Insert foot, clock

I forgot to mention another gym story from Monday.  I saw a woman I am friendly with that came over to Powerhouse from JFZ just like me.  We normally say Hi and make small talk.  She even got Ali and I into the wellness center for free that one time because she works there.  Well she hadn’t seen me in a couple weeks so as a result had not seen my buzzcut.  She commented that it looked good and I thanked her.  As she was heading towards whatever machine she was going to, I noticed how sweaty she was from working hard. (she is hard core) and I blurted out “You look sweaty…” with the intention of following up with “you must be working hard”  I’m not sure if she heard correctly because she was maybe 15-20 feet away but she gave me the sort of look when you don’t understand what someone said but you shake your head and half smile. 

Well I was worried that she misheard me or heard me and thought “What an asshole, I complement his haircut and he calls me sweaty?” So later she was going back towards the locker room and I tried making little dumb small talk and got a short answer and the vibe that she was annoyed.  Great.  I don’t even know how to address an issue like that.  I am hoping the next time I see her I can just be extra cordial and it can be swept under the rug.  I hate speaking.

When our offices were being redone we had a chance to go through our crap and clean up.  My buddy next door asked me if I wanted a platter out of an ancient hard drive.  It was huge, at least 18 inches in diameter.  At first I said he could chuck it but then I reconsidered and told him I would keep it.  I wasn’t quite sure what I would do with it but I knew it fit right in with my lamp that my uncle made for us as a wedding gift. He made the lamp out of parts of an old answering machine and the feet are the favors we had at the reception.  His thing is making unique objects out of old discarded things and he is very good at it.

Well anyway at first I just hung the hard drive platter on the wall.  It looked ok but I yearned for more.  Well then I remembered I had an old clock hanging next to my desk at home that had a cracked face and really had no use to me.  So last night I took it apart, removed the stuff I didn’t need and brought it in here.  A little bit of packing tape and viola, I now have a unique, techie, geeky clock hanging on my wall in the office. My uncle would be proud.