Dogs and feathers flock together, tree trauma awaits, nothing to worry about

I grabbed the dogs on the way home last night.  They were very excited for their trip out to the house as they normally are.  Once we got there I headed out in the back yard to tend to the chickens.  I figured I would continue my dog/chicken interaction study and left Sadie and Nicki out as well.  Once again the dogs appeared to be totally fine sharing turf with the hens.  I still kept a close eye on Sadie’s location at all times but she passed with flying colors.  I wish video was rolling as I walked across the yard to the shed with Sadie and two of the chickens following close behind.  It’s like a bizarre Brady Bunch. When Cindy got home she caught the tail end of the dog and chicken mingling.  She confirmed that Sadie seemed totally passive around the chicks.

I got my early voting out of the way yesterday.  I am sure my blog diatribes make it unnecessary to list where my circles were darkened.

1390647_10152588204307841_700210208_nThis weekend is looking to be the annual tree trimming event where I circle the property and trim the branches of over 25 trees, some of which are quite tall. I time it now so the trees look clean for their Xmas light decorations that will be coming in November. It is one the most laborious, grueling and unenjoyable home maintenance tasks I tackle each year.  Thank goodness Cindy not only has every weekend off now, she also enjoys helping me with projects, even the ass busting variety.

The temps this weekend, at least the morning temps, look to be agreeable to outdoor labor so we will be looking to get an early start on the fun.

Ebola is now confirmed in NYC and again contracted by a medical professional who you would assume was taking appropriate precautions.  Worried yet? You should be.  I find it laughable that the mayor said the public should not be concerned this guy was riding the subway and hanging in the bowling alley the day before he was quarantined.