The NEW Ten Commandments

Yea I’m back from Vegas but I came back feeling drained and ill so I don’t have the energy to begin to describe all the stuff that went down and it WAS a lot.  The cliff notes version is Keener and I did great at gambling, both coming home with several hundred in our pockets and not having to have lay out the credit card to pay for anything, it all came out of winnings.  Hopefully tomorrow I will feel like going into detail.

I taped the new Ten Commandments tv movie.  I am a fan of the original, not because I am in any way religious, rather it is a great story with great acting.  I expected now, 40 years later they would be able to do even better.  How wrong I was.  This movie was 4 hours of garbage.  If I was connected with creating this movie in anyway I would be embarrassed.  The acting was comical, the early story line deviates greatly from the original flick and it is rushed along like it was a half hour sitcom.  I can’t verbally describe just how bad this movie was.  Charlton Heston could have done a better job TODAY than the guy they cast as Moses.  It was very disappointing but I had to watch to the bitter end just because of a car wreck, gotta watch mentality I suppose.  If you too Tivo’d it, delete it now.