I came home last night to a transformed property where large areas of ground were now underwater thanks to torrential amounts of rain. Of course Elsa was terrified, I found her in the master bathroom tub. I had to physically remove her from the tub to get her to come outside to go to the bathroom. The storm subsided shortly before sunset, revealing yet another beautiful contrast of color and shape.
I spent time last time editing a video for Gladys. She has a lot of cool footage she has collected so I have been helping her get some of it published. Most of the videos are short so it doesn’t take much time. You can check it out here.
I am now getting close enough to my NY trip that my mental checklist of what needs to happen before departure is being formed and prioritized. It’s a huge help knowing Ali and Shugs will be watching the house, a luxury I may or may not have when the Roatan trip comes around.
So although we are a little less than a week away from the 4th of July I already have been planning on what I can do to make Elsa’s most hated holiday, better. Elsa is absolutely terrified of loud noises. Hell she is scared of noise, period. She has always been this way but instead of getting better over time it’s gotten worse. Even the sound of light rain on the roof is enough to send her scurrying to some corner to hide. I wish there was something I could do to take her fear away.
4th of July and New Year’s are the pinnacle of terror for her. The sound of nearby fireworks going off have her jumping in the tub, trembling in fear. I actually have some hemp calming treats that seem to take a little bit of the edge off for her but it’s still really bad. So what my hope this year is to totally remove her from the situation.
On Monday night right as it is getting dark I plan to load her up in the Tesla. I then am going to drive out towards Ave Maria. I am hoping the tightly packed houses would make backyard firework displays a non-issue, but I could be wrong. If I am, Elsa and I will continue driving. Hell I will park on Alligator Alley if I have to. I then can fire up Netflix or YouTube on the Tesla and just chill out with her until the explosions subside. Yes it’s a lot of effort to try to ease her fear but she’s worth it.
Yesterday I made plans to head down to Roatan where Gladys lives most of the time to visit. It is a beautiful place. I have only visited a handful of other countries as most of my travel has been the road trip variety. I have been in Mexico and the Bahamas courtesy of a cruise, Canada, and Ireland during the big family trip with my dad. I think that is the extent of my international travel. Luckily my passport was renewed back in 2019 so I should be good to go.
Gladys and I talk a lot, which is an extremely uncommon thing for me. Just ask most anyone else that knows me. Generally speaking I hate talking on the phone for long periods of time but with a very small handful of people it no longer feels like the chore it normally is. Because it is so rare for me to find human beings that I actually don’t mind talking at length with, when I do, I take notice.
Anyway the next 5-6 weeks for me are going to be extremely jam packed with the trip to upstate NY with my family and then reversing direction into the Caribbean a few weeks later. My path has become much less straight than it used to be.
On Friday night I traded my bike seat for a tractor seat. I wanted to get the main yard around the house mowed to clear up some time on the weekend as well as avoid complications from precipitation potentially. I went at a rapid pace, getting off the tractor in less than two hours. I then went in and had my Friday pizza a little later than normal, it still tasted good. While I enjoyed it I watched the final of Obi Wan on Disney+. It was FANTASTIC. I have loved every Star Wars series they have done on Disney+ so far.
On Saturday morning I had a long errands run with Elsa, I did not return to the house until after 1PM, spending over three hours out and about. I unpacked and set up some new solar torch style lights around the pool. They are from the same company that I got the other lights from, meaning I can change their color to any one of 8 or 9 possibilities. I like the way they look.
I spent my Saturday evening with Gladys’s sister Monique, we made plans to go out to Ave Maria. On the way there we stopped at the house so Monique could meet Elsa and Kathy. I walked her around the house and property, both of which she liked. As normal Elsa was hesitant about Monique at first but let her pet her a bit towards the end of the visit.
We headed out to Ave Maria with very ominous clouds in the sky. The rain luckily held off while we walked the town square. The big thing I wanted to show Monique was the church. She had never gotten to check it out and was very interested in doing so.
We walked in the front door and saw there were people inside for a service. The service evidently just started and the usher assumed we were there for it so he opened the door for us and we went in. I could hardly believe it but we just happened to walk into a spanish service, I did not know they had them there.
For Monique this was perfect as spanish is her native language and she got to take in the beauty of the church interior. My understanding of spanish is very basic, I can make out maybe a few words out of every sentence but I didn’t care, I told Monique I was fine staying as long as she wanted because I knew she was really enjoying it. After maybe 15 minutes or so she said she was ok to head out. I commented several times how coincidental the timing was of the service with our arrival.
We walked around a little more before eating dinner at a local restaurant, one of only two that I saw open Saturday night. We both got the stir fry dish, me with shrimp and her with salmon. We had a good meal. It became easier to talk once the live steel drum musician closed out his set. By the time I drove her all the way back into Naples it was after 9:30. Once again we had a nice time. Monique is leaving this week to go visit Gladys and have an extended visit in Honduras with her mom. She will basically be gone all of July. I guess I will be going back to lone wolf mode for awhile.
My Sunday started sort of slow. When I did the chicken chores I strapped my GoPro to my head. The reason was to record what I normally do for Ali and Shugs so they have a visual reference. It’s almost a real time depiction meaning in total they should only have to spend 20-30 minutes a day doing what I normally do.
During the afternoon I wanted to get out on the Gyroor hoverboard to get some more practice in. About 10 minutes into riding the board acted weird. I stepped off, turned it off to reset it and then hit the button to turn it back on. It was dead somehow. I captured my disappointment on video. I tried various tactics to troubleshoot the issue, none of them worked. I sent an email to the company rep sharing the problems and telling him they can have their board back. They sent me a return label but want to send me another board that is hopefully 100% functional.
Sunday afternoon I FINALLY got my Prusa MK3S printing again after being out of order for close to a couple months. I have had to order 3 rounds of parts to get it going again after the blob from hell destroyed the old hot end assembly. I need to do some additional test prints to make sure everything is good to go but my initial 6 hour print completed successfully.
Sunday night I decided to do a live stream. Sunday evening is not a good time to do this normally as I have a 5:30 alarm waiting for me on most Monday mornings. Because of this the stream was shorter than most, clocking in at right around two hours. By the time I shut it down my eyelids were getting heavy.
Yesterday afternoon my buddy Matt asked me if I wanted to get together to grab a beer, something we talked about doing for awhile since the two projects we completed on his Tesla. I told him I was good to go but I couldn’t do it until 8:30 or so which he was ok with. The reason was I had already mentally penciled in I needed to get the back of the property mowed. In some areas the grass was approaching a foot high so when paired with the fact that everything was dry from a few days of no rain I felt I needed to get it done. I told Matt I would haul ass to get it done as quickly as possible, which I did.
I hauled ass so much that I actually walked into Brooks a full half hour ahead of my original prediction, about 8PM. The place was dead. When I sat down I was literally the only person at the bar, which honestly was ok. The bartender was nice and the cold beer tasted good after the time on the mower.
Shortly before Matt showed up a blonde woman around my age showed up and sat on the opposite corner near the door. Her and the bartender immediately started talking in a way that made me know she was a regular. The bartender said that it was this woman’s birthday so I wished her happy birthday from my distant vantage point and then continued nursing my Miller Lite until Matt arrived.
When he showed up he ordered a beer for himself. As we were talking I mentioned to him how it was the woman’s birthday so he wished her happy birthday as well. After he did this the woman said and motioned that we should come over and sit next to her. After exchanging glances with Matt, we decided to relocate, why not.
So as we are talking to this woman I notice her keys sitting on the bar. I see a Trident symbol on them. I couldn’t remember exactly which luxury car had the trident but she soon educated us, it was her Maserati. This information sparked curiosity in both Matt and myself as to what this woman’s story was. What ensued was an hour and a half of confusing information which got more confusing as she drank more. Matt and I originally thought she indicated she was with a very rich man and got divorced when she said something like “I made good choices in men” However later she said that she had never actually been married but had been engaged four times. She also told us she is a realtor.
This woman had no filter and the mouth of a sailor. She said F and MF a couple dozen times at least during our conversation. Matt and his sarcastic sense of humor tweaked her in a very funny way. Matt and I had finished up and were figuring to leave when this woman asked if we wanted to go across the street to Oak and Stone. Again after a funny exchange of glances Matt and I said ok, walking her across the parking lot. I had not been to Oak and Stone since covid went down.
We again sat at the bar. During the time there her story took a bit of a sad turn when she teared up telling us some of bad parts of her recent relationships. I felt bad for her although before long she was throwing F bombs around like candy again. We stayed there until close to 11. Matt headed out a few minutes before me so it was my job to walk her back across the parking lot. I was a little concerned about her ability to drive and voiced the concern. She said she only lived a couple miles away. She then asked me to sit in her car which I politely declined which I don’t think she liked very much. She drove off with a weird look on her face. I may run into her again at Brooks in the future or I may not but all I can say was she was responsible for one of the weirdest Thursday nights I have had in awhile.
This weekend I hope to be efficient in my use of time. The amount of small loose ends I have around the house are getting to the point where they need to be tied up en masse. I can only tolerate that feeling of disarray for so long until a tornado of motivation takes over.
Last night I made arrangements with Monique to go head to the Greenway. I wasn’t sure if we were going to walk or ride, it wound up being a walk which is something I have basically NEVER done at the Greenway. Ever since it opened I have always traveled it’s quiet and scenic trails via one of my PEVs which I love to do.
I picked Monique up around 7 and we parked in the same lot as I normally do when riding. I wasn’t quite sure how long we would walk and what sort of distances we would be traveling by foot. By the time we got moving the heat of the day was quickly dissipating. Monique and I walked and talked as we enjoyed the beauty of the area. Seeing things at a walking pace versus a riding pace brings some additional perspective.
Monique was down with walking all the way to Baker Park. As we approached we picked up the pace because we both needed a bathroom break from afternoon coffee. After the well needed relief we climbed to the top of the terrace and hung out there for a little bit, again just enjoying the moment. While we were sitting there I decided to turn on the workout mode of my Apple Watch so I could measure how far the walk back was which I had no idea of. I just knew it was substantial based on how my legs were feeling.
To me the walk back was even better with even cooler temperatures and the sunset vistas. The picture you see here was taken on the way back as we crossed the Gordon River. By the time we got back to the car my watch had clicked off something like 2.6 miles meaning we had walked over 5 miles in total. I can not tell you the last time I have traveled that far by foot. My lower body felt the same way with some aches and pains but I didn’t really care, it was a great way to spend a couple hours. Monique said she really had fun as well which I was glad to hear. Next week she is leaving to go to Honduras to both visit Gladys and travel the mainland with her mom for almost a month. I am going to see if she wants to do something this weekend since she won’t be around for awhile.
I saw Tony Siragusa died yesterday, the former NFL defensive lineman with a big personality. He went from the NFL to being a sideline reporter. I have not heard of an official cause of death but my guess is it is somehow related to his size which was substantial. Tony was only 55 years old, less than a year older than me. In the past I would use this as an opportunity to bemoan the perils of aging and equate it to something negative. Now, I prefer to view it as a reminder that time is precious and I should do what I can to make whatever time I have remaining, well spent.
Last night I finally got around to unboxing and filming my initial thoughts about the Gyroor F1 hoverboard. I have had the device for almost a week but had other priorities that prevented me from filming a review. I got the idea in my head that I wanted to do a funny intro for the video where I double myself, a trick I did once before. To do this requires filming three separate shots, making sure the camera stays absolutely stationary. So I filmed those spots and then started filming the guts of the video. At some point I look down and realize that I forgot to turn on or even put on my wireless mic….. Everything I had just done had no audio…. I was pissed at my sloppiness, really pissed because I thought the first takes went well. So I had no choice but to film all those parts again.
I get around to actually riding the F1 which I knew was going to feel weird, especially since I already ride a bunch of other PEVs that control in a much different manner. With a hoverboard you apply pressure to the footpad on the opposite side of the direction you want to go. Want to turn left, push with your right foot. For the most part I did ok but a few times my brain short circuited where I zigged when I should have zagged, the end result being tossed off the Gyroor. I never hit the concrete though which was a plus.
My unit also had an issue with a rubbing sound from the one wheel. Upon inspection I noticed the fender was pushed down to the point where it was making contact with the tire. I was able to bend it up to give some clearance but I still was getting some noise when going at higher speed so I will have to investigate further. It was fun zipping around the driveway and I look to do an extended riding session at the school parking lot where I can see if I can get my brain adjusted to this control scheme. After all they say forcing yourself to keep learning is a solid way to keep your mind from turning to mush. I have a LOT of funny clips that I did not put in the video which I plan to make it’s own stand alone thing when I get a chance.
Shortly before I was heading outside to do my Monday evening chicken related duties the skies opened up. I had a schedule to keep on track with so I just threw a rain jacket on. Even so I came back inside pretty drenched, especially my lower body which was not protected. It poured for quite awhile. The rain finally stopped and I headed out to put Kathy to bed sometime after 8PM. As soon as I stepped outside and saw the sky I turned around and grabbed my phone. This vista was nothing short of amazing.
In total I took around a dozen pictures. I would take one and then a couple minutes later the light and colors would morph into something equally amazing. I walked around the yard taking various shots, all of which were beautiful in my estimation. Although I have always appreciated the simple beauty of sunsets I have been guilty of being too caught up in the hustle and bustle of life most of the time to take a deep breath and enjoy them. This is one of the many things I have been working on correcting.
I was watching a video of a popular EUC YouTuber based in Poland. This video was about how a bunch of riders customize their Veteran Sherman wheels. As I watched I saw a bunch of the wheels outfitted with Exo-Armor, a 3D printed part that I designed and sell on my store.
Many of the riders actually had a modified version of the Exo-armor that someone made based on my original design. When I came up with Exo-Armor I put the 3D files out in the public domain so anyone with a 3D printer could download and print themselves a set. This is something I have done with a handful of my designs. It’s nice to share with the community and moments like this where you see your idea show up around the world that feel pretty cool.
Before my bike ride Friday night I decided it would be different to strap a GoPro to my helmet and record the experience. Now of course 35 minutes of road flying by on it’s own would not be interesting so I made it sort of a rolling documentary, just talking about whatever came to mind during the sweaty and hot ride. There is a moment during the video where a motorist acted like he never saw me, rolling right in front. I gave him a verbal congratulations for his actions. It’s a long video but there are some funny/interesting nuggets sprinkled throughout.
Saturday morning I was buzzing around trying to get a number of small tasks done. I was picking up Monique to go do my first ever session with a medium, I’m not sure if that is the same as a psychic. Anyway Monique has sessions semi-regularly and although it isn’t something I would look into on my own, I appreciated her invite and was willing to see how it went.
Monque went first, each session is approximately 20 minutes. While she was in there I walked around the store. They had dozens varieties of stones, each of supposedly having different benefits. I found it interesting reading the descriptions of them all. I was curious how the benefit was utilized, did they need to just be in your vicinity or did you need to hold/interact with them while doing something like meditation. Monique told me that I could bring a picture or an object from a loved one if I wanted so I did just that, bringing my mom’s glasses that I have been in possession of since she passed away.
The medians name was Theresa, I immediately got a good vibe about her. She asked what she could do for me. I told her I have never done anything like this before but that my mom had passed away a number of years ago and that I had brought her glasses with me. She asked me to give them to her. As soon as she put them in her hand she said her hand felt cold but that feeling went away after a minute or two. Ironically as she said she felt cold, I suddenly felt very warm which also subsided after a brief time.
As Theresa held the glasses in one hand she wrote with her other hand. She said my mom was here and just the idea of that made me emotional instantly. She wrote a couple pages of things, some of it brought on more waves of emotion from me. It was a generally upbeat and encouraging message which didn’t have a lot of specificity which is ok. However what I did find interesting was at one point Theresa started to tear up as well. She also asked if she died of a heart attack which she did. Lots of people die of heart attacks of course so it is a high probability question. However she also asked if she had a problem with her throat. Mom did have thyroid issues and even a goiter from it at one point so that question rung true with me a little bit.
We then turned to more general things like what the deal is with me. Theresa shuffled her tarot deck thoroughly and then laid out 7 or 8 cards. The big picture ideas were she saw that I have had an internal conflict that needs to be settled. She said there was something I wanted but I am hesitant to go all out for because of fear of rejection. She also said there is great reward/treasure at the other side of the work that lies ahead. Again a lot of this could be generalized to fit a multitude of situations but in some ways it did definitely apply to my life over the last year or so.
After she talked about the cards we just talked like two people. I told her about some of the self help stuff I have been working on, trying to change some of the negative thought patterns that have not served me well over my life. She shared some stories of her own which I found interesting as well. The 20 minutes went by quickly and I came out of it finding the experience enjoyable. I don’t think it is something I would want/need to do on a regular basis but it was cool to dip my toe into a way of thinking that was was totally foreign to me.
After the reading Monique agreed to go to Rural King with me, a store she was at before. I actually needed a few things so it worked out. She most enjoyed seeing the various baby chicks they had on hand. Every time I see them I of course think how cute they are but I never feel obliged to pull the trigger on getting more since I now know the harsh reality of chicken ownership after 8+ years of living it.
We also stopped for coffee afterward. Originally I was going to find a Starbucks since I knew Monique liked their coffee. I was surprised when she said she would be ok with going to Dunkin Donuts, she said she hasn’t tried their coffee. She got a cafe con leche and actually really liked it. We sat in the mostly empty lobby while we finished our drinks. She had to get back to her place at a reasonable time to complete some packing related to her little sister getting ready to fly down to Honduras to visit Gladys. It was another fun experience with Monique. I consider her to be a real friend at this point, which I am thankful for. My Saturday night was spent at home. I was up later than expected and somehow managed to down five White Claws along the way.
On Sunday Mongi, a channel subscriber from the east coast of Florida was scheduled to show up around noon. I once again hustled around making sure what needed to get handled got done was completed prior to his arrival. He had roughly a two and a half hour drive over from the Singer Island area. Mongi (real name Loren) immediately struck me as a likeable guy. I showed him my wheel and 3D printer collection but we didn’t waste a lot of time before getting on the EUCs. We first did a quick test ride up the street so he could test my V12. I got on his Monster Pro which is the largest EUC there is in terms of tire diameter, a massive 24 inches. I had an original Monster which had a 22 inch tire.
The wheel just felt huge and cumbersome. It had been a very long time since I rode anything that large. After the quick warm up ride we went back to the house where I grabbed my Veteran Sherman. I was a little worried when I saw it was only 2/3 charged since we were going to Ave Maria which is at least a 35 mile round trip. Luckily the Sherman has the biggest battery of all of my wheels so both Mongi and I were confident it would have the juice to make the round trip.
It was incredibly hot and humid when we pulled out. I saw tons of clouds that usually turn into thunderstorms so I had concerns we could wind up getting wet along the way. The ride out there went well, I was on my Sherman for the first part of the ride and was carrying right around 30MPH. If my battery was full when I left I would have gone faster as Mongi likes to cruise 35mph on his wheel. We then switched, giving me more time on the big wheel. The more time I spent on it the more I liked it as I got used to it’s physics. Because of it’s size and weight (around 90lbs) it just feels incredibly planted on the road. For hard surface cruising at high speeds it is hard to beat.
When we turned around in Ave Maria I saw lines of black clouds in the direction we were headed, I was certain we would get rained on. I was wrong. We rode right along the rain line but never actually got wet. When we got back to the house I pulled out my Z10 and V10F and let Mongi ride them as well. He then asked if I wanted to grab some food, I said sure.
He had never been in a Tesla before so we took my car. As I found out during his visit, Mongi has a pretty amazing background dealing with speed, danger and excitement. He has done all sorts of racing, jumping, and speeding with almost every type of motorized vehicle you can think of. He has done a number of frame off classic car restorations, he can literally do it all, engine rebuilds, body work and anything in between.. He basically has the skill set I dreamed of having when I was younger.
We went to Pelican Larry’s where we enjoyed a good meal over a couple beers. Mongi has endless stories of his various adventures. He could be retired but he works to keep himself active, fixing pinball machines which ironically is another job I thought I wanted in my youth. We headed back to the house and Mongi headed out to visit his cousin who also lives in Naples. He invited me to come hang at his place sometime which I may take him up on when my schedule allows. He was a cool guy and I’m glad I made the effort to meet up.
Once Mongi left I got to work on a few loose ends as well as editing the video of our ride together. The weekend was one of those quick blurs but I emerged from it feeling like it was time well spent. I got to catch up with my Dad after playing some phone tag, wishing him a happy Father’s Day.
Last night there were spotty thunderstorms in my area, luckily I avoided a direct hit. I was able to complete this week’s grass maintenance, spending a little less than two hours on the mower. I again utilized my headphones, both listening to music and a podcast to help pass the time in the seat. At the end I drove out to the backyard to snap a picture of yet another scenic sunset, a natural Florida resource that I have been spending more time appreciating recently. After I put the tractor away and surveyed the now uniform looking grass I gave myself a a little mental “job well done”.
My weekend, despite my efforts to hack out large chunks of time requirements from yard work, still is feeling like it is going to be busy. Mid-afternoon Saturday I am again meeting up with Gladys’s sister Monique to do something I never did before, a psychic reading. This is something I have always had mixed feeling about. However I have been making efforts to be open to different types of experiences so I thought this could be interesting. If I was told something for example about my mom that there is no way this person could know otherwise it would be a little bit of a foundation shaking experience. I recall being told by my great aunt, who WAS definitely into reincarnation and things of that nature that when I was a young child I used to walk around talking about a prior life I had. I have no recollection of this but that information always stuck with me. Monique also told me how she went to Rural King once and really liked it, which I found funny so we will head there afterwards and grab dinner somewhere as well. It should be a different sort of fun.
On Sunday as long as the weather forecast looks ok, a channel subscriber will be coming down to ride with me mid-day Sunday. I also have some 3D printer repairs to complete along with finding time to do a professional-ish review of the new hoverboard.
Last night I was talking with Gladys about her history, specifically how she wound up coming to the US from Honduras which is a pretty amazing story. The path she has gone from a childhood of struggle living in a third world country to where she is now, living along the ocean on a tropical island is nothing short of incredible. Listening to her story got me thinking about my own path which has had it’s own share of crazy twists and turns albeit without the additional challenge of living in a less developed country.
My ideas of what laid ahead of me at different points of my life sometimes felt crystal clear, other times it was a fuzzy outline, at best. However the one constant thing was the path I traveled never has gone as I expected, ever. Now, after all of this time has passed, I am trying to focus on more of the journey instead of a destination. There have been many lessons learned along the way. Failure, ironically, is one of the most effective teachers there is. I hope the learning never stops.
Last night I got home with the intent of carrying out my new normal, doing yard work on a weeknight. I did not try to do a 2 for 1 deal like the past couple weeks where I would do an abbreviated weed whacking session followed by mowing. I chose to do a full whacking run instead which is needed periodically. Sure it eats up a good portion of my evening but with my headphones on combined with the cooler temperatures the level of agitation doing the task is dramatically decreased.
On Tuesday my GYROOR F1 hoverboard arrived. You may recall this was sent to me for free in exchange for my doing a video review of it. It’s sort of ironic that my PEV progression never included a hoverboard which is the ground floor for many people. It will be interesting to see how I like it. I hope to carve out some time this weekend to be able to do the review, part of the reason I want to get grass maintenance cleared off my plate.
This is totally random but in my head at this moment. I clearly remember when I was in 5th grade being taught the metric system. The teacher emphasized at that time how it was important for us to learn it because the United States was going to officially transition very soon. It made sense since practically the rest of the world was already using it. Plus a system based on factors of the number 10 seems to make a lot more sense than the imperial system which uses disconnected numbers for various measurements. Somehow the transition never really happened and here we are some 30+ years later still talking feet, pounds and miles. What is the hidden, deep meaning of this? I don’t have it clearly defined other than Americans don’t like change and feel little need to pay attention to the rest of the world.
Oh speaking of the weekend, I also potentially have another channel viewer coming down to ride EUCs with me. He would be bringing his gigantic Monster Pro wheel with him, a model I had never ridden. I have met up with a number of people that know me from YouTube. It has always wound up being a good experience. I’m hoping for the same once again.