Trying to catch up
Cindy was off yesterday from work and was quite busy as normal. One of the things she did was put together the picnic table we bought at Target over the weekend. It fit the dog deck quite well and the color of the top surface was almost an exact match for the color of the composite decking. With the 9 foot umbrella added to the mix we now have a shaded and scenic spot to hang outside to eat, read or just hang out with the chickens.
Last night we made a point to get to bed early, I was passed out before 10. For a few weeks it seems that we have been in a perpetual sleep deficit, getting less than 7 hours most nights. I told Cindy I needed to turn that trend around, I don’t like feeling like a zombie on the drive home from work. After getting 7.5 hours of sleep last night I feel better but like I still have a big sleep hole to backfill.
The chickens have been very entertaining. Cindy and I are now established in their minds as the food/treat providers so the second they hear the squeak of the slider opening they get very excited and pace back and forth in their chicken run. Cindy has been giving them different foods to see what they like and dislike. On the like list is strawberries, tomatoes, kale, spinach and Ezekiel bread. The dislike list includes eggplant, cucumbers, and raw broccoli. On the OMG we LOVE this is blueberries, pasta, and cracked corn.
Last night the chickens had to endure yet another bad storm with ample lightning and thunder. The storm also appears to have knocked out the UPS attached to my computer. It was making a “I’m screwed” noise when I walked in the door. It was due to get refreshed anyway. Luckily I have not identified any other electronics that were damaged.
A lot of this week will be directed toward the 4th of July race which goes down on Friday morning. This race is always a zoo but I am hoping that since we are using race bibs with integrated timing devices this year that things will go smoother than in the past.