Weekend, Awkward gym moment, new fox funny guy, Eagles Obituary

The weekend went quickly. The water on our property had receded enough that we were actually able to mow everything, a rarity in the summer. We also decided to rip down the compost pile that Ali was so excited to have built last year. As in many cases, reality didn’t live up to the expectations. Ali is a big conservationist and a compost pile is a great way to recycle yard waste, kitchen scraps etc. However it is also a nice place for things like snakes and bugs to hide in. One close encounter with a snake was enough to stop Ali from wanting to maintain the pile so it has basically sat being an eyesore. So, I ripped it down and framed out an 8′ x 8′ box out of landscape timbers so we can use that area as a little garden instead. We have many similar situations where Ali gets inspired for us to do something that seems idealistically correct but realistically a pain in the ass.

I am a fan of the Fox pregame NFL show. I prefer it over the CBS show. Being a big fan, I was bummed out to see Jimmy Kimmel leave the show this year. His bits were some of the funniest part of the show. They replaced him with some guy from Mad TV whom I never heard of. I had little hope he would be able to fill Jimmy’s shoes. Well I was wrong, this guy on his own isn’t very funny, but he does impersonations of people that are piss in your pants funny. Yesterday he did a George W routine that had Ali and I laughing like crazy. Good stuff.

Speaking of football, the Eagles followed up a bad opening game performance with an even more dreadful performance against the Patriots. They sucked in almost every aspect of the game. Last year after the NFC championship I said that I thought the Eagles had crested and they would go down from there. I have to admit, the first 2 preseason games of the year had changed my thoughts, they looked sharp. However, since then they have looked terrible, climaxing in yesterday’s game. McNabb is a great athlete, he is not a great QB. All the wind sprints, boxing, blindfolded drills and agility exercises apparently do not translate into making him a more accurate QB. Highest paid player in the league, what a joke. A bye week and then they play the Bills. 0-3 looks to be a lock.

Today I had one of those awkward gym moments. I was just about ready to leave but I saw this big moose of a guy with 405 on the bench. He was giving the look around like he could use a spot. I wasn’t going to say anything because sometimes big bears like that get offended if you ask if they want a spot but I thought he definitely had the look that he wanted one. Well I guess I guessed wrong. I asked him if he wanted a spot and he said maybe in a bit he was resting. Hmmm ok well now I am commited because I offered, yet I am on my way out the door. My lifting gloves are off so I just stand there, drinking my water waiting for him to be ready. He walks around and keeps looking around the gym. Hmm, maybe he doesn’t want me to spot him. I try to make conversation asking him what his max is. (in retrospect a dumb question) He’s terse. So after more awkward silence I ask him again if he wants me to spot or not. He says, “Yea I guess if you want” Well I certainly didn’t care if I spotted him or not but I felt commited. So I ask him if he wants a lift off. “No” He grinds out 2 reps without my help, racks the bar and I say “Good Job” He says nothing and I grab my shit and leave. One of those stupid awkward moments that I just suck at getting out of. Dumb.