The Great Flood, Kick Ass sucked ass, Dog circus, Close for the Blade

The place where I work is typically pretty boring,  It got a big dose of excitement on Friday afternoon however when a a joint connected to a ceiling drain let loose in the middle of a downpour.  This was a big pipe, probably 5 – 6 inches in diameter.  By the time I got up front to see it there was already an inch of water on the floor of the department with a non-stop waterfall coming from the ceiling.

I felt sort of helpless, not having the means to stop the water although I wondered if I could stand on something to push the pipe back onto it’s fitting.  In total the water was pouring in for a good 15 minutes until someone from the maintenance department got up on the roof and plugged the drain.  Of course as the network administrator my first concern was the equipment.  Luckily most of the computers were off the ground although there were a number of live power strips/bricks laying in the water with juice still flowing to them.

Our department got busy disconnecting the computers and getting them up on the desks.  Within 90 minutes Fire Service was on site starting to suck up the excess water and hooking up their huge collection of dehumidifiers and fans. When I got into the office this morning that department was a mess.  All of the furniture was moved around to gain access to the walls where they drilled multiple holes to help dry out any moisture that seeped in there.

We have been told certain areas might not be completely dried out for a week.  We are going to have to juggle things around to keep at least bare minimum services available while allowing the repair/clean up to complete.  It will be a a frustrating week for sure.

Saturday any sort of mowing was cancelled due to the huge amounts of rain that fell during the week, I have standing water everywhere.  Of course I had no shortage of other things to do.  I did a bunch of work on Cindy’s Miata as well, replacing the spark plugs, fuel filter and troubleshooting a pesky water leak problem.  The fuel filter was much more inconvenient to change on the Miata than the van, surprisingly enough.

I brought the girls out to play with Lucky on both Saturday and Sunday.  They had a lot of fun.  Watching Lucky chase Sadie around the house brought instant smiles to my face.  It reminded me of how Sadie and Nicki used to play years ago.  Nicki still tried to get involved in the play the best that she could however nowadays that is relegated to a bit of squaring off with her dropping the “big paw” now and then.

On Saturday night we went out to see Kick Ass 2.  I saw the opening week box office for the movie was pretty poor, something like 16-17 million.  I was kind of surprised, until I saw it.  The original Kick Ass was a mostly light hearted movie about a kid who winds up being a real life super hero.  I recall there being a few moments in the first film that seemed overly graphically violent but for the most part they were minor.  Well Kick Ass 2 took it to a new, highly inappropriate level in my opinion.

The movie  vacillates wildly between a light hearted, silly theme to a Schwarzenegger in Commando style of violence. One minute you are laughing out loud at the snooty high school girl puking and shitting herself and then the next minute you are seeing Kick Ass’s dad brutally strangled in a jail cell.  It was ridiculous and in very poor taste.  Machetes through the chest while a guys dogs is watching, jokes about not being able to get it up to rape a woman, and graphic close up headshots of cops vaults over the line of good taste.  I was feeling legitimately disgusted during certain parts of the film.

It’s a real shame because the movie would have been quite fun if they would have dropped all of the graphic violence.  It was totally unnecessary and irresponsible.

If I wasn’t annoyed enough by the film, we had to deal with some young kids that decided out of an entirely empty theater, their best seating option was directly behind us.   The movie was rated R and most of these kids were probably 14 or younger, kudos to to whatever adult allowed them into to see the movie, idiots.

So of course the film is going to get a bad rating from me, it could have easily been a B+ if they dropped all the unneeded bullshit, instead I would award it a C- and would not recommend you waste money seeing it any format that requires you to pay for it.

During the day Saturday I had another annoying encounter at Dunkin Donuts.  I documented it pretty well on FB so in order to save time I will take the easy way and copy and paste.

So I am ready to turn left into DD and a Mercedes sedan comes whipping around the corner and turns in ahead of me (no turn signal). For some reason this man and female companion stopped for 30 seconds at the entrance to the drive thru before finally approaching the ordering area.

After I realize he has been at the ordering window for awhile I turn off my radio so I can hear what is going on. I see this asshole’s triple chin wobbling as he is chastising the young girl for not having the variety of donut he desired. He asked her “what the hell is going on in there?” in a total condescending prick tone as if this girl was responsible for making sure his favorite donuts are available at all times.

He instructs the girl to read him every donut variety they DO have. She does so without losing one ounce of pleasantness in her voice. Asshole says he guesses he will have to take a key lime donut since he has little choice.

He whips around the 90 degree corner of the drive thru. The girl hands the fat fuck his donut and then hands him his receipt which he promptly throws on the ground before he speeds away.

This is the exact type of affluent individual that I despise. I hope his key lime donut gave him explosive diarhea.

Moral of the story – don’t be an asshole

My post struck a chord with many people who chimed in with their thoughts about this chode.

On Sunday I decided to keep my brick close to home instead of spending three hours away from the house.  It was Lucky’s last day with me so I figured he would appreciate it if I stuck around.   I did a relatively quick 4 miles on the treadmill, most of it spent with Lucky observing me.  I made the time on the spinning belt more bearable by watching YouTube RC videos on my Kindle as I was running.  It definitely helped pass the time with less mental anguish than normal.

After the run I jumped in the pool and did around 30 minutes of swimming.  Since my pool is only 28 feet long I only get 4 or 5 good strokes in before having to spin around but it was good enough.  Again Lucky spent most of the time watching me, he is so funny.

On Sunday afternoon I thought I would take my Blade quadcopter outside.  Although there was standing water everywhere I planned to keep the copter up on the mound where the house is built, keeping it high and dry.  I had a huge scare while I was out there.  I was flying around cautiously when a gust of wind pushed the copter farther away from me than planned.  At the same time the copter gained altitude rapidly, almost like it had lost contact with my transmitter.

Before I knew it the copter was at least 150 feet high and moving away from me.  I was freaking out.  At that height I could not tell the orientation of the Blade at all, I was just trying to use trial and error to get it closer to me.  I wound up doing a huge high C shaped path over the house.  I was trying to cut throttle to get the damn thing down but at the same time not too much so I could keep bringing it towards me.  I somehow managed to get it somewhat close to me and cut the power just before it hit the oak tree branches.  I felt very lucky to have gotten it back dry and in one piece.

Sadie and Nicki were not fans of the copter, they both scurried inside when I started flying it.  Lucky on the other hand saw this as a flying dog toy.  As I was hovering it he would jump up and bark at it, he thought it was the best thing ever.  I had to keep calling him off of it, he almost got his nose nicked by the blades a few times.

My buddy came to pick up Lucky around 5.  It was sad to see him go, he has so much fun out at the house and just loves everything.  He’s a good boy.

Sunday evening I saw the latest GI Joe movie.  I was very tired and dozed off multiple times, especially towards the end.  What I saw was decent, I’d give it a B.  If I saw more I might have rated it higher, or lower, who knows?