Mr Rogers died. As corny

Mr Rogers died. As corny as he is I used to watch him faithfully as a child. I remember thinking how cool the trolley was. It took years till I realized that he controlled it. Mr McFeeley, the land of make believe, the aquarium…. I could still draw the layout of his place. It’s sad to see staples in your childhood dying off. He was a good man.

Not much going on. Been

Not much going on. Been in the daily work, gym, puter/tv, sleep routine. This upcoming weekend is a 3 day weekend, however I may wind up having to work on Saturday if some equipment comes in. The shed is scheduled to arrive Monday. It will be cool to have some flexibility with where we want to store certain items.

Every week Ali has been getting pictures and updates from her brother on their new daughter (our niece) Lauren. This process has started more talk about us having children. Certainly a me too attitude is not a good reason to have a kid. However, other things I have beeen bouncing around in my head are making me think more seriously about it. Getting older really is a constant issue with me. I think parenting helps people get through that process somewhat. Your life becomes less self centered which may be a good thing in a case like mine. I don’t know. Can someone just roll back the clock? How did I ever get to the age where I need to SERIOUSLY think about if I want kids if I dont want be a senior citizen when they are teenagers?

Enough of that, lets talk about brainless entertainment! I don’t like American Idol as much this season. 2 things annoy me. Having the families right there on stage with the contestants and the new trend for the contestants to talk smack to the judges if they don’t like the critique they are given. For the contestants to act like the judges don’t know what they are talking about really is ridiculous. If the judges say they weren’t that good, guess what? They aren’t. They know they are there to be judged and if they don’t like that idea they shouldn’t go on the show. Morons.

I caught Are You Hot the other night. Somthing right up my alley in regards to my tendency to be superficial when it comes to looks. The show was ok but I was really uncomfortable with the male judges judging other men. Hearing Lorenzo Lamas saying he liked a guy’s body gave me the heebie jeebies. Overall I’d give the show a solid C+ rating. Some hot chicks on there.

It’s really hard to not have desert at night, ya know? I would like to cut back on sweets to help me lean out just a little bit more. I think overall, I eat much better than in the past but I still break down too often. It’s really hard to not grab that glass of milk and a couple oreos.

I saw a good quote the other day that went something like this, “Time is the greatest teacher of all, however it also kills it’s students.” Any gettin old quotes always hit home with me.

Happy Monday. Another enjoyable weekend.

Happy Monday. Another enjoyable weekend. The weather was not so hot on Saturday, better on Sunday. Saturday was EXTREMELY windy. There was a tornado warning in the area.

I made 2 separate trips to Home Depot over the weekend. I saw some termites in the mulch last weekend so I am paranoid about termite infestation. However when I went to spray the bastards this week, I couldn’t find them and instead there were hoardes of fireants there. Maybe the fireants kill termites. Hope so. I bought tons of hoses and associated hardware to enable all of our planted landscape to be irrigated. I now have a timer on the water line that will water 7 different areas every other day automatically.

I have been using our new grill heavily since we got it. I have grilled steak, burgers, chicken and eggplant so far. It’s really been nice to cook outside again.

We had a TON of stuff recorded on Tivo so we caught up on a lot of it. I am offically Michael Jackson’d out. I think I saw all 4 or 5 special/shows about him. After seeing all of it my opinion is I don’t think MJ is a pedophile but he sure is strange. His lifestyle is surreal and it’s a shame what he has done to his face. I’ve had enough though.

I’m A Celebrity Get me Out of Here has made our Tivo season pass list. It is pretty entertaining. The main reason I wanted to see it was cause Stutterin John from the Stern show is on it. I also saw Are you Hot for the first time. It is very uncomfortable to have the male judges judging whether guys are hot or not. Made me squirm a bit. We also watched the Grammy’s last night (part of it) My quick observations. Bruce looks REALLY disturbing when he sings. Don’t like when they share the microphone either. Aretha Franklin was huge and appeared to be wearing a Christmas tree skirt. The tall skinny black girl with the huge fro totally butchered the award she was presenting for. I did not enjoy NSync doing the BeeGee’s tribute, sounded way wrong. The Kid Rock / Cherly Crow duet was pretty good. The award to the Gibbs brothers was touching.

Busy week at work. Lots to do.

Ryan was the winner! I

Ryan was the winner! I scored coffee and a donut betting on him. I have to admit that everything pointed to the other guy winning. I was lucky to win.

Tonight is a reality tv smorgasbord. There is something on all 4 channels from 8-9 that we would like to see. It’s going to put my A/V recording talents to the ultimate test. 🙂 Turns out the the guy from the last Bachelor and Helene didn’t pan out. What a surprise…..

Tomorrow is Friday. Nothing major on the horizon except getting our shed in early March.

We got some exciting news. It looks like my Mom has her place sold up north, meaning she is on her way to moving down here. It will be great to have a familiar face down here with us. Unfortunately that also means a drive from PA to Florida in a moving truck again, but it will be worth the hassle.

I forgot to mention that I got my wireless camera rig up in the air on my RC planes. It makes for some interesting footage. Check it out at my RC site. The rig also caused several crashes. Getting it all balanced out on the plane is more challenging than I expected. The quality isnt superb and I need to experiment some more with camera position and flying techniques with a cam onboard. Runs on a 9V battery, pretty slick!

Did you know that a Maxim study showed that if you post your computer specifications as your signature line in a message board you are more likely to be sexually inactive? It’s true. 🙂

A very nice 3 day

A very nice 3 day weekend! Never have we appreciated living in Florida more than this past weekend. Back home they were getting dumped on with 2 feet of snow. The entire winter up there has been dreadful. The weather here was nice and pleasant. We went to the beach on Sunday.

Earlier in the week I had bought C&C Generals, a computer game that I have wanted for awhile. However, after getting it home I found out that it had very high video card requirements and my card was not up to the task. So on Friday after work I made an impulse buy of a high end card. I was gonna try to keep it secret but I wound up fessing up to Ali. She wasn’t happy. However the new card SMOKES. Very fast, I love it. Friday was also Valentines day. We had pizza and watched Harry Potter. Hey, Ali said that was what she wanted. It was fine. The movie was a bit long but I enjoyed it.

We had our big yard sale on Saturday. Traffic wasn’t bad, we sold most of our stuff and we pocketed about 130 bucks out of the deal. I told Ali to keep the money and go buy herself something to make up for my video card purchase.

The rest of the weekend we did various outside projects, went to the beach and relaxed. We saw XXX which I thought was really, really bad. I am not fussy with movies by any means so if I say a movie is really bad it must be majorly lacking. I watched Panic Room myself yesterday. Ali didnt want to feed into her fear of stuff like that. A good flick!!! It wan’t as bad as she thought it would be.

I also had to remove a pigmy rattle snake from under my neighbor’s water equipment. First one of those I have seen live. It was fine, I just scooped him up with a pole and tossed him over the drainage ditch. No harm to him or to us.

We added 2 apple trees to our orchard and set up a long thin garden. I had to redo a bunch of the irrigation that was setup. It was either kinked or blocked up so it wasn’t doing the job. Pulling up the hose netted me a few fire ant bites and we also found termites in the mulch. Not sure what to do about that.

A 4 star weekend. I enjoyed it.

Ah man…. my D drive

Ah man…. my D drive on my puter died. No backup and that had all of my stuff I have downloaded in the past year or so. Man I had a lot of stuff on there….. damn it! Oh well.

Girls vs guys in Survivor. Girls won the first challenge after the guys blew a huge lead thanks to a couple morons with no balance. Even with winning the challenge, the girls are in DEEP trouble. They can’t seem to build a shelter OR gather food. It should be fun.

Yard Sale tomorrow. Great weather forecast!!! Should be fun.

3 day weekend, always a treat. Still having some issues with my ISP. The message board is still down.

Still in the process of

Still in the process of cleaning up the mess left over from whatever tweaks my host did. The message board was hammered since yesterday. The Frontpage stuff is slowly being put back together. Evidently, they had someone spamming off the server I am hosted on. To troubleshoot, they disabled a bunch of stuff which in turn broke a lot of things. Nice huh?

Our outside storage shed is on order. A 12′ x 20′ behemoth that should be delivered within a couple weeks. It was supposed to be a surprise for Ali but the shed company blew my cover when they left a message on the machine at home about delivery. She is happy none the less but I was really going for the surprise factor on Valentine’s day. Bummer. It will allow us to really clear out some stuff from the house so we have 2 fully functional spare bedrooms.

Fishy has made an almost complete recovery. He is acting normal again and eating well. (on the new food) I suppose rumors of his imminent demise were premature! 🙂

Homey has been filling me in on how nasty the weather continues to be up in PA. Sub freezing for a long time now and snow scattered throughout the forecast. Worst winter up there in quite a few years. I’m happy to miss it! 🙂