A rare occurance, ebay ripoffs
Here is something you will hardly ever see from me, a book review! Since reading a book is a bi-annual experience for me, not many reviews are available. However, my wife got me a book that I am thoroughly enjoying. It is called “Bringing the Heat” by Mark Bowden. If you are a hardcore Eagles fan like I am, you will love this book. It is a behind the scenes account of the Eagles during the Buddy Ryan and Rich Kotite years. Those teams were some of the most exciting ever to root for. The book offers all sorts of inside stories, background and detail that I never knew about. If you bleed Eagle green, get this book.
Some ebay sellers really piss me off. I stumbled across an auction for a GM computer code reader. These are relatively inexpensive devices that allow you to interpret codes given off by the car’s computer. This guy had one that was standing at 2 bucks. Wow nice deal, usually they go for 10-15 on ebay. I was just about to place a bid and saw the shipping, 20 DOLLARS. 20 bucks to ship something that weighs a few ounces. Jerk. Nothing will turn me off an auction faster than a seller that is trying to make money on the shipping, it’s BS.
For all of you too lazy to click on the link to the Vette pics, here ya go.
vette gnome
nice….chick red I think they call it…you get gayer by the day.
Kidding…it looks good from here. I lived near Glenside in Reading for the first 20 years of my life. I swear, every time I passed Stoudts I said I’d have a vette some day. Now like all other pukes, I’ll be 57 years old and it will look like some desperate attempt to hold on to my youth. Oh well…enjoy it.