Last night I was very busy between stopping at Home Depot, getting in a last minute BB challenge attempt, cooking dinner, doing laundry and cleaning Tuki’s cage. Before I knew it 9pm was staring me in the face. My weeknights just seem to evaporate more often than not.
I am now up to date on Catfish episodes, in case you were wondering. If you are considering using Facebook to nurture new romantic relationships, I advise strongly against it. Evidently FB profile deception is quite commonplace.
This weekend I am hoping to get all of the stuff that needs to be hung, installed and put together at Ali’s place taken care of. Once it is all done she should pretty much have everything she needs furniture wise to be able to take ownership of various things of hers that are still out at the house. The only thing that could use more attention is some storage organization down in her garage.
I’d like to get a 10 mile run in tomorrow too but the idea of getting up at 4:45 am to do it sounds really, really shitty.
Yesterday I filled out a brief questionnaire for the Mars One project, letting them know why I would want to be part of the team that is making the one way trip to Mars in a decade or so. I would do it, seriously.