Amazing shot, Old time fun, Lost and found, S’mores

Last night I was at the library on the later side, working on the blog and talking to Gladys from the only bastion of internet connectivity, the library.  As I was walking back to the cabin I looked at the full moon reflecting off the lake and thought I would try to capture it.  Wow, I was blown away by the quality of the picture my Iphone 11 spit out.  It may be one of the best pictures I ever took in my life.

Last night was the first night I did not sleep well and it may be because it was the first significant drinking I have done on the trip.  I had three glasses of wine at dinner followed up with a couple more beers back at the cabin.  I was also awakened by hard rain hitting the metal roof, it was really loud at times.

After breakfast my dad and I went to Paul and Meg’s cabin where we got asked to play Fish.  This was kids style of fish with less cards which resulted in much quicker games.  I had a couple rounds where out of my 7 cards I had three matching pairs and I won on the first round.  It was still fun as the girls were acting silly as they always do.  During the game Kennedy asked if she could have my remaining Bar-barians bracelet since I gave the other one to Cadence the day before.  I told her she could have it, leaving my wrist bare however I have several dozen more at home I can replace these with.

We knew the forecast for today was mostly rain so we talked ahead of time about going to a movie theater in a nearby town called Old Forge, a definite tourist trap sort of place.  We thought it would be fun to take the girls to see the new Minions movie.  We got there around a half hour early and it was a good thing. The place was packed.

This theater was very old, a real throwback to how theaters were back in the 70’s.  There were chotchkee’s placed everywhere which was sort of visual overload.  They were so old fashioned that they didn’t take credit cards, cash only.  So you stood in line to buy the tickets, which were reasonably priced by today’s standards and then you went back outside to get in the second line that was for the concession stand.  We wound up consuming almost that entire 30 minutes until we got to our seats.

Paul had gone in ahead of us while we got the snacks to reserve a row.  It was a good thing he did because by the time the movie started the place was basically filled.  The seats were old like everything else.  They also lacked the pitch that modern theaters have meaning if someone was taller in front of you it may be difficult to see.

I have seen a number of Minions movies, they always make me laugh and this one was no exception.  Kennedy and Cadence seemed to really like the movie which was most important of all,  This was the first time three year old Kennedy had ever been to a movie theater.

Afterwards, we decided to walk up the main street of Old Forge.  We wound up in the outside seating area of some bar. We grabbed a beer and just relaxed for a bit.  As we sat there Teresa noticed a deer about 50 yards away that was just hanging out in some yard.  It seemed really calm so she went up to get a closer look and the beautiful animal stayed put.  I later took my own turn, getting the picture you see here.

So we walked back to my dad’s car to leave.  I start reaching in one of the pocket’s of my cargo shorts to grab the key.  I grabbed air.  Hmm okay I must have stuck it into another pocket?  All I came up with was some trash, my phone, and wallet.  I must just have missed it right?  I now start patting down my shorts, hoping to heel some object roughly the size of a key fob, nothing….  You have got to be kidding.

I told my dad I can’t find the keys.  He said he had second set he keeps in the car, a terrible security practice but in this instance a life saver.  I figured they could only have been in the movie theater or the outdoor seating at the bar.  I ran over to the theater and asked if anyone turned in a set of keys, they did not.  He said I was welcome to search the theater when the next movie let out in 90 minutes.  Instead I gave him my cell phone number and asked him to call if they turn up.  The check of bar area turned up nothing as well.  I was pissed at myself.  I should have made sure they were secured better.  We headed back thanks to keys number two.

So as we are 3/4 of the way back Teresa spots something on the floor behind the drivers seat, the keys!  Evidently they came out sometime while I was driving.  I felt extremely relieved to have found them, I’ll be sure to be securing keys better moving forward as the reality I was feeling when I thought I lost them was not something I enjoy.  I take responsibility seriously.

Tonight after dinner the girls came to our cabin to make some S’mores, something they have been wanting to do since we arrived.  They enjoyed the process of making them and enjoyed eating them even more.  I had one as well, probably the first S’more I have eaten in 30 years, maybe more. It was good of course.

I once again am punching this out in the library, a routine I am enjoying as it allows me to be here later at night when most people have cleared out.  I have always liked the solitude night can offer.  Tomorrow we are doing some deal where you take a boat to an island, do a short hike and then the staff cooks some food in a big pan.  Dad and Teresa say it’s fun.  This entire trip I have tried to make a conscious effort to not say no to suggestions.  If I haven’t tried it, I am open to it.  Once I do then I would feel more qualified to make that call.  Tomorrow we will pass the halfway part of the trip.  It’s been fun as I hoped, maybe a little more than I expected because of just how much energy the girls have injected to the experience.

Eat, move, play, repeat

My second night of sleep here was pretty similar to the first, relatively solid and uneventful.  It was not as cold as night one which was a good thing.  For the second morning in a row the sounds of Cadence and Kennedy coming up to the cabin let me know it was time to get moving.  They are both little bottles of sunshine. It didn’t take long until we were engaged in another game of pretend store.  I also took some time to assemble the four mini-puzzles the girls borrowed from the library.

Breakfast was good again.  I appreciate that the food they prepare is not massive portions and relatively healthy, otherwise I would be feeling like a glutton.  I have made a few substitutions in order to avoid beef, pork or poultry.  For example yesterday I had a BLT without the B.  Today instead of a Monte Cristo sandwich I had a grilled cheese instead.  They really have been presenting some good deserts however, I have not turned one down yet.

After breakfast today my dad, Teresa and I drove to a nearby trailhead to get some hiking in while the kids, Paul, and Meg went out in a canoe.  Our hike was in a heavily wooded area and had a few inclines that got my heartbeat somewhat elevated.  My dad despite having both of his knees replaced still has mobility issues.  Teresa and I would drift ahead and then take breaks as needed.  According to signage we only went around two and a half miles but it felt longer.  It was fun to get out there and walk in the low humidity.  I have so many incredible pictures to share but that will probably happen after the trip due to the very limited bandwidth available here.

We all met up once again for lunch.  We got to hear about the girls canoe trip which they seemed to enjoy outside of paddling through a swarm of nasty black flies.  Both Cadence and Kennedy have grown found of our server Caroline.  They  love to hand her dirty dishes to make her job easier.  Caroline has given the girls extra treats as well, it’s super cute.

During lunch Cadence saw the two Bar-barian silicone bracelets on my left wrist.  She asked if she could have one.  Of course I said yes.  She said this was now her friendship bracelet that she would keep forever.  She told me I was never allowed to take mine off.  I agreed to her terms.  She is an extremely funny kid.

After lunch we again split. Dad to take his pretty much mandatory afternoon nap, Teresa to Meg’s cabin to watch the girls while they napped and Meg and Paul hit the canoe once again for a couples ride.  Me, I finished my Warcraft book finally.  I have two more books to dig into as well.  Oh and yea, I punched out this entry as well, hooray.


I slept better than expected night one, even on the single sized bed.  I was the last one up and loaded the fireplace up with 5 logs hoping to keep the heat pumping for as long as possible since the temperatures dropped into the 40s.  I slept with my bedroom door open as well to maintain more exposure to warmer air.

Even with all of these actions I still spent the night with every body part under the covers except my face.  I was warm enough and slept pretty soundly all things considered.  I never even heard my dad’s multiple bathroom breaks during the night.

I awoke to the sweet sounds of Cadence and Kennedy. Teresa had walked over to their cabin and brought them back.  They are such cute kids, it’s hard to not have a smile on your face when they are around.

The Waldheim includes three cooked meals a day with the cabin rentals.  The staff here all seems nice, especially the young woman that was responsible for our table.  She was happy to help in anyway possible and was cute interacting with the kids as well.  The food so far has been good and it hasn’t been too hard to stick to my pescatarian diet.

After breakfast we met up with the kids, Meg, and Paul by the beach.  I was surprised to discover I had wi-fi signal at that spot for some reason, at least 200 yards from the source.  I helped the girls play in the sand, recovering raw materials that were used in the construction of their sand castles.  The water looked colder than it actually was as a bunch of people were swimming in it.

After lunch pretty much everyone was ready for a nap.  The girls did not sleep well the night before and Meg didn’t either.  I read my book but did not even finish a chapter before falling asleep, napping for almost two hours, a rarity in my life.

After getting up my dad, Teresa and I headed out on a walk.  Dad turned back after not real long because his knee was bothering him.  Teresa and I carried on, enjoying the abundance of beauty around us while talking about various things, I enjoyed it.

On the way back from the walk we stopped at the girls cabin to hang out a bit.  They had just woken up from their naps as well.  We went back to grab dad to walk down to the common area.  As we headed there Cadence asked me to walk with her and hold her hand, it was adorable.  She is such a cute kid.

After dinner I had another brief wi-fi session to make sure things were good on the homefront as well as chatting to Gladys for a short while.  The entire gang was at our cabin.  We sat on the porch while the girls played pretend.  They both have very vivid imaginations.  They set up imaginary stores and we were their customers.  Cadence even made me a pretend credit card with a limit of something like 65,000,000 dollars.  The card will be returning with me to Florida for sure.

Way North

When I got home Thursday I tended to all of those time sensitive list items that needed to be done prior to leaving.  It actually did not take as long as I expected and by 9PM I had most things wrapped up.

I left my normal Friday morning 5:30 alarm in place so I could get a head start on things like washing the sheets, running the dishwasher and a few other things.  However I again found myself done sort of early, I had a good 90 minutes of time to kill before I left to pick up Ali at 10:30.  I said goodbye to Elsa which made me a little teary eyed even though I knew she was going to have a great time with Ali and Shugs.

I got to Ali’s work a little before 11:30.  I had her drive so she got some more last second Tesla training in.  She dropped me at the airport right about 12, the adventure was officially beginning.  I had not been in an airport in a very long time.  I would be hard pressed to tell you exacty how long ago it was without giving it some considerable thought which I don’t feel like usiing right now.  My rough guess is at least four years. It didn’t take long for things to get interesting.

I went through security and noticed they were taking a long time with my laptop bag.  I had a bunch of stuff jammed in there so I just figured they were trying to identify it all.  Well the bag then got moved to the secondary screening station.  Two women opened the bag and started digging through it which seemed odd.  They call me over after they extract a pocket knife, something I threw in the bag years ago and had forgot about.  They confiscated the knife as I felt pretty dumb about not checking the bag thoroughly before bringing it.

The flight to Charolette was great.  The American Airlines 737 we flew on seemed very new.  I also paid extra money for a emergency row seat whcih is a godsend for someone with legs as long as mine.  I spent the majority of the time in the air reading one of my books.  It made me drowsy so I took a few breaks dozing off using my hand as a support.  Repeatedly my head would slip off my hand snapping me back to being alert for a few moments.  I was surprised we got a full can of coke and mini-pretzels, it almost felt like first class.

We arrived in Charolette on time but I only had about an hour until the connecting flight to Allentown was scheduled to take off so I had to hustle as the gate was far away.  It turned out I could have taken a much more casual pace.  The crew for the flight was delayed so they didn’t start loading the plane until close to half hour later than scheduled.  Then we waited on the runway for at least another half hour because of storms to the north of the airport.

This flight was on a much older plane.  Even though I was once again in the exit row I was less comfortable as the seat was narrow and the recline mechanism did not appear to work.  I again alternated reading and sleeping during this flight.  I had a feeling the guy next to me was eager to have someone to talk to but when he got short responses from me he instead engaged with two women across the aisle talking nearly non-stop with them.

We wound up landing around an hour late.  I couldn’t believe when I took my phone off airplane mode and had an actual text message from my dad, the first one I can recall in my entire life.  Evidently the flight info in the airport never reflected the delay in my flight so he just sat around and waited.

The Allentown airport looked like I remembered from close to 30 years ago, the last time I was there.  It was like arriving in a time capsule with style and decorations straight out of the 70’s or 80’s.  It was quaint but certainly nothing resembling the ultra-modern airports you see in larger cities.

I got to ride in dad’s Hyundai Sonata hybrid for the first time.  He loves getting 50MPG, especially with current gas prices. We stopped and got dinner at an Asian Fusion restaurant.  We both liked our food but the AC was cranked down uncomfortably low, I was quite chilly in shorts and a t-shirt.

We arrived back in Lenhartsville around 9.  My stepmom was getting ready for bed but came down to catch up.  I got to reintroduce myself to their three cats who also got to visit me in my bedroonm during the night.  I was tired and took a shower.  I got a status report from Ali that all was well at the house which was a relief.  I also talked to Gladys, filling her in on how the day of travel went.

I had a decent night of sleep all things considered.  I woke up without an alarm before 7.  I got to walk around their property a bit, saying hi to their sheep and taking in some of the beautiful, serene rolling hills around them.  It is so peaceful there.  I took several pictures trying to capture how it felt.

We packed up the Hyundai trunk to the max before pulling out around 8:30.  Dad started out doing the driving.  He hates modern navigation assistants like a smart phone has which easily gives you the fastest route from point A to point B.  He wanted to take the scenic route where you got to see more things and experience the area which was fine by me.  I am up here so rarely it’s appealing to me to stop and smell the roses a bit.

We grabbed breakfast at the Beacon diner which was established in 1941.  Some parts of the place looked like they had not been touched since the 40’s but that was also part of it’s charm.  All three of our breakfasts were completely consumed, the food was that good.

Somewhere around 100 miles into the trip I took over driving which I think was a good thing.  My pace was a little quicker and I could tell my dad was getting sleepy after the big breakfast.  During one pit stop we saw a guy pull up in a beautiful restored 1964 blue GMC pickup.  The owner said he spent around four years restoring it, doing almost everything himself except the paint job.  It was awesome.

We had an odd moment at a Dunkin Donuts in Utica NY.  We wanted coffee but we also wanted to use their bathrooms.  When we went to the bathrooms they were both locked with a sign saying you have to ask for a key.  The women’s bathroom also had the occupied flag flipped so we assumed someone was in there.

So I asked the guy if we could have the key.  At first he said he was going to look for it.  Then he said only one bathroom was open, the women’s that had the occupied flag flipped.  Um ok.  So we got our coffee and waited another 5 minutes and nobody emerged from the women’s bathroom.  At this point we didn’t know what the hell was going on but our mutual feeling was if someone has been in a bathroom for 10-15 minutes, you probably don’t want to go in there.  The entire situation was weird, so we walked out.

The final push to Camp Waldheim was long.  My dad had said the mapped the drive out as roughly 265 miles.  It turned out to be just under 300 miles.  The tail end of it was on mostly rural roads with slower speed limits, making things drag out a bit more.  We wound up arriving between 4 and 4:30, a long day of driving.  About 30 minutes from our destination my phone lost signal competely, meaning I was completely unplugged, which I will talk about more later.

We met up with my sister Meghan, her husband Paul and their two adorable kids Cadence and Kennedy.  From the second we saw them they were on fire wanting to show us around their cabin and then engaging us in all sorts of funny interactions.  They are so cute and I had not seen them for over two years.  Kennedy is now 3 and Cadence is 6.

We then went to our cabin and unpacked.  Our unit was older and not as nice as Meghan and Paul’s but was in a better location.  Meg and the gang came over to our cabin before dinner to hang out a bit.  The girls played this funny game where they were “selling” us things.  The money was leaves and mini-pinecones, the items being sold were bigger pine cones.

A little after 6 we went to the dining hall.  All meals are prepared and included with the fee for staying.  I neglected to mention my brother Patrick wound up not coming because he caught covid down in Florida while traveling for work.  I was disappointed to hear this as I looked forward spending time with Pat and his girlfriend.

So anyway, dinner was good with the the girls providing most of the entertainment.  They are so funny without even trying to be.  They were both very happy to see my dad.  Cadence stuck to him like glue.  After we finished up Meg, Paul and the girls headed to their cabin.  I went to the library which is the sole source of connectivity in this place.  They have a small wifi network set up which can be used by guests.

I checked in with Ali and Gladys while there but it felt disorienting to not be able to use the internet on demand for both personal and work scenarios.  Not being able to be contacted if some sort of emergency comes up at the house or from work is not ideal so I will be trying to get plugged in a few times a day to just stay updated. For some people it may be nice to just totally yank the cord and be offline during the entire trip but that just isn’t a reality for me with what I do.

I was freezing walking back to our cabin.  I was glad to see my dad started a fire as the temps may dip all the way into the 40’s tonight.  The single size bed could prove to be another challenge as well.  Typically my feet will hang off a bed of that dimension.  I am punching out this entry on the sofa in front of the fireplace.  My dad and stepmom have already gone to bed for the night.

It feels a bit strange and isolating to be here but that was to be expected.  I know it’s good to put yourself into situations where you are immersed in something foreign.  To me it serves two purposes. You get to experience something new and beautiful.  This area is so different than what I am used to and I appreciate both the uniqueness of this place along with the opportunity to spend extended time with my family, which is a rarity.  The other purpose is to deepen the appreciation I have for certain things in my normal everyday life that I am seperated from, even if only for a short while.  I’m looking forward to seeing how this time will enrich my experiences going forward.

8 in 2, Launchpad

The window installers on Wednesday showed up at 8:30AM Wednesday as promised to knock out the remaining five windows in the house.  They efficiently worked their way around the structure, first doing the hobby room window which was in the worst shape of all of them.  That side of the house took the most pressure during Hurricane Irma and that window has been a mess ever since with broken hardware and leaking.  It leaked so much that I had duct tape over certain spots.  Igor and his assistant worked diligently, finishing up right around 3:30 as the skies were ready to unleash.  I continued to be amazed at how surgical the replacements were with minimal impact to the area around it.

Everything was not perfect.  The screens for all of the smaller windows were the wrong size which will have to be remedied.  Also there were a few things left lying around that I cleaned up after the fact that I mentioned in the video I did but overall I was very pleased with the quality of the work.  During the day one of the job managers stopped by and reiterated how inclusive the lifetime window warranty is.  He said he has a customer that has a dog that chewed some of the window hardware and they are still replacing the window for free.  The new windows feel much more substantial than the builder grade windows they replaced.

During my lunch hour I decided to get out and mow instead of waiting until later. I’m glad I did as thunderstorms did roll through later in the day.  I vacuumed and steam cleaned the floor surfaces of the house which had a small amount of window replacement debris around them.  I put back the window treatments I wanted to keep, several of them went straight into the trash can as I didn’t need/want them any more.  It felt good to have the house back in order.

So a few things have to happen for the window project to be complete.  A final inspection needs to be done by the county which someone needs to be home for.  Since I will be gone next week I’m not sure when that will occur.  Once inspection is done the window company comes back to “cap” the windows, remove the stickers, touch up anything else I ask them to and clean the windows.  Of course I also need the correct screens for the smaller windows as well.  I am curious if the company will push for final payment before all of these things are completed.  Although I am not worried about them not following through, the final payment is the leverage I have so I plan to use it.  If pushed I would be willing to pay a portion of the remaining bill but until everything is 100% done, my final payment will be in limbo.

Tonight I will be running around tending to everything related to my heading out of town for a week.  I should have written a physical list but I am going off the swirling to do’s in my head which can have unpredictable results.  Ali and I have a well coordinated transportation dance tomorrow where I am going to pick her up at her job which is relatively close to the airport, drive to the airport where I will head out while she takes the Tesla back to work.  It saves me from leaving the Tesla at the airport all week and allows her to use it to commute.  Today I also have a huge TV coming for Ali for their new house that they ordered via my Costco account.

I will try to blog as I go during the trip as connectivity, time, and motivation allows.  I am looking forward to a disconnected few days with genuine sweatshirt weather at night accompanied by a lot of quiet, peaceful moments.  It will be good for me.

A Short Window, Another Mobile Quiet Room

I just realized I had not talked about how my 4th of July evening went.  As planned I loaded up Elsa right around dusk in the Tesla and headed east towards Ave Maria.  Explosions had already started in earnest all around us as we drove.  Instead of driving into Ave Maria I instead pulled off into the entrance of some agricultural area, it seemed very remote and immune to fireworks displays. Elsa was confused as to what we were doing.  I assured her everything was fine.  If you look closely at this picture you can see her head poking out behind the drivers seat.

I fired up Netflix and starting watching season 3 of Umbrella Academy, which streamed seamlessly, even in the middle of nowhere.  I watched two entire episodes which brought me to about 10:30PM.  I figured that should be enough time for the fireworks to subside. I was wrong.

As I returned to civilization I once again saw and heard backyard fireworks firing off.  I decided to keep driving, this time in towards Naples as I figured there would be less going on in the more densely populated areas.  Again, I was wrong.  I inadvertently drove right past some big bangs that of course terrified Elsa.  I had to repeatedly restrain her from jumping in the front seat.  We didn’t wind up getting home until well after 11, luckily it was finally quiet when we pulled in.

The window installers were supposed to show up around 8:30 on Tuesday so I got up and moving early, making sure I was dialed into the office and ready to go since I was working remotely.  When it got to be 9:30 and nobody was there yet my annoyance meter forced a call to find out what is going on.  Evidently there was a delay when the installer was loading up the windows.  The guy I talked to said they were en route. They pulled up to the house around 10AM.

I was originally told there was a possibility that the entire project could be completed in a day.  The late start made me assume that would not be the case.  That feeling was solidified when I saw it was only two guys doing the work, for some reason I assumed it would be 4-6 people.  So not only were the installers late, Igor, the lead guy said they could only work until around 3PM as they had to go get the the 8th window which for some reason was not ready to go earlier.

None of this was great news to me.  Although I had already allocated two days at home I am a much bigger fan of getting the lion share of the work done on day one just in case some issues pop up.  Igor however was a nice man and it didn’t take me long to realize that he actually cared about the quality of his work, along with the younger guy that was helping him.  I had no idea how destructive/invasive the process would be.  To me removing a window would be a very violent act with a lot of collateral damage to the area surrounding it.  Instead Igor was like a surgeon, removing the old windows with minimal impact.  Once the three new windows were installed I was amazed at how clean it was.  I thought all sorts of touch up/patching work would be required but everything was surprisingly clean.

Most of the removal/installation work occurs from outside the structure.  They covered/taped off the window from the inside, minimizing the debris/mess that actually gets into the house.  It was very impressive.  The got all the windows in the front of the house completed before wrapping up by 3.  They assured me they would be back right at 8:30 on Wednesday to get the other 5 windows done. (they were)

Once Igor and his buddy left I did some minor clean up.  Since I was still on the clock for work I had to make sure I hung around inside although I did do a quick Century workout in the back yard, breaking the 5 minute mark for the first time since I started this version.

It was weird, I had a bunch of stuff I had swirling around my head that needed to be done prior to leaving for the trip but most of it was time sensitive, meaning I couldn’t do it yet.  The end result was me just chilling for a short while which felt like cheating or being lazy.

So during the day the next door neighbor sent me an unexpected message that her son was doing their fireworks thing Tuesday night.  I assumed they already did this on the 4th.  They invited me over for the cook out and stuff which was nice but I told them that I would be taking Elsa on a road trip (again) to avoid the noise.  Of course the info didn’t make me happy but at least I had a heads up.

So again we hit the road, this time I went west as I did not expect prevalent fireworks.  Technically it is illegal to fire them outside of three days of the year so I expected smooth sailing.  For the most part it was although there were a few blasts I could hear from where I was parked.  I first decided to fire up an impromptu live stream from my car, using my phone, a trick I never tried before.  It worked surprisingly well.  I talked for close to an hour about mostly non-PEV topics.

I then decided to watch episode three of Umbrella Academy just to make sure things were clear.  Evidently I should have watched another episode as things were still being shot off when I pulled into the driveway some two and half hours later.

I am hoping things go smoothly today with the window install as there really is no window for error (pun intended), doing five windows in a day with two people.  My plans include also mowing the yard so it is in decent shape while Ali is here.  Tomorrow is really going to be when the crunch hits, all ducks must be lined up, all T’s crossed and I’s dotted.



The Prepathon

The entire weekend felt like I was in prep mode.  Instead of riding my road bike Friday night I decided to go in the yard to get the weeding done, clearing time to get more stuff done over the rest of the weekend.  Somehow on Saturday morning I still got back to the house at a similar time after running errands, despite cutting out the 60 minutes normally consumed by weeding.

After eating lunch I started pressure washing, a task I mentally committed to on Friday.  I wanted to pressure wash both sheds and a quick speed wash of the lanai.  The timeline got delayed when I recalled I needed to get up on the roof and see what was going on with the gutters.  During hard rain I had been seeing water spill out the side of the gutter instead of the spout.  When I got up there I was not pleased with what I saw.

The “super gutter” along the pool deck had a log jam at least 20 feet long of oak tree leaves.  I have no clue how that many leaves could wind up there as the oak tree is in the front yard.  In the past I have used the pressure washer exclusively to clear this type of mess but I decided to use a two stage approach this time, first using the leaf blower to get most of the debris out followed up by using the pressure washer.  I walked the entire roof having to clear leaves at several other spots as well.  Once I started using the pressure washer things got seriously dangerous.  A metal roof becomes ice slippery when wet, when combined with wet leaves scattered around it was crazy.  I had to be sure about every footstep using the screw heads for traction.  One moment of carelessness could have lead to a very bad outcome.  In total I bet a spent close to an hour on the gutters before I got to work on the big shed.

To save time I decided to not blast the roof of the shed.  Although it gets dirty the only ones that really see it are the birds.  As I was finishing up a nasty storm was blowing in.  I pulled all of the equipment over to the other shed but retreated inside once the rain started.  Luckily it only rained for maybe a half hour.  I decided to give my body a break by mixing things up and doing the weed whacking next.  My plan was to do the weed whacking now and then mow later in the week so the property isn’t terrible while I am away.  About 3/4 of the way through the task the weed whacker started running like shit.  My quick troubleshooting steps couldn’t fix it so I just grabbed the Dewalt electric trimmer to finish up, I was feeling aggravated.  It was getting too late and I was getting too tired to finish the pressure washing so I decided to finish that on Sunday.

Saturday night I shot and edited a video regarding the cancellation of my KingSong S22 order, going over the history and why I finally said enough is enough.

Sunday morning I made arrangements to meet Ali and Shugs to go check out their house which is now supposed to be complete in less than a month.  I also used it as an opportunity to familiarize Ali with how the Tesla works since she will be using it while house sitting for me next week.  She enjoyed the experience.  There has been a lot of progress on their house since I saw it a couple weeks ago.  The pool is done, the counters are in, the appliances and AC are in place.  Things are really coming together.  That being said there are still a lot of smaller things that need to be nailed down but they can definitely see the finish line.

When I got home I resumed pressure washing, getting the small shed done which was particularly gross.  I then gave the pool deck a quick blasting just so it looked decent for Ali.  I was tired of course but later in the evening got motivated to get the windows ready for replacement which I originally planned to do Monday.

I removed any window treatments, making a mental note that I didn’t like some of them so they would not be put up again.  I also carefully removed the window sensors for the security system that is ancient and pretty worthless.  I regretted taking the time to do so when I realized later it was pointless as the wires would be cut anyway when the window is pulled out. Most rooms it was pretty easy to clear out the areas but the hobby room and the office were particularly labor intensive since there is the most stuff in those two rooms.  I think I have given them enough space to get the job done.  I plan to try to document the window replacement process for my own curiosity.

My Fourth of July has been unlike any of the last two decades since it hasn’t involved any friends or family.  During the morning Elsa and I ran to Tractor Supply, Pinch A Penny and DD.  After lunch I shot a video regarding a new helmet I was sent for review.  It is the best skater style helmet I have ever seen.

I had my version of a 4th of July meal with a Beyond burger and tater tots.  The oddball 4th will conclude with my loading up Elsa in the Tesla, driving somewhere quiet and watching the new season of Umbrella Academy on Netflix in the car.  If I said I didn’t feel some twinges of sadness today I would be lying.  The difference is allowing myself only to take a brief shower in those feelings instead of a long soaking in a tub of futility.



All at once, All of a sudden

Last night I had a video call from Gladys, Monique and their mom who are down on the island visiting.  It was extremely entertaining for me as everyone had already consumed a few drinks.  Monique who is normally pretty reserved was laughing and silly which was good to see.  I talked with all three of them for awhile. It seems like so far everyone is having a really good time which I was glad to see and hear.  It feels a little surreal knowing I will be at the same place in not so long.

So with the unexpected call about the window install moving up to next Tuesday my weekend gets a little busier.  I need to remove anything around the windows that could impede with the installation.  The spot that could be the most annoying is the office since I have two computer desks flanking either side of the window there.  Of course any window treatments need to be moved and I have to see if I can remove the window sensors from the old security system that only barely functions at this point.  I also have a seed planted in my mind to pressure wash the two sheds over the weekend, we will see if that idea takes root or not.

Also because of the window install I suddenly have a very odd arrangement of 5 days off, one day in the office and then off again for the trip to NY.  I will be working from home Tuesday and Wednesday technically but still, it’s going to be a weird week.  I’m still planning on taking Elsa on a ride to a quiet place the night of July 4th regardless.





Wow, I feel like I have a myriad of events/expenses that are converging in on me in a very expedited timeline, let me explain.

I have been waiting for the shoe to drop on the medical expenses associated with my cardiologist and skin cancer procedures in May.  I had not received a co-pay bill yet, until yesterday.  It looks like my out of pocket for just the skin cancer stuff will be four digits.  I am hoping I won’t be seeing additional bills from the cardiologist as well since they have that unwelcome practice of “estimating” and collecting your portion of the bill up front.  That practice quickly exhausted the funds I had set aside in my medical flex spending account for the entire year.

As told earlier, I went for the consult with the surgeon regarding the small protrusion in my lower abdomen.  In about 10 seconds he told me with 100% certainity I had a hernia.  My two options were to fix it now or fix it later as over time it will worsen, the variable is how fast which depends on the individual and the circumstances they are in.  Because high effort activities are pretty ingrained into my DNA I told him I would rather get it done sooner rather than later.

He recommended a mesh repair.  Hernia mesh has a horrible reputation due to two companies that were selling defective product years back.  There are several class action law suits about it.  I told him that was my biggest concern of course, long term complications.  He assured me the mesh he uses is great.  In 13 years of doing hernia surgeries he said he has never had one of these meshes fail.  The other advantage to going this route is it is an outpatient procedure requiring only three small holes in my stomach.  The recovery timeline is far better as well.  A friend of mine who teaches karate had a mesh repair done several years ago and echoed these results, minimal impact and quick recovery.

So I got the ball rolling on this for two reasons.  I am the type of person that when faced with something shitty to do I always would prefer to get it over with sooner rather than later.  The earlier this is done, the less opportunity it has to get more problematic.  Secondly, since I already have far exceeded my medical deductible this year, I figured I may as well do this now where less money will come out of my pocket.  I made sure to push the procedure into mid-August after I am back from my two trips.

In other expensive news, the installation timeline for my window replacement just got yanked forward.  As recently as last week I got a call stating the install should take place some time in August.  Today I got a call saying “hey, your windows are built, can we come next Tuesday?”  That timeline is somewhat problematic but again my yearning to get things done sooner rather than later kicked in.  I told them it was ok to come, meaning I will be working from home to babysit the process Tuesday and Wednesday.

Of course this also means the remaining payment for the windows will be coming due much sooner than expected, the biggest home expense I have had since putting the metal roof on the house.  I could throw it onto the home equity line of credit but I would like to pay that off sooner rather than later so I am just going to pay for this all at once out of pocket, a massive expense.

I also have been putting the wheel in motion (pun  intended) to get a new electric unicycle, a very expensive one.  I plan to offset that expense substantially by selling at least one if not two of my other PEVs, but still, it will be a chunk of change.  I actually have had another wheel reserved since last August.  I told the dealer to cancel the order today, partially because I am sick of waiting partially because of the call about the windows install moving up. Finally, I have the two trips coming up within the next month.  I don’t expect either one to have massive expenses associated with them but traveling is never exactly cheap. I nearly forgot I have a $3000 Tesla repair within the next month as well.

So anyway the logistical and financial demands on me over the next 45-60 days are going to be steep.  I’m more than capable of navigating my way through to calmer waters, it’s just a matter of keeping my head up and brain engaged.


Last night on the way home from work I called my brother as it was his 52nd birthday. (man that sounds weird)  I hadn’t talked to Todd in awhile so we caught up on the latest and greatest in his world, which always seems very, very busy. Of course when I think about it, whose life does not seem busy when it is spoken out loud?  I told him I was going to NY next week which he did not know about.  Because of his busy schedule, among other things, my dad already knew that Todd’s family would not be down going to the middle of nowhere in upstate NY with very limited connectivity to the outside world. During that conversation Todd also shared some information that sent a wave of anger through me.

As I have talked about here a number of times, I have had a lot of struggles over the last year, both physically and mentally.  For a long time my reaction to these things was to just swim around in them, being angry, sad, seeking to blame, or justify.  The end result of which was walking around most days feeling shitty.  Through efforts by both myself and conversations with others I have been making real efforts to break that chain of useless negative thinking.  Dwelling on things that have happened in the past that are unchangeable serves no tangible purpose in the present.

Although the anger will always be there, allowing it to pass through like water under a bridge instead of taking a bath in it is always the better choice if quality of life and happiness are your ultimate goals.  All I can hope for is a happy outcome for both myself and others, whatever that definition is for the individual.

I have neglected to say anything about the SCOTUS ruling on Roe vs Wade a few days ago, reversing the federal stance on abortion after something like 50 years.  As most that know me would assume, I do not think it is ok to dissolve a woman’s right to chose what decisions she makes with her body.  If somehow men were able to get pregnant there would have never ever been the need for such a ruling as men would never entertain government directing their medical choices.

Let’s be clear, supporting someone’s right to have an abortion is not the same as supporting abortion as a personal choice for oneself.  The vast majority of pro-choice individuals likely would not chose to have an abortion in their own lives yet do not feel justified applying their personal morals onto others.  The hypocrisy I really dislike is religious individuals using the Bible as their core reason for this stance.  The cherry picking of certain aspects of the Bible while completely ignoring other tenants in there that are not convenient to these same individuals is frustrating. For example here are 7 things the Bible clearly directs you to do, that no sane individual would entertain.

The other hypocritical reality is many of the people that are pro-life zealots care very little about what happens to children that are born into situations where they are basically unwanted or uncared for, needing assistance from government agencies. Many of these same individuals will complain about or outright oppose any sort of government funded assistance programs.  Make sure all babies are born, regardless of circumstance, just don’t ask us for any help after it happens.  It’s dumb.

It’s ironic to me that news media was acting like they didn’t know this was coming, it was already leaked close to a month ago. I guess acting like it came out of left field is better for the ratings. To me it’s just another example of the acidic nature of modern society.  Instead of moving society forward as a whole we have a segment that is dead set on throwing down an anchor and then pulling backwards, regardless of the cost.

Today I have my surgical consult regarding my potential hernia.  I am hoping for some direction on whether the bump is minor enough that I can just let it ride for now or if doing so has a significant impact going forward.