
Last night, like many nights of the last few weeks we were doing more work on chicken accommodations.  After work I stopped at Home Depot to get some bags of play sand.  Their intended use was for a corner sand box we have in the chicken run.  Chickens really like digging holes and laying in them so we figured a little play box in the run would be put to good use.

11155046_982985838381337_6613308517668390366_oCindy and I were quite happy that both chickens went into their new coop all by themselves last night.  We were able to watch them cautiously step inside via the web cam I have installed out there.  Speaking of web cams, I ordered an upgraded camera that will offer better resolution and two way audio.  It should add to the fun.

Lucy ventured into the coop during the day and laid another egg as well, another great indicator that the chickens now realize  the 10′ x 8′ shed is their new home. This morning Cindy saw that Lola was the first to take advantage of the perch tower in the middle of the run.  She was resting comfortably on the lower branch.

This weekend we get to somewhat fall back into our normal routine which hopefully will be much less labor intensive than the last month or so has been.  We may be heading to Rural King to pick up 6-8 baby chick pullets now that our expanded chicken living quarters are up and running.  Raising baby chicks is more work but with Cindy home she will be able to tend to them as they need.

This weekend will also be the first time the dogs will be in the house since the flooring was transformed.  I expect some canine confusion  but I think they will like the cool temperature of the tile with soft carpet in the rooms they sleep in most of the time.