Need my WD, big mouth

So last night I big part of my plans was to finally catch this weeks Walking Dead episode that I heard so many people raving about.  I fired up the Xfinity app on my Xbox and looked at the episode list.  The most recent episode was last weeks.  Hmm that can’t be right.  I closed the app and relaunched it, hoping it would force some sort of refresh.

Once again, this weeks episode was not there.  WTF??  Every week the episode is normally available by Tuesday evening, why would it not there by Wednesday…  Hopefully it pops up tonight.  I filled the void playing further through the Walking Dead game.

482094_10152180401537841_1573370165_n[1]Yesterday the new, bigger and louder megaphone I ordered for the running club showed up.    You can see the size difference as well.  The new unit is HEAVY, heavy enough that if you plan to hold it up at head level to talk you better be doing shoulder presses on a regular basis.

In addition to being louder than the other megaphone it has an auxiliary input and the ability to run off of DC power.

Ali leaves for an Easter trip to PA today meaning I have two black and furry additions to the house for a few days.  Ali is letting me use her Volt while she is gone so I can minimize my gas costs for a few days.  The only catch is she wants me to wash it for her, fair trade.