Ear alarm clock

This morning I was awakened by ear pain between 3 and 3:30 am.  Basically as soon as the Advil wears off the pain gets pretty severe.  I popped two more Advil but was not able to fall back asleep so I rolled out of bed around 4:30.

When I got into work I called the clinic and reported that even though I am on my 4th day of antibiotic drops, I have not seen any lessening of the symptoms.  The PA said she would call in a prescription for an oral antibiotic.  In the past this almost always seems to be the final resolution to my ear woes.

If my ear pain continues as is it will definitely put a damper on any weekend fitness plans, there is no way I am doing cardio with a throbbing head plus my body just feels weakened from fighting the infection.

Saturday night we are supposed to go to a party.  If I am on antibiotics that means I shouldn’t drink which means my ability to efficiently party will be significantly impaired.

I read that fecal matter Santorum would like to outlaw pornography if he gets the big chair in DC.  This goes along with the myriad of other bible mandated ideas that he would like to impose on the country.  Have to love people that view themselves worthy of being the morality police for others. Idiot.