More Bush antics, buckets, sleep

A constituitional amendment to ban gay marriage? You have to be joking. What role does government have in individual relationships? If 2 gay guys or women get married, how does it adversely affect society? I could care less. To attempt to mandate such a thing from a federal level is outrageous to me. So many other things to worry about that actaully affect our citizens and GW decides this is his focus between trips to the ranch. I can only hope this fuels the momentum behind getting him out of there.

Today we are getting absolutely dumped on. It may be some of the hardest rain I have ever seen. It wouldn’t be that noteable except that it is February which is normally very much a dry time of year. A look out the window and you would think everything was under a waterfall.

Being permanently sleepy is starting to become a state of being for me. I have had a very hard time getting a solid night’s rest recently. Last night I was awakened at 4am by the sound of the cat throwing up by our bedroom door. I certainly wasn’t going to get up at that moment and clean it up. Just as I managed to fall back asleep, the cat jumps on the bed and wakes me up again. In one instinctive move I grab the cat and fling it off the bed. I then jump out of bed and chase the damn thing out of the room. The quick adrenalin burst keeps me from falling back asleep until just before the alarm sounds at 5:45. Yawn……