Gnome has been bitchin so I thought I would drop a quick entry in. When you live in a hole in the ground like a gnome does there isn’t much else to look forward to.
I have been more or less healthy for at least 6 months, maybe more. During that time my wife has come down with sickness after sickness. Wouldn’t you know it, last night 2 days before I am playing in my first meaningful volleyball action in almost a year, I start feeling sick. I have that feeling you get in your throat before illness and I feel weak and tired. Just perfect. I’m hoping for a miracle recovery between now and tomorrow at 9am.
Shi-Ann got the boot last night on Survivor, eliminating me from the Survivor pool I am in. Adios to my shot at 350 bucks!!
Simon had a classic line the other night comparing John Stevens singing latin music to putting chocolate ice cream and onions together….
Bloggin has been slim, I have had some projects underway that will keep me busy for a bit.
Finally….something to comment on. You could not have actually thought Shi-Ann would win…you are as dumb as you are gay. Here’s a prediction, rupert will go home next.
And it sounds like you are coming down with a bad case of gayitis. Probably taking “injections” to close together… surprise that you are quoting Simon, he too takes the same “medication”…..