All posts by Duf


They won, they won!!!!!!!!!!! Like so many other games this year they were beaten in many facets of the game. They gave up 8 sacks, they allowed yet another 100 yard rusher, but in the end, somehow, they pulled it out. 4th & 26 and they CONVERT??????????? Unreal……. I need to teach Keener the Eagles fight song.



Deja Vu

Last weekend as we were packing up stuff to move to my mom’s new place we found a bunch of old pictures she had in her desk. These were pictures of her childhood. As we flipped through them we came across one that was dated sometime in the late 50’s. In the picture was my mom and a table and trinket holder thing that looks like a leaf. We did a double take. These were the same table and leaf thing that we now have, inherited from my Great Uncle Bud and Great Aunt Ester after they moved out of their house into a condo. The leaf thing now sits on our kitchen counter as a cleaning pad holder and the table sits in one of our guest bedrooms. It just seemed very ironic that we stumbled across an old picture from my mom’s childhood of some items that were around then and now reside in our place. The picture had no other items in it but that table, my mom, and the leaf, weird…..

Brrr, modern grooming wonders, cam is back!

Reading, PA* 6…29 F Brrrrr, Alison picked the wrong weekend to decide to go back up to PA.

For my birthday I got two new personal grooming devices, a new Panasonic shaver and an electric nose hair / eyebrow trimmer. For years I have had lowend Remington shavers, in a word they suck. At best they weed whacked my face, they were a pain in the ass to clean and generally just did a piss poor job. The new Panasonic shaver is great, it charges in an hour, actually gives me a decent shave and can be cleaned up with soap and water. Nose hair is one of my arch enemies, I hate it. In the past I’ve used little scissors or good old brute force to yank hairs from my nostrils, painful and not all that effective. The new electric clippers are awesome. They trim your nostrils so nothing is found peeking out later in the day. Technology saves the day.

I know certain people, especially certain below average height readers of my blog enjoyed checking out my webcam regularly so they could mock my head, my clothes, the way I breathe, pretty much anything… Well it is now back online for all to examine and critique. Go here.

Go EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blind as a bat

The past couple days I have had to spend a lot of time at our other offices, 2 of them being driver license offices. As I was working I got to see some of the people taking the eye test. It is unbelievable that some of these people are still driving. One elderly gentleman had his head on the vision tester for at least 2 or 3 minutes as the clerk repeatedly told him to read line 5, he would read line 3, read incorrectly or claim to not see anything at all. Eventually the clerk had to politely tell the gentleman that he could not drive. I was surprised how many failed the vision test, one older guy was going back and forth with the tester like he was in a virtual 3d game. I suppose he thought if he moved his body to the left and right more he could see better. Some of these people literally looked like they had one foot in the grave yet they are behind the wheel on the same roads as you and me. Crazy.

Belated Amazon hatin..

I had forgotten to blog how else Amazon pissed me off since my original rant. My complaint letter went without even so much as a canned reply. When Christmas came, I opened up 3 volleyballs and 2 of the same dvd thanks to Amazon’s wish list system not working as it is supposed to. If someone buys you something off that wish list it is supposed to remove that item from the list so others don’t buy the same thing. Bastards.

New Year, New Blog

My first blog of 2004, hurray. I’m happy to report no cars burned up over the holiday and major calamity was avoided. In contrast to the Christmas 4 day weekend, the New Year’s 4 day hiatus was much more filled with work.

Our New Years Eve plans were simple. There were two firework displays going on. The first was on the gulf. It was really great weather, probably around 70. We had our chairs right next to the water so we had the background sounds of breaking waves as we watched the fireworks light up the sky and water. It was a very well done show, better in my opinion than the 4th of July fireworks we saw this past year. Afterwards we headed to a local park that had another show going on at 9pm. That show topped the first! It was done to music and had some firewrks that I had never seen before like ones that were smiley faces and hearts. The finale of that one was spectacular. The show wound up around 9:30. We had plenty of time to head home and watch the ball drop. We watched Dick Clark as always. His Rockin Eve show seems much lamer than in years past with all sort of fake interaction between Dick live and the recorded people out in Hollywood. Plus as I complained about last year, he doesn’t go on top of the roof anymore. Anyways, we hit bed probably 10 minutes after midnight. Not a big celebration but it was still very enjoyable, unlike any New Years experience I have had up north.

New Years day we spent the majority of our time at my mom’s new place doing lawn maintenance. As part of a deal we worked out with the owner, we agreed to do lawn maintenance in exchange for a break on the rent for my mom. The yard was a pretty big mess and we spent a good couple hours pruning, weed whacking and mowing. It looked much better when we finished. We had to stop at Wal-mart to pick up a new vacuum cleaner because we gave mom ours to have. What a zoo, wal-mart on New Years day is not recommended.

Friday was moving day. We loaded up a bunch of stuff and dumped it at mom’s place. While Ali and mom were cleaning and unpacking I was doing “man” stuff like moving furniture around, hooking up the stereo, collecting trash and looking in the attic to figure out how I was going to get cable into my mom’s bedroom (had none). My mom’s new place is nothing fancy but it’s cute and we were able to walk to the beach in 13 minutes from her place, a MAJOR perk. I came back Friday night with another bug up my ass to get the cable run into mom’s room. I knew this would be a nasty process. It required me to slink around the attic with barely enough room for me to crawl on my hand’s and knees, with nothing but studs to support me, filled with blow in fiberglass insulation. To reach the corner of the closet where I needed to drop the line required me to be on my belly, wedged into the corner of the roofline with a cordless drill trying to locate the drill spot by Alisons tapping on the ceiling. It was bad. I was coughing from all the shit that was in the air from the insulation, drilling multiple holes from misjudged location information, running out of battery power on my cordless and generally becoming very aggravated. During one of my attempts to crawl out I got too high and was impaled with a rusty roofing nail in my shoulder, need to get that tetnis shot sooner or later I guess. Eventually I got the cable where I wanted, tested it and it worked! My reward for the effort was a bloody shoulder and arms that felt like they had a million tiny splinters in them from the fiberglass in the insulation, lovely.

We got finished up late, headed home and I couldn’t wait to get a shower to clean up. Just after I got all soaped up, the water shuts off….. No problem, I have had this happen before, normally the float in the tank gets stuck, I just need to reset it. So out I go in a towel and flip flops, dripping wet with soapy water. Hmmm everything looks normal, further investigation led me to see there was zero pressure from the well pump. So I head out to the well in the back yard (still in towel and flip flops) and take apart the electric box to see if I can notice anything abnormal. Nope, just wires in there, no breakers, fuses or anything that I could “fix” Great. So I left a message on the well companies machine and resigned myself going to bed with sticky soap residue all over me. What a day.

On Saturday I awoke and had a couple other ideas about things I could try on the equipment. I went out and lo and behold we magically had water pressure again. I have no idea how or why but didn’t care. It’s been fine ever since. The rest of the weekend was filled with nfl playoff watching, tivo hacking and several more trips to mom’s new place to take stuff and do stuff. Nothing very interesting.

My mom seems quite happy to be in her own place. I have to admit I was really sad on Friday when I left her there. I almost felt like I was giving her the boot. However she seems absolutely thrilled to be there which makes me feel a whole lot better about it. It’s seems strange after 8 months to have the house to ourselves again. It’s nice.

Xmas pics, gym odor

I finally got around to uploading the Xmas day pictures, enjoy.

At the gym today I was doing sitting cable rows which just happens to be next to the water fountain. 3 guys came up to get water at the same time. In seconds a disgusting, pungent, overwhelming stench of extreme BO hit me. Of course the first thing is to confirm it isn’t from yourself, after doing that I turned my attention to the guys at the fountain. The smell was absolutely putrid, I have no idea how the offender can stand the smell of himself. I couldn’t determine exactly which one was the culprit so in the future I’ll be doing wide circles around all 3 of them. How can you stink that bad and not know it? Nasty…..

Tivo hacking, New Years, Year recap

In yet another chapter in my attempt to further my geek career I did some additonal modifications to my Tivo last night. I can now telnet to it, ftp to it as well as control it via a web browser. In the Tivo hacking community these tricks are very tame in comparison to some of the things that can be done but for me, it was cool just the same. Now if I forgot to set the Tivo up to grab something I can hop on a web browser anywhere and set it up. Very cool, at least to me it is. 🙂

We have no big New Year’s plans. As of now we are planning to hit one or two of the local firework shows that are going on. Alison and I were trying to remember if they ever did fireworks at New Year back home. The only time we could remember it happening was for the bicenquinquangenary thing (spelling). Down here they have them every year. We should be back home in time to see good ole Dick drop the ball.

New Years is the time for resolutions, reflections and lamenting the passing of another year faster than the last. Oh wait maybe the lamenting part is just something I do. 2003 was an up and down year for me, here are the noteables.

2003 Highlights

Carnival Cruise
Addition of Nicki to our family
Green Bay Trip
Miami / Eagles game
Getting Mom moved down from PA
Finally getting braces

2003 Lowlights

Buick blaze
Pottstown Rumble Cancellation
Ball Hog Rainout
Eagles NFC Championship Loss
Sentra 2003 purchase fiasco
Another year older

We knocked out a number of major home improvements this past year. The big ones included installing gutters around the entire house, getting the storage shed, having the driveway concreted, tiling various areas inside the house and completing the landscaping around the pool as well as a couple dozen other smaller projects.

I never really proclaim official resolutions for the new year but if I had to make a short list for next year it would include:

Be in better shape than the previous year (eternal resolution)
Find a way to allow Alison to quit the job she hates and work part time from home
Be less busy with home projects and enjoy more of what our area has to enjoy
Be happy

2004 could be a big year of change and hopefully for the better. Happy New Year everyone.