
Yesterday the counter install was scheduled to happen. When I confirmed the appointment I emphasized I needed it done by that day as I was leaving town the following day (not exactly true). When 11am arrived and I had not seen any activity in my driveway from the Ring camera I got concerned and called.

The woman on the phone said I was on the schedule for Tuesday not Monday. I told her that was not what I confirmed and that I really needed them to be completed today as discussed. She put me on hold while she tried to see where the issue was. After a few minutes of holding the owner hopped on and apologized for the miscommunication. He said he could get a crew there between 3 and 5PM. I said that was fine.

I got the Ring notification shortly before 4PM. I opened the garage and headed home. By the time I got there they already had the big slabs in the kitchen in place, they worked fast. They were finished up by 6:30. I was instructed to let the main counters set for at least an hour and the raised bar for at least a day. The only thing that did not get done is reconnecting all the plumbing which is supposed to be happening this morning.

I think the new surface looks fantastic. Having the same cabinets and counter style in the bathrooms are a smart move as well. Even though I spent a bunch of money on this I think the appreciation in home value should meet or exceed it.

I am hoping to come home tonight to a fully functional kitchen and master bathroom. I don’t have much time to get things back in order as I need to run Elsa up to Babcock since Ali and Shugs are watching her while I head up to an IT conference the last 3 days of the week.

Box to Lanai, JW, More Light, Finally hopefully

I had a very busy weekend as predicted. My top priority was to unpack the two large boxes that were sitting on the lanai to put together my outdoor furniture I bought last week. Ali and Shugs had bought a very similar set and warned me the assembly was challenging. I have put together a lot of stuff in the last few months so I was confident I could handle it.

The instructions were not great and none of the parts had the identifying sticker on them that the instructions indicated they should, perhaps that is why this set was at Big Lots. The lack of marking slowed down the process at first but I eventually figured it out. It took me between 2-3 hours to get everything assembled but I am happy with the result, it fits the corner of the lanai well. The project was not completely done however. Part two was cutting apart all of the cardboard from the boxes. That itself took damn close to an hour to complete.

Saturday night Christine and I went to see the fourth John Wick movie. Christine loves action movies as I do so we both enjoyed the film which was nothing but crazy action the entire two hours. Of course none of it had anything resembling remote plausibility but we both enjoyed it anyway. B+

Sunday I replaced the three boring and dim light fixtures that remained inside the house with the same LED lights I used at my old house. I get them from Costco. They are only $30 each and I can install it in a little more than 10 minutes. I like the additional brightness they bring to the space.

Today the counters in the kitchen and master bathroom are scheduled to finally be installed. I really hope things go as planned and they are completely installed today. For around a month I have been dealing with the disruption of normalcy in the household. I need it to resume.

I can’t drive 25, Big and heavy

I forgot to mention something interesting I saw yesterday on my way to work. I was going the back way through a neighborhood where the speed limit is 25mph. As I was getting ready to make a right turn I had to wait for a guy on bike go by with a running stroller attached behind it. I immediately noticed this guy was going fast but it didn’t look like he was working very hard to do so, so I immediately assumed he was on a pedal assist bike.

So I pull out behind him and get a sense of just how fast he is going, 24-25mph. Being an occasional road biker I know just how hard it is to maintain that speed when only human power is involved. This guy was high on his handlebars taking in the sights. However my attention quickly turned to the stroller.

This road has a number of speed bumps to ensure drivers keep their speed down. The biker was hitting these at full speed which sent the bike and it’s attached stroller off track repeatedly. I started debating if there was a child in the stroller or not. If there was he was living through a roller coaster simulation, it did not look safe. I followed the guy all the way to my turn off. I never was able to determine if there was a living creature in the stroller but if there was not, why would you have it attached?

Last night after work I headed back to Big Lots to pick up the patio furniture. I was not sure how big or numerous the boxes would be but I figured if I couldn’t get it all in one trip I could just come back. I expected a minimum of three boxes, one for the sofa, one for the table, and one for the chair. I was off by one.

The guy brought out only two boxes, one of which was gigantic. It held the sofa AND the table. The box was around 6 feet long and close to 200lbs. My only option was to plop the chair box on top which I then locked in place with my ratchet straps. Since I was going less than 3 miles I was confident I would be ok, I was.

Once I got home the real fun began. My plan was to go around the side of the house, through the fence and plop the boxes on the lanai. That plan was easy with the chair box. The sofa box was another story.

Because it was so long and so heavy it really liked tipping over and off the hand truck I was using. At one point it fell off and onto one of the hedges in front of the house, breaking off some branches as it came down.

After several tip overs I finally was able to get the monster box onto the lanai as well without permanently damaging anything, a big win. By the time I had everything unloaded it was about 7 and I called it good for the day. I had no desire to start putting them together right away.

This weekend I have a number of things I would like to accomplish with putting together and setting up the patio furniture being one of them. I also got three LED light fixtures, the same type I used out at the old house. There are three old boring fixtures that I will be updating with one of them being in the master closet. I also would like to take a whack at getting the 5 or 6 remaining boxes of stuff I have in the garage unpacked. The fact that I have been in the house a month and a half without needing most of it is an indicator some of it might also find it’s way to the garbage or donation pile.

Outside action

So I have been addressing things I wanted to upgrade at the new house at a pretty rapid pace. I figure I have the equity from the sale of the house sitting in my bank account, I may as well be using it. Last night before Christine and I went to dinner we stopped by Big Lots, yes Big Lots. We were there last week trying to find a dresser for her place. We did not find one but we did look at their outdoor furniture as well. Ali and Shugs actually bought their outdoor furniture from there and it was a nice Broyhill set. I think what I wound up buying was the exact same set.

I paid for the stuff last night and hope to return with my truck this evening to pick it up. It’s a big and comfortable L shaped sofa, a rocking/swiveling chair and a matching table. I think it is going to be awesome to just lounge on the lanai with a drunk in hand chilling or maybe even, napping, gasp.

After the cabinets/countertops are done the only significant thing I would like to get done is having storm shutters made for the house for hurricane season. The old owners used plywood like I used to out at my old place. I have first hand knowledge of how shitty of an option that is. I want to get lightweight aluminum panels that secure easily with wing nuts to the permanent mounting hardware around the windows. Once that happens I can truly rest easy with the big ticket items behind me, at least for the immediate future.

See G

Last night after work I made arrangements to stop over and see Gladys who was up visiting from Roatan for a little over a week. Although I talk to Gladys pretty regularly I asked her when the last time was I saw her in person. She said it might have been my visit to the island last July which seems improbable but possibly is true.

She has been quite busy during her time here, primarily attending to house related things. That was one of the reasons I went over there, to help her move some furniture around. She has one section of the house set up to be an Air BnB. She was looking to do a couple tweaks to get it ready to rent again.

We had a nice couple hours catching up. Even though we communicate regularly, talking in person is different and most of the time better. It was good to see her. I was bummed that my little buddy Leilani wasn’t home last night. She is always fun.

I got word that the counter install was now getting pushed back to next Monday, May 8th. I told them I was heading out of town on the 9th (actually the 10th) so I needed to confirm the counters could be installed in a day. They said it should not be a problem. Let’s hope that prediction comes true.

No more free water

A few days ago I got my first water/sewer bill from the county. Out in the estates where I used to live everybody had a septic system and well so this was something new to me. I wasn’t sure what I would be paying but I certainly did not expect the total I saw, $340. That seemed way too high, even without a point of reference. I mean I live by myself, this can’t be right.

So I called up the county yesterday and asked them if they were able to look at my bill as well as look at prior water usage by the household. They said one of the reasons my bill was that high was I was paying a prorated amount for the prior month when the house was sold. Still that only accounted for maybe $70-80 of the charges.

The woman was helpful. She suggested I do a test where I record the number on the water meter out front and then not use any water for 4 hours and see if the numbers on the meter have changed. If they have it means that something odd is going on. My understanding was that the irrigation for the house is done via an apparent well I see towards the sidewalk however, if that is NOT the case it would explain the high usage which was measured in the vicinity of 20,000 gallons. I have some homework to do.

Last night I put together a couple more pieces of furniture for Christine. My reward was another home made dinner. She is a really good cook.

Rubbed, Best video ever

I had a pretty busy weekend once again. I have been trying to help Christine out as much as possible with getting settled in her new place. Despite only being there a week the house is in pretty good shape. This weekend I hung the TV’s on the wall in her son’s bedrooms.

Saturday night she had made arrangement for us to get a couple massage in the Mercado area. Neither of our rub downs were spectacular but it was a nice way to spend 45 minutes. Afterwards we had dinner at a nearby mexican restaurant which was really good.

Sunday morning I tended to a number of small nagging issues around the house. One of those things was replacing the valve on the master bathroom tub. It would just spin, much like the problem I had at my old house with the shower, so I already knew how to fix it. I thought I would make a funny sped up video of the process for the hell of it.

I also finally got around to shooting my wrap up video for the EX30. I have had this wheel far longer than most demo wheels because I just have not had the time to dedicate to testing as I used to with all that has been going on.

Sunday afternoon I took my One Wheel to Christine’s place. She had expressed interest in trying it since she surfs and rides a long board. I figured she would pick it up pretty quickly with that background and she did. By the end of the 45 minute session she was rolling around very competently.

I am very much hoping the prediction that the counters will be installed this week come true. I am looking forward to the upgraded look and full functionality returning to the kitchen and master bathroom.

2nd Time, One Week

Last night I built a kitchen pantry purchased from Amazon, for the second time in a less than a month. The place Christine is renting could use some pantry space like mine did. I told her about the unit I bought and how it really helped give me the space I needed to store food items so she bought one too. Since I did this once before I knew what to expect.

The assembly went smoothly and was easier because I had Christine’s hands available when needed. Certain steps along the way are definitely easier with two people instead of the solo assembly I did the first time. In less than two hours it was done and we slid it into it’s spot where it filled the space perfectly.

Not only was this the second time I built a pantry, this was the second time I have been connected to an improbable cat recovery. Over 7 months ago Christine lost her one cat. She looked for him for weeks but eventually had to give up. On Wednesday she got a call from domestic animals that they had her cat. He was chipped so they were able to reach out. Christine picked Johnny up yesterday. He was in rough shape, losing over half of his body weight but he was alive and back home. It was really touching.

I reached out to the counter place hoping to get some solid timeline for when my counters would be installed. To say I am tired of doing dishes in the bathroom sink would be a massive understatement. They said the install should happen some time next week which was good news for me.

This weekend I have nothing but could do’s with very few must do’s. I like that arrangement.

Bubble gum and duct tape

With the Pickleball US Open wrapping up this past weekend that means the courts are now once again available for public play. I already have played twice this week as well as volleyball on Tuesday night. It really has been somewhat surprising that my body has been holding up to this new regimen which started early in 2023.

For the last 6-7 years there has been a gradual reduction in what I was doing physically. The weight numbers I was lifting plateaued or receded, I dropped running back in 2020 altogether and even my calisthenics tailed off quite a bit. This has been the first time in recent memory where I am pushing the dial back the other direction. I just hope the bubble gum and duct tape that is holding things together at this point doesn’t fail.

With playing more pickleball I am getting incrementally better at it. Pickleball has a surprising amount of strategy to it. The slow and short back and forth dinking that you see looks weird but is a necessary component of the game. Not surprisingly it is the part of the game I enjoy the least. My favorite time is when I am able to hit the ball hard, there are two situations I most enjoy.

If I am back mid-court and the opposing players are close, by the kitchen line I love winding up and just hitting the ball as hard as I can. Sometimes the hit will be right at a players body and if they aren’t quick enough it will hit them which is a point. However the better result is a low line drive with top spin that just barely clears the net that is past the opposition so fast they have no chance to react.

My favorite scenario is when a ball comes across head height or higher and drifting to my left. I play pickleball right handed due to being converted by a tennis coach when I was young. However my left arm is used for all other sports and has much more snap in it. So as long as the ball coming across is slow enough I can quickly switch the paddle to my left hand and crush the ball, which rarely will come back my direction after doing so. Of course sometimes things don’t go as planned and I may drive the ball into the net or deep out of bounds but when it works as intended, I love the feeling. I switch to my left hand in other scenarios as well and more often than not am pretty reliable with those shots.

Better ball, The Summit

Last night I played volleyball again. I was happy that my overall play was much more consistent this week than last. I had a few hits. I would have had my best hit in 12 years. I had a good approach and swung very hard, unfortunately it caught the top of the net. Just the sound of my hand making that type of impact triggered memories of years ago. As usual I emerged as the most sand covered player on the court, and it felt good.

Yesterday for no particular reason I decided to change my profile picture on Facebook. Since last summer it has been a pic I took when I was in the Adirondacks with my family where I was on the laptop doing a blog entry, ironically.

I cut out an image of me from a recent YouTube thumbnail and inserted it near the the top of rough, steep and treacherous rock formation. It was meant to be symbolic in nature. I won’t spoil it by laying it all out but I think if you read my blog on a regular basis you can likely figure out what I was going for.