
Please keep in mind this is written after being affected by covid for close to a week, your mileage may vary.  Getting sick on the end of a month that contained so many highlights from the trips to New York and Roatan has done some weird things to me mentally.  I shot a brief video for members of my YouTube channel explaining what is going on and how I have been feeling.  During that four minutes I described how when I looked around I felt behind, behind in so many ways.  I like to be ahead of most curves, not so far behind that I can hardly see the curve anymore. The feeling has been deflating my mood.

I also have this weird feeling of being disengaged which is a bit hard to quantify/describe.  I don’t feel connected to what I normally am.  I am lacking excitement about my future.  I just am not feeling positive, which is something I have put a lot of effort into working on the last several months.  I know your thoughts steer your mood and I am hoping this is just a side effect of feeling like shit for a prolonged period of time. Still, I am feeling much more robotic right now and far less human.

I was thinking I would be back at the office instead of working remotely once again today however I pulled another positive covid test last night.  The strong symptoms have faded.  I have no fever, no significant GI distress and coughing fits are rare.  What I do have is an overall sense of weakness and fatigue that does not seem to be lifting or changing.  It’s not to a debilitating level but it’s significant.  My sister’s family just got over Covid, Torrin said it took 12 days until she got a negative covid test result.

There have been so many variants of covid since this mess began.  Some have been stupidly mild but I have heard time and time again that people getting whatever thisrecent strain is have been smacked hard, and it hangs with you.  Awesome.

Trying to regain my footing

This covid experience has been pretty miserable.  I have had a rotation of symptoms that covers the spectrum.  They have included body aches, extreme lethargy, the chills, the sweats, coughing, a nose like a faucet and of course the lovely three days of diarrhea.  Although the physical manifestation of the illness sucks it’s the mental side effects that are most impactful for me.

I am a person that is used to being a free standing piece of granite that resists most forces imparted upon it.  I handle problems, address issues, endure hardship, and just get shit done without excuses.  Covid has incinerated that part of me.  Even the simplest task felt too large, my motivation to do most anything was null.  During this time I imagined that this is what it must feel like when you are clinically depressed.  I have never been able to imagine a reality where simply getting out of bed was a task upon itself.  I now have had a bitter taste of that, and I hate it.

There has been slow improvement over the last couple days.  My body still has that overarching feeling of being drained. I still have coughing fits but last night was the first time I did NOT have an explosive bathroom visit since Friday which is progress for sure.  I took another covid test late yesterday and it still came back positive so again I am home working remotely.  My hope is to get a clear test today so I can go back to work tomorrow to restart some semblance of normalcy.

I did cancel my hernia surgery and left it open ended, not wanting to set a new date.  I just don’t need another medical procedure in 2022, f it.  For the last few months I feel I have ridden with very loose reins in several aspects of my life, pushing my better judgement to the side, letting things slide, being careless with spending, and just not doing what I need to be doing.  It’s time to straighten up and fly right.


As I mentioned in the last blog entry I returned from Roatan not feeling great.  My energy was low, I felt tired but still functional.  There have been multiple times during the last month between the New York trip and this one where I felt off for a short period of time but was able to feel better by the next day.  With as widespread as covid is now and me injecting myself repeatedly into crowded situations I felt a little surprised that I was able to escape it.  So on Friday after dropping Gladys off I returned home and still felt off but good enough to mow the grass.  However by the time Friday evening came around things had taken a turn for the worse.

I went to bed with the shivers, feeling cold enough that I pulled the blanket up to my neck.  I woke up a couple hours later sweating, pulling all covers off me.  My nose was running, my body was feeling depleted but then the finishing shot was the diarrhea which kept me from sleeping more than an hour at a time the rest of the night.  I felt like absolute death Saturday morning.  I had no energy, even the simplest of tasks seemed like they would require too much effort.  I was barely able to do the chicken chores, I left out the extended cleaning I normally do on a Saturday, I just had nothing in my tank. Weeding? Forget it, they can grow.  Once I went back inside I laid on the couch and did not move for quite awhile.  All signs pointed to me having covid.

So I was not very well stocked for illness treatment at the house.  I had no cold medicine, no decongestant, no cough medicine, and not even a thermometer.  Getting myself off the couch and into the truck to drive to CVS required a stupid amount of mental pushing.  My body just did not want to do ANYTHING. I finally got my ass in the truck and made the 3 mile drive.  I masked up to go into the store, not wanting to share this misery with anyone else.  I grabbed NyQuil/Dayquil, the thermometer, Imodium, and a covid test.  Shortly after getting home I did the test and got a no doubt about it positive result.  I also took my temperature several times, the highest I read was 99.5 so it was not dangerously high.

The first person I told was Gladys since she had spent face to face time with me for the past week.  She was not feeling badly but did a home test anyway which came up negative which I was happy to hear.  I also let Alison and Torrin know.  Ali had covid a month or two ago and was pretty hammered by it.  My sister and her entire family had it as well recently.  The universal advice I got is to rest which I had absolutely no choice but to obey.  My body was done.  I spent the rest of the day alternating between sleeping and watching tv, although at times watching tv felt like too much work.  It’s crazy.

I started dosing with DayQuil and then took a NyQuil before bed (although I never really left bed)  My sleep last night was better than Friday for sure, I think I only got out of bed once.  I awoke this morning in better condition than Saturday, albeit still feeling like shit.  The combo of diarrhea and not eating much had me down to 175lbs on the scale last night.  Gladys has been concerned about me and reached out a number of times which was sweet.  She said her sister, who is a nurse, suggested I take some pills and an anti-viral shot she has used on others with covid.  It has had good results in shortening the time you are down.  I was open to anything to make getting back to normal come sooner rather than later so I stopped at Gladys’s place while I was out to get basic groceries.  Her sister gave me the shot.  Even though the needle was really long I didn’t feel all that much.  It was weird being around everyone with masks on but necessary.  I’m thankful for the support Gladys’s family has shown me, they are special people.

I masked up again to grab the handful of groceries I needed.  I was literally the only person in Publix wearing a mask that I saw.  I know that the approach to covid is now basically a shoulder shrug but I still would not want to wish this last 24 hours on anyone.  It’s been a very long time since I have been flattened by illness to this level.

So there are going to be some additional side effects from testing positive with covid.  First I can’t go back to work without a negative test.  I plan to work from home tomorrow and retest then to see if I am still generating the virus.  Second I plan to cancel the hernia surgery that I had scheduled for Friday.  I am pretty sure you aren’t allowed to even have surgery if you had recent covid infection but even if that wasn’t the case I would cancel anyway.  The hernia is not significant right now and my life has felt in upheaval enough recently, throwing a surgery into the mix is not something I want or need right now.  There are a lot of ducks that need to be lined up in my world.



The Last Chapter

After finishing up the blog yesterday morning I got the rest of my stuff packed which as predicted, did not take long.  Gladys had a lot more to pack considering she is doing so with a trip to Holland and Montana back to back.  When it came time to leave I paused and took one more glance out over the water, appreciating the view that I had the chance to enjoy for the last week.  If I said it didn’t stir up some sort of emotion inside me, I’d be lying.

Dustin and Kat again were gracious, just like they have been during my entire visit, and agreed to drop us off at the airport.  I said my goodbyes to them and thanked them for everything.  I pulled Dustin in for an awkward hug which made me laugh afterwards.  Having Gladys along as a travel buddy made getting processed at the Roatan airport stupid easy since she has done it so often.  Gladys was also nice to sit next to in the plane.  We split her travel pillow and split her airpods to watch a free movie on the plane.

I knew Miami was going to be far more aggravating than Roatan but again Gladys is a pro in how everything goes there so it made it once again easier.  When we approached the immigration area where you check back into the country it was a pretty daunting site.  There was this tremendous snaking line of human beings that doubled back on itself at least a dozen times.  The line did keep moving but it’s pure length was amazing.  However, if I utilize some of G’s (what I call Gladys most of the time), positive thinking, 15 minutes after we entered the line it had backed up far worse and was spilling into the entrance.  So we were lucky we got there when we did, there is your positive spin.  The funny thing is the reason you stand in line was for a security guard to look at your passport, look at you and move on.  I think my interaction with the guy was less than 10 seconds.

So next up was grabbing our bags which we did NOT have to wait for thankfully.  By the time we exited the building it was somewhere around 90 minutes after we got off the plane.  The next mission was to find the truck.  Luckily I took a picture of the nearby sign when I parked so we knew where to go.  On the way there we saw signage that indicated you should use a pay station before exiting the garage.  Hmm weird but ok.  The way we took it, this was the main way to get out of there.

So I did a quick survey of the top floor where we were parked, no pay stations were there.  So we started driving downward, thinking perhaps they are only on lower floors for weather protection.  When I saw no indication of a pay station on the 5th or 4th floor I was confused.  Why was there a sign instructing to use a pay station if pay stations are not spread around everywhere??

So we continued downward, finally I saw a pay station sign on the 3rd floor.  I put on my 4 way flashers and jumped out.  I was behind a guy that was getting frustrated because the machine would not take his credit card.  Instead he had to feed it cash to cover the $60+ fee.  So once he cleared out I put my ticket in and saw the charge to park for a week, $136, sheesh.  I was really hoping the credit card failure was a fluke because I wasn’t sure if I had that amount of money in smaller bills.  So I start feeding in my cash, not counting it ahead of time, brilliant, I know.  So my wallet keeps getting thinner and thinner.  By the time I paid the bill I had $1 left, insane.  So at least we were finally good to go, I headed down to the exit and literally blurt out WTF??! What I see is 10 spots or more where you could pay with your credit card and 3 or 4 where you used your pay station ticket.  I guess I know for next time as I never parked at Miami International before.

The ride across Alligator Alley went well.  I got us out of Miami and to the rest station halfway across.  I let Gladys take over because she likes driving and because I was feeling really wiped out from whatever illness had overtaken me. I had the chills, a runny nose, and all of that fun stuff.  We got back to my house around nine where we shared a cauliflower crust pizza and watched the ending of the movie we started on the plane.  Gladys was really sweet to me, knowing I didn’t feel well. It was appreciated.

Elsa was of course very excited to see me and after a short while remembered who Gladys was, hanging by her side more than once. I slept pretty well although when I did wake up in the middle of the night it was with a t-shirt that was sweat drenched.  I woke up this morning not feeling significantly better or worse.  The guy arrived to do the final service on the new windows on time which was appreciated.  He was a friendly and funny guy named Pedro.  I thought this service would take less time so once he was done inside Gladys and I took off so she could get home to see her family.  When we pulled up to her driveway her niece and sister Margaret were already outside.  Because I am sick I steered clear of any close interactions with them which is a bummer as I would have liked to say hi to everyone.  Watching Gladys embrace her family was touching to bear witness to.  Gladys gave me a big hug, thanked me for everything, and I was off.

I had one pit stop to make, picking up another EUC, yes you read that right.  There is a backstory about it that I plan to talk about on a live stream tomorrow night. When I got home despite feeling pretty shitty I felt like I had to get out and mow the grass. The standing water was gone for now so I figured I needed to take advantage of the circumstance.  I expect my weekend to be pretty packed as you can imagine.  Yea it would be nice to be able to just rest but ever since I have become a lone wolf, there is no option B when it comes to getting stuff done.  What I am going to have to juggle after my upcoming hernia surgery is going to be a challenge, for sure.

So here I am on the other side of two big trips in a very short duration, something I have never done in my entire life.  The trip to Roatan exposed me to such a different way of living where you rarely look at a clock, eat when your hungry, enjoy other people and experiences without the shackles of a modern American life, at least my version of it.  My time there had some ups and downs but I learned from all of it.  Gladys and I will always be dear friends, even as our paths diverge.



The final countdown

Yesterday morning Gladys and I once again tried doing the snorkel journey around the point, the same path we abandoned yesterday due to bad conditions.  This time we had much better visibility for 2/3 of the swim and saw some beautiful fish along the way.  Once again I exited the water feeling like my nose was encased in sea water which has had some consequences I’ll talk about later.

Since it was the second to last day here I wanted to make sure I gave Gladys a hand with the things I said I would.  One of those things was hooking up an old TV with a built in DVD player to external speakers.  The internal speakers appeared to be bad so we hoped this was a way around it, using the audio out RCA jack on the TV to feed the speakers.  Well the plan failed, even with the speakers attached there was no external sound output.  I was bummed out.  It seems like the sound driver board in the TV is toast so unfortunately a new TV will likely be the solution, especially with as inexpensive as they are.

I also hung three curtain rods for Gladys.  She has a decent collection of tools so it wasn’t much of a challenge.  I tried to be a hero and help Gladys drill a hole in a 4 gang outlet cover so she could feed some coax through it.  She was going very slow (intentionally) but I asked her to let me try.  So I crank the speed to max, pop through the other side and plate instantly cracks in half, it was a pretty hard/brittle type of plastic.  I felt like an idiot.  I’ll get her a replacement cover that doesn’t require drilling back in the states.

The final thing was to navigate Gladys’s tiny DJI drone to do a fly away shot that she will use as part of other content.  It was my first time flying that model.  Despite it’s small size it delivers high quality and stable video.  I think the shots turned out well.

I joined Gladys for her to run more errands connected to her property management position.  Seeing her daily routine makes me feel assured I would not be a great property manager.  The job requires countless phone calls/messages while running around as required to take care of the needs of the properties and the clients who rent them.

On the way back we stopped at the same coffee shop as the prior day, the one with the outdoor dock seating area.  We enjoyed our coffee inside this time but did it front of the back glass wall that had a big section slid open.  I really like the vibe of that place.

So I was feeling increasingly shitty as the day progressed.  At first I wrote it off to a side effect of Taco Tuesday.  I also have been doing a poor job of hydrating down here.  With how much you sweat in the intense heat and humidity you have to keep drinking.  However by the afternoon I was feeling something else that was unwelcomed but familiar, discomfort in my head.  My assumption is it is related to all of sea water that has gone into my head the past week, awesome.

Last night we went out to dinner again with Kat and Dustin, doing yet another thing I have not done in years, eat sushi.  The food was good although the service was a little on the slow side.  It was an interesting night for me where I found out a little more background about Gladys, Dustin and Kat.  I am extremely appreciative of the kindness and inclusion they have shown me during my week here.  I understand more clearly why Gladys speaks so positively of both of them.

When we got back Gladys did some significant packing while laid there on the bed hanging out, it was nice, for some reason.  I still have to finish packing but I am pretty sure I can do the entire process in 15 minutes.

Unfortunately I had a pretty rough night of sleep.  My head was filling up.  When I got out of bed this morning I dumped peroxide in both ears to hopefully give me enough relief to at least get through the day.

It has certainly been a magical week here on the island and of course I owe that to Gladys.  Her willingness to share her home with me and show me why this place is so special to her is something I will carry with me from this point forward.  That being said, being back in my own stomping grounds this evening will be good as well.  One thing I have always liked about living in Florida is instead of feeling all depressed about vacations completing, I get to look forward to coming back to a place many people dream of.

Thank you Gladys…..



Taco Tuesday

Tuesday was again a mixed bag of weather with some rain and clouds.  I decided to start the morning with a solo snorkel.  I also decided to do this without fins, just wearing my water shoes instead.  I felt somewhat clunky and uncomfortable in the fins the other day and I appeared to be able to get around the water just using a modified breast stroke where I just used my upper body.

I had a very peaceful journey around the bay and was out there for quite a while.  Being inches away from all of these beautiful fish feels surreal, like I am swimming in the biggest salt water aquarium of all time.  The constant change in water temperature was interesting depending on the depth of water and currents around me.  At one moment it would feel bathtub warm and then a blast of wake you up cooler water would wash over me.  It was a serene way to start my day.

Gladys made homemade pancakes for breakfast among other things.  I watched the process and pitched in where I could.  The food was really good. We got ready and then headed out for another day of zipping around the island.  There were a number of fun moments.

We stopped and went to the top of a mini-lighthouse looking structure that held beautiful views of the surrounding  area.  I thought I had lost the mic cover on my GoPro while I was up top but it turned out it fell off in the car, thankfully.

We stopped at a shopping area that was very cool, it was made primarily out of shipping containers.  The really cool thing was the face of the structure had two of them that were stacked on end vertically.  There were some interesting gift shops where we grabbed a couple things.  We also stopped at a coffee house that also sold chocolate made in Honduras.  The mocha coffee I got was good.  We tasted a bunch of the chocolate samples and liked them so much we bought a few bars to bring back to Gladys’s family.

We eventually made our way to the West Bay area , the same place we wound up when we took the boat ride with Dustin and Kat.  Gladys wanted us to get massages on the beach from a woman she knows and has used before.  I had not received a real massage in at least a decade and of course never on a beach so I was down to do it.

Originally I said I would be ok just doing a 30 minute session but Gladys soon convinced me to do a full hour.  Immediately the woman recognized what a knot filled mess my back was.  As she was applying pressure down the length of my back it felt like she was running over countless speed bumps.  She told Gladys in spanish that I must have a lot of stress.  Spoiler, I do.  She spent the most time on my back which was good.  Gladys also told her I like I having my head rubbed so she did a lot of work there too, which was fantastic.  By the end of the session she had gotten a lot of the knots pushed out, which was a painful process for me at times.  There was a lot of wincing going on but overall I really enjoyed it.

After we got back we decided to go back out for another snorkel session.  Gladys suggested going around the point and exiting on Kat and Dustins deck.  I was up for the challenge.  Once again I went finless while Gladys had on her set, unlike me she is very adept with her fins.

So the water looked rough from afar but we thought it would still be ok.  It didn’t take long to see that this was going to be challenging.  There were some decent waves smacking us around.  A few times the end result was me getting pushed into some sharp coral which left a few bloody marks on me.  The other issue was visibility was poor due to the multiple episodes of hard rain we have been having.  A couple times Gladys asked me if I was good to keep going, which I was.  Even though I was a bit tired this had now become a challenge in my head and I was willing to push till the end.  Eventually Gladys made the call that we should turn around.  The rough water combined with very poor visibility where you couldn’t really see much around you made up her mind it wasn’t worth the effort.  Of course I trusted her judgement in this environment that has been foreign to me up until a couple days ago.

I have had a weird thing going on as a result of snorkeling, random episodes of water pouring from my nose hours afterward.  When I have the mask on the separate compartment where your nose goes fills up with water for me.  I thought it was normal but evidently it isn’t.  Because of this I guess I wind up with water in my sinuses that does not appear to come out easily.  What happens later is I will be bending over and suddenly a stream of water comes pouring out of my nose, it’s ridiculous and probably not a good thing to have sea water sloshing around inside your head.

So Gladys, Kat and Dustin have had this tradition called Taco Tuesday.  They go out and get food and then head to a place that offers live music and dancing.  This was going to be my chance to experience it.

We first went to a place that sells poopoosas, a food that Gladys and I saw on the Food channel a day or two prior.  Kat, Dustin, Gladys and I slid into the seats along the bar rail that faces the street.  Not once but twice I managed to bang my head into a box that housed a tv.  I have skills.

We then walked down to the party bar.  I immediately saw a lot of familiar faces from our trip to Papa Bones.  I started buying more Salvas to keep the fun flowing, Dustin and I already had a couple at dinner.  This bar is two stories, I could hear the party going on up top but had no idea how crazy it was until we ventured up there.  The band featured Lesandro, the same guy I talked about previously that has amazing guitar skills.  Unlike the other night he was singing as well.

The space was packed with people, all bouncing to the beat of the music.  I kept downing Salvas to the point where I started moving as well.  Seeing me dance is almost as rare as me getting a massage.  It was impossible to not be swept up by the energy in the room.  At one point a woman hopped on a table and was going nuts.  Gladys is an incredible dancer, it was something to see.  We hung there for a decent amount of time.  Just like most of this trip, even though this was an environment I have never found myself in, I embraced the moment and enjoyed it.

When we got back we went out on the dock to see if we could spot the octopus.  The search was intensive and long but without success. Everyone was very happy and drunk.  Again, despite being affected by the alcohol I did not lose out on appreciating the moment as the moments from this trip are winding down.

To make things even more memorable the power went out for an hour or two.  At one point Gladys and I went back out on the deck, taking the complete darkness as an opportunity to take in the stars, it was beautiful.  We were up late, very late just talking about life like we often do.  Gladys has been and always will be a dear friend in my life.  The time I have spent here has been good for me in many, many ways.

With this being our last full day here (Gladys flies back to Miami with me), we will be getting all of our ducks lined up for the return trip but I am sure there will still be many gems of happy moments to collect during the day.


In the trees

Last night there was some strong storms that shook Gladys’s house.  The intensity of the rain was next level however when daybreak hit the rain had stopped.  When I checked my DarkSky app it indicated that the day should be mostly cloudy with no significant precipitation.  This app is incredibly accurate in the US but it seems that accuracy is not as good here because there appears to not be the same level of weather radar coverage as in the US.

During the morning Gladys had a number of work related errands to take care of.  She has to be somewhat of a fireman, handling whatever issues come up with clients and the rentals she manages.  I just rode shotgun and brought along the book I started reading, The Travelers Gift.  It’s a relatively short read with a lot of important simple truths spun in a way that keeps your interest.  I should finish it soon.

After the errands were done we stopped at a place Gladys knows well where we had a very traditional Honduran breakfast which was tasty.  As I mentioned the weather forecast was not very accurate as we were experiencing off and on sessions of rain for most of the day.  During a break in the rain we decided to go to the nearby zip line/ATV/animal park.  Originally we were thinking about doing all three but decided to drop the ATVs because Gladys says you get incredibly dirty on a normal day, doing it after a day of off/on rain would have been a pretty big mess.

I had one other reason I was not thrilled with the idea of driving an ATV, my right wrist.  During the morning I was down in the driveway.  There is a bed filled with agave plants.  Agave plants are very cool but they also have spears on their ends that are incredibly sharp.  As I was near one of them I spun around to look for something.  As I did, I inadvertently stabbed myself, hard on my right wrist joint.

The pain was instant but what I couldn’t believe that in the time I looked at my wrist there was a ton of blood which also rolled into my palm.  I must have really went deep.  Luckily because it was a small puncture it stopped bleeding pretty quickly but the pain was significant.  As the day has advanced there has been swelling in the area that has greatly reduced range of motion in the joint.  A quick web search revealed some scary outcomes for agave stabbings but most of the scenarios talked about seeing how things are in 24 hours before reevaluating the need for more attention.  So anyway by the time we got to the venue, twisting the throttle with my right hand would have been a joke.

So we opted to just do the zip lines and the animal display which includes monkeys, tropical birds, sloths and more.  We got harnessed up as well as having helmets attached to your cranium.  The way they do this normally is with two guides.  One guide goes down the line ahead of you and then operates the brake at the landing zone, the other guide is responsible for making sure each rider is securely latched in.

In total there are 10 zip line segments.  Reaching some of them requires climbing some pretty substantial sets of stairs.  The only zip lining I had done that I could recall was doing it superman style over old Vegas.

There was one other couple that was with us.  The four of us took turns in order.  Gladys and I switched back and forth a lot so we could alternate taking pictures/videos of us coming and going.  Because my legs are so long I tried to pay careful attention to make sure they were pulled as high as possible when coming to a stop, there isn’t a lot of clearance at some spots on the landing deck.

As we did more segments the guide had us be a bit more daring.  First he encouraged us to do running starts where you take a few steps and dive off the platform, which was fun.  He then surprised me by saying on one particular line we could go upside down.  You basically lower yourself totally upside down and let your arms hang.  Three of the four of use decided to give inverted a try.  It was fun and different watching the vista fly by while upside down.  The only real important detail is to make sure you pull yourself back up normal position before hitting the landing deck, obviously.

I found the construction of the park interesting.  I found myself imagining the challenges of building these structures in the middle of a jungle.  There were also some suspension bridges that looked pretty beat but they got the job done. By the time we finished up the last segment I felt like a zip line veteran.

After getting de-geared we headed into the animal section of the park.  The most interactive part of the experience was right up front when we went into an area with two monkeys.  They immediately knew the drill and hopped onto Gladys and my head/back/shoulders.

The guide started giving the monkeys sunflower seeds.  They would make funny noises as they would eat them.  It was very cute.  The guide then started giving Gladys and I seeds.  As soon as you pinched a seed between your fingers the monkey would instantly snatch it away and chow down. It was fun.

The tropical birds were beautiful with several parrot variations and a toucan.  We went into the sloth area which had something like 9 sloths in it.  The guide had to use a long ladder to get one of the sloths down.  I held it briefly but it seemed he wanted to get back in the trees so we quickly returned him to the guide. That pretty much wrapped up the animal section of the venue.

Afterwards we went to a very zen-like coffee shop to grab an afternoon latte.  It was raining hard when we first sat down inside but after the rain stopped we relocated to another seating area at the end of a dock.  While sitting there we started up a conversation with a woman that also was a diver, Roatan is well known for being a great place to dive.  Her and Gladys were talking a lot about their shared love of diving.  The woman lives in Tulsa but had been down diving in Roatan for close to two weeks, doing 2-3 dives per day.  Many of Gladys’s friends down here are active divers so I have gotten a good sense of just how much passion they have for it.

Our Monday evening has been chill which has been fine with me.  I rarely read, except when on vacation, since I am not chained by my never ending to do’s that follow me around in my normal life.  I think I may try to do some more snorkeling tomorrow, I do really enjoy getting a window into everything that is under the surface.  This trip has been eye opening for me, exposing me to sights, sounds and experiences I would have never had an inkling to do without Gladys’s encouragement.  I plan to take some of the lessons I have learned here forward into whatever comes next.






To the end

As I am sitting here typing this out on the deck overlooking the water I see a cruise ship coming into port, it’s surreal.

Sunday Gladys wanted to take me all the way to the top of the island which is a pretty lengthy drive, somewhere around an hour one way.  Along the way we made a few stops, including another visit to the hardware store.

There was also an amazing coincidence along the way.  Gladys got a text telling her that some friends of hers were unexpectedly in town and that we would be hanging out with them last night.  She was very surprised and excited by the news.  We stopped for coffee at some surprisingly modern looking “mall”.  As we walk in the door of the coffee shop, her friends are sitting there….. Wow, I could hardly believe the timing.  We sat and talked to them for a bit before we all headed out, knowing we would see them again in a few hours.

The drive was memorable for sure.  The last third of it or so is on a dirt road with many challenges.  One was unexpected, getting stuck in a cattle traffic jam.  Some man was walking at least 25 cattle up this dirt road.  He tried to get them to move out of the way for the car but some of the animals were not very interested in yielding the right of way.

Gladys was trying to get to a lookout area up a steep hill.  The recent rains had created massive gulleys in the road where water had washed out the surface.  She carefully zig zagged back and forth to avoid getting the SUV stuck, it was impressive.

We stopped at two places in the east end.  The first was this ragged looking bar out on a dock.  As soon as I stepped inside I loved it.  The inside bar area was small with a hummingbird feeder on one of the tables.  There were at least a half dozen hummingbirds feeding on and off while we were there.  Sitting there enjoying a beer was one of those moments I will look back fondly on for years to come.

The second stop was in a place called Punta Gorda.  There was a place that served fish that Gladys was very excited for me to try, two dishes in particular.  The first was a fish soup that has a cooked fish in the middle of a creamy broth.  The second was an entire fish that was fried.  Neither of these entrees are anything I would seek out myself but in the spirit of the trip where I have been trying to open myself up to pretty much anything, I dug in.

Gladys and I shared both dishes.  The soup came with some mashed plantain biscuit that is used in conjunction with the soup.  The fried whole fish was best eaten with your hands mostly.  The visual was not great but it tasted good as well.  In addition Gladys ordered a shot of some local liquor that I can’t recall the name of.  It’s contains the root of some tree.  We split that as well.

After the meal we needed to get back to meet up with Gladys’s friends.  On the way out we got stuck in some sort of parade that is part of a night time celebration in Punta Gorda.  It was pretty hilarious.  We had a wall of cars coming at us.  Somehow Gladys managed to get us through it.  The long drive back was pretty hilarious.  Both Gladys and I were being pretty silly, cracking each other up over random things.  I also had my GoPro along so I have some funny footage to throw together at some point.

We got back just in time to clean up and meet up with Glady’s friends as well as Dustin and Kat.  The couple we met earlier were celebrating their one year wedding anniversary.  Kat had kept the top of their wedding cake for them per tradition which I thought was really sweet. We drank champagne and each shared a piece of cake as well.

The celebration was not over, we headed over to one of the main hang outs of the group called Popa Bones.  Along the way we picked up another friend of Gladys named Maxine.  I was already mildly drunk from the few beers during the day followed by the champagne.  I chased it with another three beers there.  I didn’t really need/want any food.  The alcohol helped me flow from conversation to conversation with a ton of other friends of Gladys that were hanging there as well.

At one point the skies opened up, dumping buckets of rain onto the partially open seating area.  Being drunk I stayed out in the rain a bit and walked through a temporary waterfall of rain pouring down off the roof.  They had live music there as well.  I had met one of the guys playing the day before.  He played a mean harmonica as well as sung a bit.  The lead guitarist however was amazing, his riffs were so clean.  It was a real pleasure to see him play.  We stayed there till damn close to closing.

I woke up today feeling less than fantastic which isn’t surprising based on the amount and diversity of alcohol I consumed.  That doesn’t take away from yesterday being great.  I really appreciated Gladys going out of her way to show me things that I would never see/do otherwise in my normal existence.  I’ll always be grateful for that.


All Wet

Last night Gladys and I hung with her neighbors Kat and Dustin.  We ran out to get a few pizzas and then enjoyed them at their house.  Their house is pretty amazing and only getting more so since they are in the middle of adding a pool and addition to the waterfront property.  We opted to eat the pizza on a small little lookout on the very top of the structure.  To access this spot you have to ascend a spiral staircase and then do a short vertical climb on a ladder-like feature.

The view up top is pretty amazing.  With the height comes more wind, keeping the humid air from being more impactful.  The height also  gives you perspective of everything around you.  The stars are much more visible down here due to a lack of light pollution in more populated areas.  The first night I could actually see the faint outline of the Milky Way, something I have never been able to do in Florida.  In addition to the pizza wine was consumed which cranked up the silliness of the interaction.  At one point there was a near non-stop string of uncontrollable laughter going on.  It was really fun.

Afterwards Gladys wanted to go down to the dock and look for her octopus.  She does this quite often, shining a light into the water looking for one of them.  They are pretty easy to spot due to their normal vibrant bluish color.  One of them was around and it followed the light, evidently they find it interesting.  Gladys has had a number of experiences where the octopus would come up and touch her briefly however this interaction was different.

Gladys was standing on a stone with her feet only covered by an inch or so of water.  The octopus came all the way up to her and went over her entire hand and foot for an extended period of time.  The interaction was cool for me to watch.  Gladys was really touched by what happened as well.

Saturday started slower than Friday but we still went out and did snorkel run.  It was shorter and in less deep water than the day before but still fun.  In a way it was better because you are closer to everything.  We had a particularly interesting interaction with two squid that stayed in front of us for a very long time, just observing us as we did them.

In the middle of the day we once again headed out to get a few things done related to Gladys’s work.  When we got back we were invited to go out on one of Todd and Kat’s boats to travel down to an area called West Bay, one of the more resort/tourist parts of the island.  I had not been on a boat in many, many years.  We sat in the back and got splashed repeatedly from a combo of the boat’s speed and choppy water.

When we arrived at the beach Dustin docked right along the beach edge which was convenient.  We all had lunch at a popular spot.  While we were there two more friends of everyone showed up.  After finishing our meal we headed into the water to float and drink some of the extra alcohol Dustin had packed.  It was very chill.

The ride back to the property was pretty nuts.  A storm was approaching, the resulting wind had really whipped up the water.  Gladys and I got sprayed non-stop, we both looked like we stepped out of the shower by the time we got back, it was funny.  I was actually cold, the warm shower felt good afterwards.

Tonight we are again hanging with Dustin and Kat which I expect to be another entertaining evening.

A River of Humanity, As Different as it Gets

I was very glad that I took Wednesday off as it made prepping for the trip to Roatan much more doable.  As I was looking for something else I came across the folder that contains all of the information pertaining to my hernia surgery on August 12th.  When I opened the folder I saw the lab order for blood work that needed to be done before the procedure.  When I realized that by the time I returned I would only have a week to go before the surgery I suddenly realized I needed to try to get the blood work done TODAY.

I hopped online to the Quest website.  I originally thought I could just walk in on a Wednesday but I decided to make an appointment, just to be safe.  That was a good move.   There were only two time slots left at the closest facility which I couldn’t believe, I booked for 1PM.  After doing a half assed mowing of the property, limited by the standing water in certain areas, I headed out for the test.

When I walked in the office I could hardly believe it, the waiting room was PACKED, standing room only.  I guess I was naive thinking that blood testing would not be in high demand on a Wedneday.  I wound up getting in about 10 minutes after my time slot which wasn’t bad considering how many people were there.  I started feeling the sweats and clamminess coming on before I even entered the blood draw room.  My entire life I have had a physical reaction to having blood drawn and this was no different.  I just looked elsewhere and kept focusing on other things.  Luckily there were only a couple vials needed and my veins are pretty pronounced, so it didn’t take long.

Wednesday night I gassed up the Tacoma, finished packing and tried to get to bed early.  Gladys told me multiple times that flying out of the Miami airport was sort of insane.  I had never flown from there before but I felt confident it couldn’t be significantly worse than other big city airports I have utilized. That confidence was misplaced.

The flight was scheduled to leave shortly after noon.  My goal was to leave the house around 7AM, which is my normal departure for work anyway.  I hit that timeframe although I did do a slight detour to grab coffee.  Even so, originally the GPS predicted a little more than two hour trip which would leave me a nice chunk of time to spare to deal with any other issues that came up.  I’m very fortunate I had that time as I used up almost the entire excess.

The vast majority of the drive was fine, the Tacoma was comfortable and the miles were dropping off quickly.  However with less than 20 miles to go the GPS estimate all of a sudden exploded, saying it was going to take more than 50 minutes to complete the journey, shit.  I took the GPS system’s suggestion to bypass the jam.  It lead me to another jam which was annoying but took me into the airport from a direction I was unfamiliar with.  Most of my cushion time was gone but all I had to do was park in the massive parking garage, right?

This garage uses the same high tech parking system I have seen at the parking garages for Disney and the cruise lines.  There is basically an LED indicator/sensor for EVERY parking space in there.  If a car is in a space the LED is red, if it’s empty you get a green.  This system tracks usage in different areas of the garage to let you know proactively if an area is full as well as directional arrows to where space is open.

Well supposedly there was 300 spaces available somewhere but I sure as hell didn’t see them.  When I saw multiple vehicles parked illegally up on sidewalks or islands I knew this was going to be a shit show.  I circled and circled, getting more frustrated with each passing minute, knowing that time was now officially tight.  FINALLY I found a spot in the far corner of the roof of the garage and I felt fortunate to manage that.  I unloaded the truck quickly, feeling very glad I decided to take it instead of the Tesla in that moment.  I started quick stepping my way into the terminal. Then it happened.

I stepped into the main terminal and into a literal river of unbelievable humanity flowing in all directions.  As soon as I stepped inside I slapped on my mask, despite 90% of the other people in there choosing to let their germs be free.  Covid is all over Florida and I wanted to do at least something to try to avoid it as it would really ruin my trip.

So I got directed to the American Airlines area for international flights.  I woud up being asked for my Covid vaccination card and passport a bunch of times.  The line to check in was very, very long but they had something like 15 counters open to keep the flow moving.  I kept checking the time periodically, which was tight but doable.  I had one more big hurdle to clear, the TSA screening.

The woman that checked my bags was nice enough to give me a solid tip.  She said I should walk past the nearest security checkpoint, number 3, and instead continue to the smaller but much less busy security checkpoint 4.  I appreciated the tip as when I walked past number three it looked like an absolute shit show.

Even with less people, I still spent around a half hour till I cleared the screening.  My gate was a considerable distance away so I started walking at a brisk pace.  When I saw the time I figured I did not have time for a traditional lunch so instead I grabbed a protein drink and bag of nuts, good enough.  I wound up arriving at the gate somewhere around 15 minutes before they started boarding, I gave myself a small mental pat on the back for surfing the insanity to it’s destination.

The flight to Roatan was great.  The plane was maybe half full and I paid to upgrade myself to the exit row to avoid leg room drama.  I read a book and closed my eyes for a bit, again while wearing the mask.  It felt a bit weird donning a mask again after so long but it was a very minor inconvenience so I didn’t mind.

As we came into the island I got some amazing views out the side of the plane.  The blue/green water looked beautiful even from altitude.  When the plane landed I saw them rolling up the portable staircase to deplane, something I had only experienced a time or two before.  The airport itself was small, very small.  I had one more hurdle to clear, immigration paperwork.  Another long line was experienced.  Once I got to a desk I was greeted by some guy that was amazingly apathetic.  He mumbled instructions to me as he checked social media on his phone.  I got finger printed, my picture taken, passport stamped as well as handing in a questionnaire that ensured I wasn’t a criminal or a smuggler of some type.  There are no luggage carousels, all of the bags were in a roped off area with guards.  They double check you are taking only your bag by matching it to your boarding pass.

My bag went through an EXIT security scan as well, another first.  I grabbed it and turned the corner where I saw Gladys waiting with a cute sign for me.  After a quick bathroom break  we were out of there.  Gladys gave me a little mini-tour on the way back.  I was amazed at what I saw as I had never really experienced some of the 3rd world elements that are here.  In many areas the streets are narrow, very narrow.  Motorcycles and scooters are widely utilized to both save on gas and have a lot of maneuverability to get around.  There are constant obstacles on the roads like massive potholes, stopped vehicles, pedestrians (sidewalks aren’t a thing here), and sadly dogs, lots of stray dogs.

I was also amazed when I looked up and saw some of the presumably DIY wires on many poles.  There were dozens of wires just connected in a haphazard manner.  As the tour continued there was a lot of diversity from beautiful hilly vistas to high end luxury living with everything in between.  I was just taking it all in, still a little in disbelief I was even here.  If you told me at the beginning of the year I would be in upstate NY and Roatan in the span of less than two weeks I would have laughed out loud, yet here I am.

We eventually turned onto the dirt road where Gladys lives.  It is twisty, narrow, with a lot of bumps and gulleys.  At the very end of the road there is a large gate that contains two properties, I was here.  I almost immediately got to meet Dustin who is married to Kat, the next door neighbors.  Gladys and they are really close friends so I was anxious to meet them as well as their adorable little dog Cocoa.

Gladys then gave me the quick tour of the guest house she lives in.  It’s very cute.  The location and view is amazing.  I got unpacked and got to meet Kat and Cocoa as well, she seemed very nice and Cocoa took to me pretty quickly.

Once I got unpacked we just spent some time chilling, both of us repeatedly saying how crazy it was that I was there.  I tried to focus more on just enjoying the moments.  Gladys and I got to watch the sunset together which was a great instant memory.  We made arrangements to go out to dinner with Dustin and Kat. (and Cocoa)  Dustin drove his Fourrunner.  It was another example of how different driving in Honduras is with constant avoidance maneuvers being a key skill in driving effectively down here.

We had dinner at a place called Gingers.  I had a couple beers and some fish tacos which were good.  We were there a little before 7:30, we didn’t realize they take last call around then.  Gladys had a tooth issue fixed earlier in the day so eating was not exactly fun for her.  She took most of her meal to go.  It was a nice dinner with Kat and Dustin, I look forward to hanging out with them more as the week progresses.

Gladys usually doesn’t utilize the AC down here because the electricity costs are so high, a little more than quadruple the top rate I pay in Florida.  However she was nice enough to set up a small portable AC unit she bought a little while ago in the room.  It pulled the humidity out of the space and brought the temperature down roughly 10 degrees.  I was very grateful  she did this as I would have had a very difficult time sleeping otherwise.

The sun down here is intense, very intense as Roatan is closer to the equator than Naples.  I could feel the difference.  Hondura also doesn’t observe daylight savings time.  The end result is the sun goes down early but also rises very early.  By 5:30 AM it’s relatively bright already.  This morning was a cool mix.  I did some stretching and calisthenics while Gladys did her routine.  She then suggested we go snorkling in the bay, an activity I bet I have not done for around 25 years.

Snorkling exposed me to some beautiful underwater landscapes where we passed over coral beds teaming with fish I normally would only see in an aquarium.  The use of fins was a struggle for me, my ankles were not used to that sort of angles/usage.  Early on I found myself feeling like my fins were always on the surface of the water, making them a little useless.  As I watched Gladys move in the water I adjusted and got slightly better, I still found myself using my arms in a breast stroke stroke often.

I also have not done any swimming in 5 years I bet so it was a good workout for me.  I also found breathing through the snorkel not a natural thing but it got better as well.  We saw amazing fish, an eel, lobster and much more.  I have always had an aversion to going into the ocean as an adult because of how easily I develop ear infections.  I brought a set of ear plugs that seemed to do a good job of keeping the water out of ear canals.  What I didn’t expect is how my nose would wind up being surrounded by water for most of the time.  When I pulled the mask off it felt like I just snorted salt water.  It’s probably a good thing overall but again takes some getting used to.  After coming back in I felt pretty tired, swimming always does that to me.

Because of the crazy early sunrise we did all of this before 8AM which felt sort of nuts.  After showering off the salt water we headed out to first grab some breakfast.  Gladys told me about the incredible cinnamon rolls they serve, she was right.  It was pretty amazing and went well with my coffee.  I paid with cash which has been the go to payment method so far.  It appears conventional credit cards are not accepted at a number of places but instead they take cash or payment via apps like Zelle, Venmo or Paypal.  I already have Paypal and I just signed up with Venmo, just in case.

After breakfast Gladys had a bunch of stops to make so I was happy to tag along.  There are endless things to keep you visually stimulated as a passenger down here.  We went to three different hardware stores, I was looking for some fittings to tweak the shower head I installed for Gladys.  I also got my first lemperia bills, the offical Honduran currency although they accept the US dollars everywhere too.  One dollar currently equals roughly 24 lemperia.  I paid for something with a 20 dollar bill and got a fat wad of lemperia back, although I know in reality it wasn’t much money, it felt substantial, like I somehow came out ahead.

We came back to the house to both do our own version of computer work, me working on this blog and Gladys doing stuff required for her job down here.  It’s been a great opening 24 hours and I look for more fun to come in short order.