Peaked early
I got up a little after 4AM on Thursday for my trip north to PA. My flight left bright and early at 7AM. The flight up went smoothly. I rented my car through a company named Payless. I stood outside in the very chilly air for a very long time as I saw vans from other companies roll through consistently. There was another woman standing there most of the time and she eventually asked me if I was waiting for Payless too. I said I was.
She said that she called them and was told that you have to call and let them know when you need a pick up. WTF, I have never had that scenario before. When the van finally did arrive I was chilled to the bone. Usually rental car lots are relatively close to the airport but this one seemed very far away, taking over 15 minutes to get to. I was given a a nice Jeep Cherokee which was more than I expected.

I drove from Philly right to the place I was renting a tux from, Mens Wearhouse. I actually got measured for the tux in Florida but could pick it up in Lancaster which was cool. I am pretty sure the last time I wore a tux was for my wedding back in the 90’s.
I had a few hours to kill before I was supposed to meet up with Troy and other family members and friends of Troy and Jess for a dinner. I checked out the Doubletree Hilton gym which was surprisingly nice having everything I needed to get a decent workout in.
I had a very difficult time finding the place for the dinner. Troy just gave me an address but that address also happened to be the one for some college building. It took me about 10 minutes of walking around until I found where I was supposed to go. The place the dinner was held was very nice. I got to see Troy’s brother, mother and sister for the first time in over 25 years which was a bit nuts. I also got to meet Jess’s mother and brother which was nice as well.

The wedding was Friday at 5PM. I had asked Troy if there was anything he needed help with during the day but he really didn’t. I hit the gym once again and took a nap. My main responsibility was to make sure that other people that were staying at the hotel got on the full size tour bus which was driving us to the venue about 20 minutes away.
In the hotel lobby I met a number of owners in the fantasy football league that Troy has organized for over 30 years. Most of them I have only known via electronic communication. Meeting them in person was a bit surreal. Some were as I expected, some were not.

The wedding venue was a beautiful old place that was in the middle of Lancaster farm land. Originally the wedding was going to be outside but the threat of rain forced them to move indoors. The ceremony did not take very long but it was touching to see the genuine love between Troy and Jess. There were a number of people there so to grease my social interaction skills I immediately started the flow of alcohol. Other than one mixed drink I stuck to Miller Lite.
The reception was held in another building. I was at a table with three other owners from the fantasy football league. Two of them I had met before during a prior trip to PA. One of their wives turned out to also be an avid pickleball player so we talked about our love of the game quite a bit.
One of the odd things that I noticed very early was the man pictured above. The entire evening he was standing in roughly the same spot doing just what you see here, looking down at a tablet. If he spoke a word to anyone I did not see it. I finally had to ask Troy and Jess who this guy was and what was he doing? Evidently he was the live bands sound man. His job was to control the sound levels via the tablet I guess. I did not hear any radical shifts in the sound volume during the entire night so I can’t imagine he had to do much. For all I know he was watching movies on Netflix. I left the wedding a little after 10 with two of the guys at my table instead of hopping back on the bus. On the ride back to the hotel some interesting stories were told. It did not take me long to fall asleep.

Saturday was my day to visit my family. I set an alarm to drag my ass out of bed to get on the road to get to Lenhartsville to visit my dad and step mom. It had been at least two years since I have been to their house, possibly closer to three. Things looked similar except there are significantly less sheep.
When they moved back east from western PA they had 16 sheep. Now due to old age and some health problems they are down to six. I said hi to them but they were not very interested in socializing.
Dad suggested we go out to breakfast. I offered to drive in the Jeep since it had space and was nice. Dad directed me on a route that included driving on a crushed stone road. It made the drive feel more exciting to him I guess. We had a nice breakfast at small family place in Lenhartsville, the type of place my dad enjoys. Everything in there seemed to go at a slow pace which is what he seems to enjoy most of the time.
On the way back we stopped at Dietrich Meats, a place I have visited and talked about before. The purpose of the visit was for me to grab some shoo fly pies to take back to Florida. This place is in a time capsule, looking like nothing has changed since the 70’s, giving it some of it’s charm. If you are heavily into meats, this place is for you.
On the way back I suddenly had a tire PSI warning come up on the screen. It showed one of the tires was in the low 20’s while all the others were pushing 40PSI, great. By the time we got back to their house it had dropped all the way to 15PSI meaning this was not a slow leak. My dad brought out his compressor and I started adding air but I could actually hear the leak hissing. I eventually found it. Whatever cut the tire was not stuck in it making air escape fast. My assumption is it happened on the rock road but who knows.
It became clear to me that trying to drive with this sort of leak was a recipe for disaster. I called the rental car company to seek their guidance. I didn’t know if they would want me to fix it and/or put the spare on. The answer I got was I was responsible for road hazard so I had to get it fixed. Ok, great. So I checked to see if the Jeep came with a spare, thankfully it did. I put it on and threw the leaking tire in the back. I said my goodbyes to my dad and Teresa and headed to the nearest tire shop, Mavis.
I was pleasantly surprised when they said they could roll me in to look at it. I found myself getting a bit annoyed at the pace of the repair. The guy that was doing it seemed to be taking his sweet old time doing it. I sat there for more than an hour however it was hard for me to stay annoyed when the guy said there was no charge, he just plugged the hole. I gave him a $20 tip for helping me get back on the road. Every trip has it’s hiccups and I thought this was mine. I was wrong.

So after a couple hour delay to address the tire I drove to Todd’s house. It had been over a year since I saw him and he recently had a health scare so it was good to see him. I also got to see Bailey which was bittersweet. Her big brother Oakley died several months ago. Bailey was still a big lovable teddy bear like she normally is.
I got to see my niece Caroline for a bit and saw the place that she is renting. We went to dinner at Ganly’s, a nice place I have eaten at before. It was myself, Todd, Mindy, her daughter Mackenna and Mindy’s mother. We had a nice meal and then went back to their place. I didn’t stay long as I had to still return the tux and get prepped for leaving the hotel early Sunday morning.

I set a 5:45 alarm on Sunday. I wanted to give myself plenty of cushion to make sure I got to the airport for my flight on time which was scheduled to depart at 10:55, getting me home mid-afternoon. On the drive down to Philly I stopped at a something you never see, a Dunkin Donuts without a drive thru.
This was an old building that obviously started out as something else. Stranger yet that this was in the middle of PA Dutch country but the place was staffed by two Indian dudes. Despite the oddities the coffee was ok and I hopped back in my car and kept rolling. My plan worked and I was in the airport by 8AM with time to spare. I had no idea just how much time to spare I would have ultimately.
The first delay text came somewhere after 9. The delay was roughly an hour, annoying but not a huge deal. I shrugged it off and just watched YouTube on my phone. Then the second delay notice came in and then a third. There was no American Airline staff at the gate to explain, we were just getting these notifications on the app of them, which annoyed me.
Then the notice came that the departure gate was moved to a different terminal so I had to hoof it over there. In total there were at least six or seven delays announced. The later delays were due to weather but we were never informed what started the chain reaction in the morning. Even after we finally boarded the plane we had to wait another 90 minutes because of a ground stop. It was maddening. The only good news was the plane was maybe half full and I had an entire row to myself so I could sprawl out across all three seats.
Once we finally got in the air I tried to keep my mind numb by playing endless games of solitaire on my phone. By the time we landed it was something like 8:45, something like 7 hours later than expected. The cherry on top was waiting another 20 minutes for the luggage to come out. Thankfully Ali and Shuggs were willing to meet me near the airport to drop off Elsa otherwise I would have added at least another hour onto my drive home. My head hit the pillow after midnight. It was one of the most frustrating days of travel I can remember.
So the trip was front loaded with a lot of good memories with a tail end of frustration. I was happy to be able to attend Troy’s wedding. I hope Jess and he have a long and happy life together. They both deserve it. I am happy to be back in Florida and will continue working on carving out my own little ball of happiness.