Wednesday, Dog, Planes, Frogs, Games & Poo

Nothing overly interesting things to report just some funny stuff. Last night I wanted to rush home so I could get a chance to fly my Cessna with the navigation lights at dusk. Actually it is Mike’s Cessna, he gave it to me before he moved to Colorado. It is a painstakingly hand built model. Way beyond what my patience would allow me to build. Anyway, daylight is fading fast. I get home and have to let the dog out, she stayed home all day. She is very excited to see me, I take her out to go to the bathroom. She is so excited that she crouches like she is going to crap, and then remembers she only has to pee so she switches to a squat, she pees and then kicks dirt back on it like she took a crap. Funny dog.

It’s really dim out now but I am determined to fly with the lights on the plane. I get it up in the air, it looks COOL! I’m sure I freaked out some people driving home, wondering what the hell the lights in the sky were. But after a few minutes I was under severe attack from mosquitos. I tried to walk around the yard to keep them off me but it did little good. You can’t swat mosquitos and fly planes at same time. I had to bring it in for a fast landing and ran back inside for shelter. Hate mosquitos.

I finished Max Payne 2 Monday night. A good game, the level where you are protecting the guy in the cartoon suit is on of my favorite parts, very funny. I started a new game, Call of Duty. It is another World War 2 first person shooter. It is very immersive. After my first couple missions I had to bag out cause I was all stressed up. Felt like dudes were shooting me for real. Looks like a fun game though, I’ll work through it.

Last night I was back in the bedroom and I hear my mom yell SHAWN COME HERE! She is outside her bathroom pointing. There is an adult, full sized tree frog sitting on her toilet seat! What the hell? I netted him up and returned him to the wild. I am having a hard time determing how he got there. Did he navigate the septic system, run in through an open door, come in through a vent? I have no idea. More wonders of living in the fringe of the Everglades.

This morning I took Nicki out for her morning bathroom trip. She did a number 1, normally she will do a number 2 a little later. We went back inside. As I was sitting down at the puter with my bowl of cereal, Nicki is in there with me looking distraught and looking like she was looking for a place to dump! Woah! I drop everything, run to the back door, she runs with me, we go outside and she lets loose. Crisis averted!!!! Joys of dog ownership. 🙂