Hot humid headache, Pulling with the (Bar) Starzz, Lol at Mitt

So after leaving work early I headed to the site of the race.  When I got there I unloaded and set up what I could and once the club’s truck arrived  we dug into setting up everything else.  I fully expected a lot of headaches with this race on my end based on history.  History did indeed repeat itself.

The registration area got very chaotic, very quickly.  We had problems with teams coming up with email confirmations showing they registered for the race yet for some reason I did not have them in the system.  We also had teams that supposedly mailed in entries with checks that were MIA.  There was a long period of time where Ali and I were just slammed non-stop with problems.  We did the only thing we could do, handle them one at a time.

I had to leave Ali alone to handle the mess for the last 15 minutes before the start of the race so I could set up the timing equipment at the start and finish lines.  This was the first time I used the four new timing mats the club bought for the start line, they seemed to do a better job at detecting the huge volume of runners at the start than the 5 year old mats they replaced.

The actual timing of the race went smoothly after getting past the hectic pre-race scene.  I found myself developing a rather large headache towards the end.  I am not sure of it was from the race or from being dehydrated, I was sweating my ass off.

I worked on all of the post race duties right up to bedtime, I wanted it all done and put away.

So yesterday I was browsing Facebook and I saw mention of a pull up event in South Beach on Saturday held by Bar Starzz.  Bar Starrz is another body weight enthusiast group, like the Bar-barians.  When I looked closer I saw that I actually had been invited to the event awhile back by Luis, a fellow 40 + year old that is part of their group.  I somehow missed the invite.

Well anyway, I saw the event actually has people coming from quite a distance to attend, including some people from NYC that I am FB friends with.  Wow it would be cool to meet all these people.  I saw Luis on FB chat and told him I was going to try to make it over there.

Later in the day I realized there was a complication.  I totally forgot that Ali was gone this weekend.  She is doing the Chicago Marathon again.  That means I have dog duty.

Well after initially thinking it would cause me to miss this opportunity I reconsidered.  It doesn’t start until 2pm which means I can leave around noon, spend 3-4 hours there and get back around 8-9. Worst case scenario is I have a smelly welcome home present and I will have the Spot Bot on hand in that event.  The dogs would be given a free poop pass in that situation.

My left wrist and elbow are both injured to varying degrees but I think I am willing to just pop some Advil and deal with it.  It should be a fun time. The SSR will be utilized for the coast to coast and back again trip, adding to the fun quotient.

I am sure the rest of the weekend will have plenty of more mundane items to consume what is left of it.

Ali forwarded this to me.  It seems that the general consensus is that Mitt was the winner of the first debate based on his aggressive attitude and one liners that seemed locked and loaded almost before Obama would even stop speaking.  Now what would you think if I told you that part of reason was because Mitt had a cheat sheet in front of him?

One of the rules of these debates are candidates are not allowed any aids in front of them.  They are given a blank sheet of paper to make notes on once the debate begins, that’s it.  Otherwise they are supposed to rely simply on their command of the issues.

Well the video makes it clear as day that Mitt pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket as he approached the podium, perhaps thinking that all of the cameras in the room were facing him and would not be able to catch his trickery.

I find this funny and pathetic at the same time.  Wonder if he will fess up to this one or not?