After work wonderful weather

I picked up the dogs on the way home from work.  Nicki has developed this weird behavior when I get them now from dog daycare.  She comes over to the door of the truck but then lays down, like she doesn’t want to get in the truck.  It’s weird.  So I scoop her up and place her on the front seat and she then makes her way into the back behind my seat like she always did.  I don’t know what the reason is for her latest quirk, she has a lot of them.

388528_10152167759347841_1275724687_n[1]When I got home I headed outside to try my hand at BB mode of this month’s forum challenge.  The weather was fantastic.  The temperature was in the upper 70’s and the sky was a deep, rich blue with hardly a cloud in the sky.  It was the kind of setting that just made you feel good being outside.

I remember one thing that I always appreciated when I first moved to Florida was just how awesome the blue skies are, much more so than I ever recall living in PA for over 30 years.  It’s also something that I suppose I take for granted most of the time, now that I have lived in Florida for over a dozen years.  For whatever reason, last night I appreciated it.

The girls appreciated the weather as well.  They were quite content to hang out in the yard as long as I was out there.

By the time I ate dinner, caught an episode of Kitchen Nightmares and cleaned up the night was almost over.  I closed down my Tuesday watching this week’s Walking Dead episode.