More funny stuff, Wal-mart happenings

Here is some more flash sillyness, very funny if you are 30 somethin like me and remember boss hog and the gang.

After the gym I quickly stopped at Walmart to pick up another case of dog food for our 2 can a day puppy feedings. As I walked in, they had the back end of the store all decked out for Christmas, including an almost life size singing, dancing Santa Claus. As I tried to leave, cradling the box of 24 cans in my 2 arms, my path was blocked by 2 old ladies and an even older man getting funky with Santa. The old ladies were dancing and singing along with Santa while the old man just stared with a grin on his face. They were so involved with the robotic Saint Nick that they didn’t even notice my prescence. I politely said excuse me and they left me pass. They giggled as I think they were embarrassed that I witnessed their dance routine. I hope I’m that giddy when I’m old.

As I went out to the lot I noticed a big full size Ford truck did the lazy man parking job, you know the type where the person makes zero effort to park in the lines and instead parks at a 45 degree angle across them? The truck was proudly adorned with two bumper stickers. One said, “I’m not speeding, I’m qualifying!” the other said “I’m not tailgating, I’m drafting!” Yahooooooo. Giddy up.