrior pose across the seats in the cockpit in the plane.  When I saw it, I was like, what the fck?

Another woman in the running club recently posted a picture of her doing a plank across the seats of another plane, so I suppose that is where the idea originated from.  I was just surprised that Ali would entertain the stunt, something I doubt I could have talked her into doing when we were together.  I am equally surprised that pilots are apparently ok with using cockpits as make shift yoga studios.

Maybe it was Ali just stepping out of the box, doing something she normally would not.  If so, bravo.