I’ve had fishy for a long time now, probably close to a year. He has had several episodes where I thought he was going to die. I was able to resurrect him through some treatment. This time I think it might just be old age. From what I read, fish don’t live much past 2 years old. He has just sat at the bottom of his tank basically for the better part of 2 weeks. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t want to do anything. Part of me feels like I should put him out of his misery but a bigger part would rather not and see if he snaps out of it since he has before. Feel bad for the little guy. I’ve tried all my tricks with no success. 🙁
Yep it looks different huh? I switched to a new blogging program. It is more flexible than what I was running, allows for multiple users and multiple blogs. As you can see from my links area, I have added some additional people already. 🙂 I also was able to migrate all of my old messages to here so you can still search all of my prior idiocy.
Blog on!
Taxing lan connections, what sort of idiot comes up with this plan? You have GOT to be kidding me.
I think I may be addicted to home projects. 🙂 I need to go cold turkey. It wreaks havoc on the bank account.
I’ve been getting up early to spray the grout lines with water for the past 2 days in anticipation of the final sealing of the tile tomorrow. I can’t wait to be able to move the fridge back into the kitchen and get back to “normal”.
I’ve been trying to find someone to go see Freddy vs Jason with me but I don’t know anyone down here that enjoys that type of movie. I used to watch all of the Freddy movies growing up. They used to scare the hell out of me but I would keep coming back for more. I only saw 1 or 2 of the Jason movies. I might have to wait for it to come out on video or bite the bullet and go see it myself.
I was playing more Frozen Throne last night and came up against a player with the handle RAPISTWITHAIDS. A truly repulsive handle and surely the person that chose it was a first class lowlife. I was very motivated to beat the scumbag. I did.
3 day weekend coming up.
The weekend of tile, all tile, all the time. We BUSTED ass on it Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. The good news is it is basically done! All we have to do yet is wet the grout twice a day for 3 days and then clean it and seal it. The final result looks pretty sweet, a big change. There are a few imperfections here and there but nothing bad. Grouting was a chore, my knees were screaming by the time I was done. So what is the bad news you ask? We have 3 more rooms to do! However we will be taking a break before we begin the other rooms. The kitchen is probably only a little smaller than the other 3 rooms combined so it wont be as bad. Plus we know more about the process now, so it should go better.
We got done wiping down the floor about 2pm Sunday afternoon. Great, now we can take a break! Nope, the grass needs to be mowed. 🙁 Ali and Nicki almost stepped on a snake cause they couldn’t see it in the high grass so Ali really wanted to chop it down. We set the mower deck nice and low and spent another 2 hours performing lawn care. We have several small pond areas around the yard from the large amounts of rain we got this past week. We got somewhere in the range of 5-6 inches of rain. The skies looked very gray and threatening but we managed to get it all done with only a few drops falling on our heads.
Begin videogame geek talk. As busy as we were, I still found some time to play some Frozen Throne. I had one extremely frustrating match. I was night elves and was playing an undead player. I had an big early advantage, I killed his hero, killed most of his army and had a big lead in resource collection. I let up the pressure and tried to simply accumulate resources and troops since I should easily outgain him. I got cocky and fought some sloppy battles where I lost more troops than I should have and eventually wound up losing a game I should have EASILY won. I don’t mind losing when I am clearly beaten, but to lose a game I should have easily won drives me NUTS. I did manage to win a few games this weekend which is better than I had been doing so I guess it wasn’t all bad.
The “I LOVE THE 80’s” & “I LOVE THE 70’s” is some of the best stuff on TV if you are 30 something like me and like to look back at the past. The show is funny as hell because of the people they have commenting on different aspects of the decade. It is really good stuff. You should check out VH1 and watch one show. You will be hooked. They talk about all aspects of each year, the shows, the toys, the style, the movies, very entertaining.
A lot of people that go the gym are vain to some degree. I mean why else do you go to the gym except to make your body look better? I surely have a degree of vanity with the emphasis I put on staying in shape. But today I saw a guy that was just ridiculous. He was in decent shape, nothing amazing by any stretch. But this guy would do his 30 second set and then spend his 2 or 3 minute recup time doing nothing but flexing in the mirror and admiring his physique from all possible angles. He didn’t just do this once, everytime after every set. I look in the mirror when I want to watch my range of motion on an exercise but never have I done a pose down. It looked really stupid and made the guy come off as a total dweeb to me. Talk about loving yourself… Soon I’ll give my spin on the few “excessive grunters” we have wandering around as well as the techo-dance music selections that certain counter people seem to think we enjoy.
Every night this week we have been working on the tile project in the kitchen. We are well over half done in there and hope to get a bunch more laid tonight. Last night I also had my first experience with self leveling mortar. I used it to smooth out some of the canyons in the floor. Worked well. I am over the inital shock of having the kitchen all ripped up. My insitinctive reaction to want to get it all done quickly is what caused me so much drama on Sunday. Now that I am ok with doing what I can in a steady and thorough process, I feel much better. I think it will look really sharp when it is done. I am accumulating in progress pics of the work but wont post them until it’s done.
After bragging of my improved performance playing Frozen Throne, I followed up with a 2-12 streak that brought back to that rationalization that I’m just not very good at the game. I’ll keep plugging away.