Wet 19, Fuzzy, YouTube police, Don’t sh*t in my shower Dustin

Last night after work I came home to a property that was thoroughly drenched with standing bodies of water all over the place.  It must have poured out at the house during the day and it was still raining lightly when I arrived.  Of course my first concern was for the chickens.  I was pretty sure I had them in a spot that normally does not submerge in conditions below hurricane level but I wasn’t positive.  When I glanced in the backyard the coop and run were out of the flood zone.

wetpullupsAfter doing my normal evening coop relocation, food/water refresh and chicken treat distribution I wanted to see if I could manage to squeeze out 20 pull ups on my very wet pull up bar.  Spoiler alert, I didn’t quite make it.

On Wednesday to satisfy Jeremy I taped and posted some of my squats and deadlifts at the gym. As I always do, I turned on monetization of the video so it can contribute to my Google AdSense empire.  Later in the day I received an email from YouTube saying monetization was disabled on the video because of a music copyright claim.  Evidently during some of the footage, “Birthday” by Katy Perry was playing in the background.  YT has automated bots that “listen” to uploaded videos for commercial music to preemptively save them from being hassled by music companies I guess.

Personally I think it’s rather stupid that a few seconds of a song being played in a video is grounds for a copyright claim but that is the YouTube world we live in.  I’m in the process of applying a different royalty free music track to the clip so the pennies can once again start accumulating when it’s viewed.  After all a video with a skinny guy awkwardly squatting and deadlifting is sure to go viral.

So for a long time I was somewhat proud that I had good vision.  When I was younger it was noteworthy because both my dad and my mom have been lifelong glasses wearers with poor vision.  My sister Torrin inherited their poor vision.  Somehow Todd and myself got a couple sets of decent eyeballs inserted into our heads. Once I rolled past 40 years of age and still had no vision issues I again felt like I was beating the odds. I heard so many people say their once good eyes took a dramatic turn for the worse after four decades on the planet.  Well  for around the last 3-4 years my luck has been running out.

I guess in a way I am still somewhat lucky as it is my distance vision that is failing instead of the near field which I use every day at work for 8+ hours a day staring at two LCD screens.  If I try to read numbers or letters that are not in my immediate vicinity it is really a struggle.  If those numbers or letters happen to be glowing LED’s it’s nearly impossible.  Last night I was looking at the LED clock on the stove from about 15 feet away, it was a green mess.  I slowly walked towards it.  Once  I got about 6 feet away and fog cleared and I was able to read the numbers clearly.

1932335_10152818395702841_715787390_n[1]You may recall I bought some Gunnar glasses awhile back, hoping their claims of helping to reduce distance viewing issues for full time IT workers were legit.  I wore them for roughly a month and had a bad experience, my eyes were constantly being red, watering and physically aching after extended Gunnar usage.  It was bad enough that I just gave them away to Jeremy. I have no plans to really do anything about it as the problem is not affecting my functionality other than raising my “I’m old” frustration level while I am trying to read a sign down the aisle.

This weekend is my last before another trip to PA for a race timer conference.  The multiple ponds around the property right now could throw a wrench in any grass maintenance plans.  I am back on dog sitting duty starting on Sunday as well.

I had a very odd dream last night.  I was in my bathroom sitting on the porcelain throne taking care of business.  All of a sudden Dustin Hoffman walks in, naked and turns on the shower.  After being stunned for a few moments I ask him what the hell he was doing??  He had the shower on full blast and had the shower curtain 3/4 of the way open so water was shooting all over the floor.  He then asks me if I mind if he poops in the shower.  My shock mutates into disgust.  Keep in mind I am sitting on the toilet during this whole exchange.  “No! No you can not poop in my shower! What the fck is wrong with you?”  Dustin says the only way he can move his bowels is if he is standing in the shower.  Thankfully the dream ended there.