Slim, drama hunger

I don’t have much of personal interest to relate today.

So the headlines have been filled with the sex scandal regarding General Petraeus.  To have such a high ranking individual, one of the stars of the Afghan/Iraq war (if there is such a thing out of that cluster f) be involved in an extra-marital affair is scandalous, just what mainstream America loves to devour.

To be quite honest, I have only skimmed the story.  I know the woman was making threats to other women that they shouldn’t mess with her affair, I know she is kind of hot and that her and the general used a technique utilized by terrorist organizations to hide their email communication, utilizing a shared Gmail account and the draft email function.

I am not sure if I should force myself to care more about this but the reality is I don’t give a shit.  Married people cheat ALL the time.  It isn’t news to me that a general/ director of the CIA is not immune to this failing.

Have you ever known anyone that seems to require drama to survive, almost as much as food, water or air?  Of course you do, everyone does.  I often imagine how exhausting it must be to exist in this situation, where unless there is conflict or chaos surrounding this person, there is no comfort.  Many times people like this will go so far as to manufacture their own chaos if there is currently none available from external sources.

Generally speaking, when I identify individuals like this I try to swing a very wide circle around them.  It just isn’t my thing.