Example, soggy, dog sitting, Superman
I’ve had a problem with misspeaking and mumbling for a long time. I remember starting to deal with it as I hit my late teens and over time it seems at least to me to be worsening. Something will sound normal in my mind but it comes out as mumbled or I mean one thing but say another or I totally forget a word that is common place. It is almost like my brain locks up, like a computer. When this happens in conversation with someone it normally snowballs. I feel embarrassed that I f’d something up and then that causes more f ups. I had an example of it on Friday after work.
I stopped by at the bike store near the grocery store. I was looking for some handlebar extensions that would allow me to sit more upright while riding the bike for longer periods of time. I stepped inside and the guy behind the counter asked me what I was looking for. As I went to explain it, the words “handle bars” escaped me. I could not remember the words that described the steering on a bike. So, scrambling I replace the word with whatever I could think of. “Do you have extensions for the, uh STEERING WHEEL for a bike?” The man paused for a sec and told me where they were. I knew I sounded like a f’in idiot.
This sort of stuff happens way too often. It does seems to be a bit streaky. There are times when I feel like I can hardly put a sentence together. There are a few times where I feel almost normal. It makes me think there is some sort of chemical thing in my head that causes this behavior. It is maddening. It is the primary reason that I am so biased towards electronic communication. It allows me to think things out, double check them and only send them out once I am sure it makes sense, unlike the words flying out of my mouth.
Wow it was a wet weekend here. We got somewhere between 3 and 4 inches. This time it was enough rain to stick, we now have our normal summertime ponds spread throughout the property. I would really like to have fill dumped in these low spots and spread to fix the problem but it would cost a lot of dough. Dirt is expensive.
We watched the neighbor’s Jack Russel from Wednesday to Sunday. It was cute watching her and Nicki play. Every night Zoe would jump up in bed with us. Nicki jumps up on bed too, but she hops off and sleeps on her dog bed overnight. Not Zoe, as a matter of fact she likes to burrow under the covers and wedge herself against a warm body. It’s funny. The funniest moment of dog sitting came when I walked back into the bedroom and saw Zoe with her front paws wrapped around my big overstuffed volleyball pillow, humping it. I said “Zoe, what are you doing?” She glanced over at me and went back to humping. I had Ali wash all the bed coverings after Zoe went home. 🙂
Yesterday afternoon we went to see Superman. It was a great movie. I liked this guy as Superman more than Christopher Reeve believe it or not. Modern day special effects make Superman’s abilities much more realistic and exciting as opposed to the cheesy things they had to do with the original Superman flicks. It was 2 and a half hours long but sitting through it wasn’t tough. You can tell there will be tons of sequels, I look forward to them.
Speaking of sequels, they showed a preview of Spiderman 3 with Venom and the Sandman. Man that looks awesome. Ali laughed when I whispered to her “Man, that looks awesome!” She said that was what the little kid in front of us just said.
Over the weekend we had another snake camped at our screen door. This snake was different than any I had seen up to this point. It wasn’t very long but it was thick around the body and had a big head. It was thickest snake I have seen on our property. Tim identified it as a water snake. It looks like this. Non-venomous but would certainly hurt if he chomped down on you. I tried to use the pool skimmer to pick him up and relocate him but he would have none of it. He scurried and buried himself inside a bushy plant off the corner of the lanai. I left him there and just have been careful when steeping foot outside.
Wednesday I have a knee doc appointment. We are going to go over my MRI and I get the first of my injections of artificial knee fluid. I am a bit freaked by needles to begin with, I imagine to get to where it needs to go, it will be a long needle. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I have more than a little anxiety about it. Supposedly they numb the area. We’ll see.
We got to see our friends baby on Saturday. He is a cute little boy. Of course one of the jokes was how I didn’t feel the need to hold the baby. I picked him up and handed him to Ali, that was close enough. I think there are reasons for this that go too deep to discuss here.
I think the goal of most people in life is to be unique in some way. Do something, drive something, own something, say something that makes them different from the rest of the ants in the ant hill. Few succeed, most succumb.