Was going to try to

Was going to try to rescue the couple remaining catfish but it rained hard yesterday so the drainage ditch is full again. I will have to wait a few days for it to dry up.

Today I should be getting my new RC plane kit It is a step up in difficulty from my Firebird XL but I hope to get it in the air this weekend. It has much more acrobatic capability than the XL since it is a 3 channel set up. Should be interesting to see how it goes.

Got the repaired clock back for the Buick. Opened the box and everything reeked of cigarette smoke. Guess the guy likes to smoke while he works. 🙂 Also should get the new steering wheel Friday. Hopefully this weekend I will get to install both things in the car.

Last night I got the webcam setup! I am using my digital sony camcorder as the webcam device. It seems to be working well. I may also set up a 2nd cam here at work. We will see how it goes.

Last night at the gym I was talking to a guy I know that teaches 8th grade down here. He told me how sad the state of education is down here. Up till now kids were being administratively pushed through the grade levels regardless of their grades. In the next year or two they are going to use FCAT scoring as a basis for promoting students. An FCAT score ranges from 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest). You need a 2 to advance. He said he would not be surprised if HALF of his students would not be able to score a 2. A lot of his 8th graders read at a 4th grade level. It sounds like the shit is going to hit the fan once this mandatory system goes into place. You could have thousands of students being held back causing all sorts of backups in the school system. Could be a MAJOR mess. Can someone remind me of why I should want to have kids again??