Keep moving, Noah, Machete madness

So on Saturday it was very dreary with off and on rain.  I delayed my normal morning outdoor work so I could instead help Cindy do more work cleaning out her old apartment. We brought the girls with so they could hang out.  They both enjoyed chilling out on the third floor lanai.

Once again the massive pile of things that are her daughters remained untouched, scattered around her bedroom.  Seeing this aggravated both of us but we had plenty of other things to do, too much to spend time worrying about it. Cindy worked primarily on cleaning and sorting.  I worked on repairs/painting.

We grabbed some cheap “country white” paint at Wal-mart on our way there but it turned out it was too yellowish.  I wound up heading over to Lowe’s and bought some white “ceiling paint” figuring that would be a close match to generic apartment white.  It was a better match but not perfect.  I also had to repaint a door and some other stuff that wound up getting damaged during the past year.  The point of the work was to make the apartment presentable but not perfect.  I assume before it would be rented again the owner will more than likely have painters blow through there with spray guns and turn it all white again.

We spent several hours there.  By the time we left the apartment was pretty much cleaned out besides Cindy’s daughters bedroom and a line of items along the wall.  It finally felt like the finish line was in sight.

When I got back home mid-afternoon I headed outside to quickly handle the chores I put off from the morning.  We had made plans to go to dinner and then see Noah Saturday night, a movie I was indifferent on seeing but one Cindy wanted to check out.

When we headed out it was almost Noah-like weather conditions with a very uncharacteristic March strong thunderstorm with gusting wind, lightning, thunder and near blinding downpours.  The SSR remained safely in the garage and we instead took the trusty Tacoma ark out into the elements. We had an enjoyable dinner at Stir Crazy, bypassing the line at the door by utilizing bar seating which was fine by both of us.

The movie wasn’t bad.  With my very sparse religious background I knew little more of the story behind Noah outside of animals, the ark and a lot of rain.  The movie filled in a lot of white space although from what Cindy said, some of the depictions were not accurate translations according to Bible gurus.  The thing I came away with is Noah turned into a pretty ruthless prick eventually.

I thought the film was pretty slow at points but I would never describe myself as being officially bored.  The visuals of the end of the world by water were quite impressive visually although not very believable.  I would give the film a “fine to wait till Netflix” B.  I was surprised that Cindy was actually more negative about the movie, initially only giving it a high C rating that she later revised to B status.

On Sunday morning we planned to hit the apartment one more time to get the few items that were either getting donated, thrown out or relocated to the house.  Those plans got delayed when Cindy wrenched her back, badly.  With Cindy’s activity level you might think this happened doing some sort of athletic endeavor.  Nope, she was bent over at the fridge.

All of  a sudden she had a shooting pain in her back that immobilized her.  For several minutes she remained stationary hanging onto the fridge before I helped her get down on the floor.  It was sort of scary at first, she literally couldn’t move her right leg for quite awhile.  After a long period of time on the floor stretching and laying on the heating pad she was able to get up but her body had perma-lean to the right from whatever spasmed in her back.  She was able to walk slowly but anything requiring bending over was out of the question.

So we got a late start to the apartment, luckily there wasn’t much left to do.  With Cindy hurting I was the designated pack mule, shuttling things down to the party van.  It was a challenge  trying to load the van while leaving space in the back for the dogs in the bed.

10173788_10152874360042841_224009966_n[1]After fully loading the van our next stop was my mom’s place.  On the way there a big mirror that was in the back shifted sides, bumping Sadie who was in one of the captain chairs in the rear.  Cindy turned around to move the mirror back.  Sadie saw this as an opportunity and squirmed her way onto the front seat and promptly laid across Cindy’s calves, pinning her in that position.  I had to wait for a spot to pull over so I could come over to lift Sadie so Cindy could escape.  It was pretty funny.

So I was dropping off my 32 inch Sony TV at my mom’s place to replace her ancient 19″ tube tv that was in her bedroom.  Mom was working but I figured time-wise we would catch her after she got out.  It turns out my recollection of her quit time was inaccurate.  I thought she worked till 2.  It turns out she didn’t get home till after 4.  When I realized my mistake we rolled out somewhere around 2:30.

After mom’s we stopped at Goodwill to drop off some of Cindy’s unneeded stuff and two full bags of clothing I filled earlier.  I had not done a good clothing evaluation in quite some time, it felt good to get rid of a bunch of stuff that hasn’t seen the light of day in years.

When we got back to the house we worked on unloading the van.  A couple things from Cindy’s place were nice additions to the decor of the house.  One of them was a big floor vase with 3 huge pieces of bamboo that went into the dining room.  The large mirror that shifted in the van went into the master bathroom above the tub.  It’s addition made the already large bathroom seem even bigger.

On Sunday night we watched my latest Netflix rental, Machete Kills (Again).  I loved the original Machete, it was just plain dumb fun, a movie so silly violent that it makes fun of itself.  Well I found the sequel even more entertaining, a rarity nowadays.  The ways that Machete finds to eliminate bad guys is just hilarious.  Evidently other well known actors like being in on the joke as the cast had a lot of big names like Jessica Alba, Antonio Banderas, Mel Gibson, Cuba Gooding Jr, Charlie Sheen, and even Lady Gaga.

I laughed out loud a ton.  I am giving this an A believe it or not.   The good news is it looks like Machete 3 is in the works.