Headaches, blacklisted, linux

Wow getting blacklisted sucks. As a result of a misconfiguration I made in our firewall, I inadvertently had an open 8080 http proxy on our box for a week or two. This was eventually sniffed out by spammers and they were spamming away through our box. I stopped it as soon as I found it but as a result our IP address has been blacklisted on a number of spam lists. Trying to get off these lists is cumbersome at best and in some cases downright impossible. Frustrating.

You think you have problems? Look at what this angry Reading, PA resident posted regarding the latest polls that indicate that Reading, PA is among the nations 25 MOST DANGEROUS CITIES! No wonder I moved huh?

I have to admit I am getting more and more into Linux. I am picking up bits and pieces here and there and just bought a book about Suse Linux I am working through. Except for gaming, there is no apparent disadvantage to me of running Linux and a lot less issues since you aren’t running Winwhatever which is the number one target in the world for hackers to attack. Learning a different OS is somewhat similar to learning a new language. If I were to make a comparison I’d say I can carry out a crude conversation in Linux right now but if you spoke too fast I would be lost. 🙂