This was the definition of a bust ass weekend. It was one of those weekends where I am glad to get back to work to rest. The majority of the labor came from the unplanned renovation of the garden. Well it was planned, it just wasn’t planned to go down this weekend.
I wanted to make some changes to make the garden a little more user friendly. When I laid out the raised beds originally my goal was to jam as many of them as possible into the fenced in space. Unfortunately when I did so I gave little thought to accessibility. I put the beds too close together.
Honestly I am amazed that I never broke an ankle with the old layout. The space between beds was so tight that my foot would become wedged when stepping between them. The tight quarters also made using my scuffle hoe between the beds to knock down weeds impossible at times. I also had more beds in there than I really needed, most of the time I had beds either totally unused or only partially populated.
So my plan was to pull all of the old beds up and spread all the dirt that is in them around the garden evenly to raise the ground level up a few inches. I then could lay out the beds in a different manner, sacrificing one or two of them in order to have more room to walk around in there. I just hadn’t done it yet because of money (good garden soil costs $$), weather (hot and wet sucks), and finally effort (bust ass labor).
Well Cindy got the garden renovation schedule moved up because she was excited to do it. She loves projects and a garden project she especially loved. The temperatures were less than ideal, once again hitting 90 degrees although the humidity was not quite as oppressive as normal. After we picked up the dogs to hang out at the house with us we got busy.
I helped Cindy with the initial part of the project, which was particularly gross, pulling out the two compost bins. The bottom of the bins actually did have some legitimate looking compost but the upper half was a rat nest of dried up vegetation. To make things more fun the bins were also home to a nest of cockroaches and fire ants. I pulled the solid material out of the area and left the composted material in the garden to be mixed in. Cindy then took over, her task being removal of the raised beds after digging up the dozens of sweet potatoes that were left in the garden while I hopped on the tractor. Cindy looked at the task as a “workout” instead of a chore.
The good news was we had enough dry days that the back of the property was finally mowable. The bad news was weeks and weeks of rain has turned the area into a jungle. I first worked on the area on the outside of the fence, including some of the rear of the property that gets mowed once or twice a year. Mowing these areas with a standard yard tractor requires patience. Not only do you have to go very slow, you have to go over many areas more than once to knock down the highest and most dense grass/weeds. Even with my tractor sunshade in place I was feeling the heat. I could only imagine how hot Cindy must have felt ripping stuff out of the garden.
Cindy flagged me down after she got the old beds ripped out. She asked if we could switch so she could take a break. I said of course since the next stage of the project required using the tiller in the garden, something I would not task Cindy with. I used the tiller to break up and mix the dirt. After that it was manual labor time as I used a shovel and rake to smooth out the dirt at it’s new higher level which should make the garden more flood tolerant going forward.
The chickens loved this project. They repeatedly were in the garden area digging around looking for nuggets. With their affinity for dirt this was like one big sandbox of fun for them.
So once I had the area somewhat level I had Cindy help me with setting the raised beds back up. This part of the project was tougher than I thought, not because of the labor but agreeing to a new layout. Even though I had already agreed to have less beds in the space, when we laid out the beds in two long rows with ample walking lanes around them I felt like I was sacrificing too much raised bed real estate. Even if I didn’t use all of the beds in the past, I guess I liked having more space available than I needed, just in case.
I stood there staring at the new lite layout for awhile trying to determine if I would be ok with it long term. We did one little tweak that added one more half box to the garden and called it good enough.
I think it will be better in the long run.
During the afternoon Cindy called me over to the screen door. About 5 feet away from the door was a coiled up pygmy rattlesnake. I was surprised to see it, I haven’t seen one of them on my property for years. The only snakes we typically see are harmless black racers. I calmly told Cindy to go get me the pool skimmer, my snake removal tool of choice thanks to it’s long handle.
After some careful placement I got the snake to slither up onto the mesh portion of the skimmer however he didn’t want to stay put. As I walked slowly towards the fence line the snake kept trying to slither off the skimmer. For awhile I was able to keep him on it by rotating the skimmer in a fashion similar to wrapping spaghetti around a fork. He eventually managed to fall off the skimmer. Getting him back on a second time was a bit tougher as he struck at the skimmer a few times. Finally I got him back on as I fast walked over to the fence. Once I got there I launched him trebuchet style across the fence and drainage canal into the high brush where he would be free to continue doing rattlesnake things without endangering the dogs or chickens.
Saturday night Cindy and I were both beat, after we dropped the dogs back off we spent the evening at home. We had Divergent sitting in a Netflix envelope at home to watch anyway. This was a movie that we sort of considered seeing when it was in theaters but never got around to it. I figured it would be a quality Netflix rental.
I found the movie to be just average. I thought the story was overall weak and predictable. I found myself doing a lot of not caring during the film. I would only give the flick a B however Cindy thought it was significantly better than I did. She said she would give it an A. She thought the movie was similar to Hunger Games. I did not other than the fact a young man and woman are involved in the story.
Sunday morning I was debating if I wanted to do the endurance training we had discussed the day before. Both Cindy and I were sore from the labor of Saturday and sleepy from staying up late Saturday watching The Strain episodes. Originally I talked about biking to the track, running and then biking back. We scaled it back to driving to the track, running and then going right to Lowes to buy garden soil.
I did less mileage than last week, I felt justified scaling it back based on what I did Saturday combined with the labor that was yet to come on Sunday. I did however cover the 3.21 miles at the fastest overall pace I held all year outside of the New Years Day casual race I did. Having 8:27 be my fastest 2014 running pace is part of my overall disappointing athletic accomplishments of 2014. This is the first year in a long time where I have felt like overall my PTR’s have gone down instead of up. The 8:27 pace was 15 seconds a mile faster than the week prior and 30 seconds a mile faster than two weeks ago so hopefully I can end the year on a high note. Cindy, despite it being only her second time running since her foot problems seems to be doing well. She put in around 3 miles at a very solid 9:15ish pace.
We got the garden soil and vegetables for the refreshed garden at Lowes thanks to a 10% off your purchase coupon that Cindy wrangled for us. The coupon wound up saving us nearly $25, I told you dirt was expensive. The 25 bags of Miracle Gro were heavy, heavy enough to turn the normally high riding Tacoma into a low rider with the front end awkwardly pointing up in the air. We got a variety of stuff for the garden including two types of lettuce, peppers, broccoli, stevia, eggplant, tomatoes and swiss chard.
Before lunch we got the new beds refilled with the fresh soil. I handled the heavy lifting, lugging the bags into the garden and dumping them. Cindy was on raking, spreading, tamping duty, making each bed suitable for planting.
We then both worked on getting the plants in the garden. When we were done I still had three totally empty raised beds that can be populated so it made me feel better about pulling out some of the beds in the renovation. I discovered quickly that the chickens now need to be barred from the garden area until the young plants take hold and grow a bit. In the span of two seconds one of them stripped all of the leaves off of one of the broccoli plants. Cindy quickly herded them out before more damage could be done.
It was nice to get the garden project out of the way. My next couple months will be busy enough as is, knocking this project off the list helps lessen the load. As is often the case, Cindy’s seemingly endless supply of energy helped make it happen and it didn’t stop there. As I was back outside finishing up the mowing I started Saturday she was busting ass inside, doing extensive cleaning in preparation of my dad and step mom’s arrival on Friday which included running the carpet cleaner.
I was quite glad to get all of the back yard mowing done and also happy that the months of standing water had come to an end. Of course almost on cue, we had torrential rain last night that brought back the temporary lakes to the landscape. I can only hope that we have a dry week that allows the water to seep back into the ground before Friday. Having wet spots in the yard with dad’s dogs would be a recipe for a very dirty visit.
Over the weekend we added to the Halloween decorations at the house. The inflatable black cat looks cool, at least from close up. I was a bit disappointed that the LED lights inside of it are not bright enough to make the cats glowing eyes clearly visible from the road. I threw my solar powered spot light in front of it to make it a little easier to be seen.
Wow that Eagles game was totally not what I expected it to be, and that is a good thing. The Eagles nearly catastrophic collapse last week combined with the Giants coming in, who have been playing very well, looked like a recipe for a loss. Instead the exact opposite happened.
The Eagles not only won, they smashed the Giants, pitching an incredibly rare shutout, 27-0. There were so many things that happened that were a turn around from the first 5 games this season. LeSean McCoy actually was effective, gaining more yards than the last 3-4 games combined. The defense looked ferocious. Not only did they constantly pressure Eli Manning, they actually stuffed the run as well, something they just don’t ever do.
Even more amazing was the team actually played all 60 minutes, not falling into that all too familiar trap of giving up lots of points in a short time period when holding a big lead. The defense clamped down and made the Giants look like shit. It was really an amazing defensive performance and made me remember the days when the Eagles were known more for their defense than their offense.
The only reversal that was not there was Nick Foles. He continues to make some really poor throws at times that are flamed by throwing off balance. Both of the interceptions he threw were 100% his fault. I’m hoping this is just a small bump in his road to improvement.
This week is going to be very busy. Pretty much every evening has some sort of to do on the docket.