Weekend, Uncle Shawn, I,Robot
After having a 3 followed by a 4 day weekend, a lousy 2 day weekend seems ridiculously short. On Friday night we got the call from my mom that my brother and sis-in-law had their baby. Caroline is her name. She came about a week earlier than planned. I’m happy for them, this is my 2nd time being an uncle, the first time one was directly blood related. It feels odd realizing that my brother is now a father. My thoughts on fatherhood are still lacking direction. I think I would be a good father but I really don’t know that I am willing to give up my personal freedom. So since there is a sense of doubt I continue down the path I am on, makes sense to me at least. The dog keeps Ali more than entertained and allows her to exhibit motherly tendencies as she pleases.
On Saturday I was on the road before 6am on my way to the east coast to play in another volleyball tournament. The weather was menacing all day but we managed to escape with a couple light showers. Our net was weak, we won each match by around 10 points so we were confident. The highlight of pool play was a team that had a french guy on it. During one of his matches, their team was losing to a team that wasn’t very good. The frenchy turned to his partner and said “Let us try to be more challenging” in his thick frech accent. It sounded very funny and became our catch phrase for the day.
We had a long delay before the playoffs, between 2 and 3 hours. Our first playoff game was against 2 younger kids. It turned out one of the most important plays of the game happened before the match started. They wanted to play with their ball, one of those shitty Wilson white and yellow balls that are light and has no seams like an indoor ball almost. We wanted to play with our conventional, heavier leather ball. So in disputes they are settled with a “roll off” where both guys stand on one side of the court and roll the ball towards the line on the other side. He who gets closest to the line without going over, wins. We lost. It was factor in the game to be sure. Another storm was blowing in so it was windy. The light ball was dancing in the breezes and was bouncing off my forearms when I was passing much further than I was accustomed to. As a result, my passing was erratic and it allowed them to jump to an early lead that we never could overcome. Of course they had to deal with the conditions too but they were accustomed to how that ball reacted. So we were bummed, we had high expectations and to lose in the first playoff game was a major downer. We still had the 3/4 playoff game to play. Again we played some guys that were probably in their early 20’s. My second Monster energy drink really kicked in that game and I was hyper as hell. If the result of the play was good or bad I didn’t care, I was ready for the next one. It was a strange game where we jumped out 3-0, then they ran off 7 straight to put us down 7-3. We responded by running off 8 straight to win 11-7. During that run I had my best hit of the day, the ironic part was I wasn’t hitting. I was blocking. The guy went up to hit, I started blocking line and then leaned back hard into his angle, he hit it hard and it hit right on the beefy part of my palms and rocketed right back into his head. I enjoyed that one. So at least we ended on a winning note. That drive back across the state after a tourney is a long one.
Sunday was busy as it was my only day to tackle any jobs I wanted to get done. I woke up on my own a little after 5am even though I was exhausted. I got ideas in my head about what I wanted to get done that day so I was unable to quiet my mind down to fall back asleep. So I got up.I did some stuff on the computer until the sun came up. Then, I loaded up with bug spray and went outside to start my chores. Even though I sprayed myself up, the mosquitos were ferocious. It was so hot and humid I was sweating profusely which diluted the repellent. I would literally have dozens of mosquitos in landing patterns around my body as I madly swatted to keep them at bay. It truly sucked. So I put on a hat and long pants and sprayed some more. That made it bearable.
I weeded, transplanted some plants, weed whacked and did some car work. Ali mowed with the new mower. The Cub Cadet has an annoying “feature” where if you back up it turns off the mower deck. So everytime you back up you have to restart the blades. This is a large pain in the ass. I researched it and found that this was incorporated because of some lawsuit where a moron hurt himself or someone else mowing backwards. I also found out that it is possible to disable this by doing some unauthorized modifications that I will be performing shortly. I finally discovered that the water in the trunk of the Sentra was coming from the wheel well. I removed the wheel, hit it with a hose and watched the water form in the trunk. I triumphantly wiped up the water with a towel and made an appointment to take it back to the dealer.
Sunday afternoon we went to see I,Robot. I enjoyed the flick. The storyline was good, the effects were amazing. There were a handful of ridiculous Will Smith super hero-like moments that you just had to laugh at. The theater was very full for a flick that has been out a few weeks. I would definitely recommend it if you like techo sci-fi flicks. I always enjoy movies that depict what the future may be like.
Sunday night I did the bills. We(I) have spent a staggering amount of money in the past month. It’s not like I am buying lots of toys for myself, it’s mostly legitimate things but my issue is I need to account for what I already have spent for a month before partaking in additional purchases. It’s something I have trouble doing but need to concentrate on more. I informed Ali of the huge expenditures from the last month and she took it as a shot at her. Although she contributes to the spending, most of it is stuff that I got so I tried to explain that I was simply letting her know so we both could keep it in mind in regards to any ideas of future purchases. We need to more seriously consider the immediate need for an item before we lay down the green. I am certainly guilty as charged in not doing so consistently. We certainly don’t live paycheck to paycheck but if we ever want to be able to get away from being reliant on 2 incomes things have to change.