The pool guys didn’t show Monday as they promised but they did show up on Tuesday. We came home to a drained pool. It looks like they drained it, patched the wall and were in the process of filling it all in one day. Too bad we have had to wait 5 weeks + for them to show. Now our pool is filling with brown smelly well water. 🙁 At least it is too cold to use right now.
I’m slowly assembling the 2nd plane I have been accumulating the parts for. It is painted Eagles silver and green. I am getting a hellacious motor for it so it should be a beast in the air. Hopefully I can keep it in the air. 😉
I got a call from the local insurance company about the Buick. He asked if it was just a little fire. I said nope, the interior is bare metal. He said , “Oh….” long pause “we will send out an adjuster” I’ll be glad when it is all behind me. Feels like a graveyard when I pull into my driveway.
I still have our outside Christmas lights going on at night. Is that tacky? It looks nice so I am not in a rush to take them down. I guess this weekend I’ll do it.
Over last weekend I slapped in a 2nd 80 gig hard drive in my home pc, giving me a total of 160 gig. The reason I did it was for video editing, those files eat up drive space FAST.
Last night I pulled out my digital cable box. Time Warner’s rates went up 6 or 7 bucks for the new year. I did some investigating, they charge me 9 bucks a month to “rent” the cable box and then another 20 a month for the digital channels it provides. However, after reviewing those channels I realized that I never view any of them, ever. So out goes the box and into my pocket goes 30 bucks a month. I’ll survive with 78 channels. 🙂
I got automatic profile generation for Exchange to work! I had messed with this off and on for awhile but finally took the time to do it. Who cares, eh?
One TV note. Watched Joe Millionaire. Boy does that guy come off as dumb. The women weren’t overly impressive either. I heard one interesting theory. Someone suggested that maybe Fox is actually pulling the wool over the viewers eyes. Maybe this guy actually is rich? Well we will see. More mindless entertainment! Tonight the Bachelorette and Celebrity Mole. Both look promising.