Party continues

So I got the party van back after work last night.  The repair price went up another $100 because they wound up replacing the front driver side metal brake line as well.  When they did a pressure test after replacing the passenger side brake line the driver side let loose.  So now all of the metal brake lines in the van except a small section that goes from the ABS unit to the master cylinder has been replaced.  In total I have spent $1300 replacing rusty brake line on the party van, how nice.

1888850_10153044878252841_7708729750695403308_oWe have some strong weather blowing in.  Last night we had an abnormal, strong November thunderstorm.  Today the temperatures will be dropping from the mid 70’s we started at, dropping down into the mid-60’s with a low that could hit the 40’s tonight.

This will be the first winter that we have had with the chickens.  Even though the chickens are supposed to be cold tolerant we are probably going to start closing the ramp up to the coop on cold nights to keep it warmer for them.  Cindy said she thinks some nights the chickens huddle together in one of the three nesting boxes to stay warm based on the poop patterns the next morning.  If it gets really cold the landscape fabric we have to protect the garden and plants may instead be used to insulate the chicken living quarters.

I am going to be switching up my exercise routine.  I have mentioned directly and indirectly some of my issues below the belt that all started with my GI ailment in Early April.  Since then I have had off an on issues with irritation in “sensitive” areas.  Many times this irritation would crop up in the afternoon after my workout.  Yea I loosely thought about the connection but I never really thought about it seriously until yesterday.

I had been doing well in that area for several days and again yesterday morning I felt fine.  At the gym I did chest work which included some dumbbell chest press reps with relatively heavy weight.  As I was straining to complete some of the final reps at the heavier weight I could actually feel the strain extend down below, after which I stopped repping.  Yesterday afternoon I got treated to the return of irritation and soreness so it became crystal clear what was the catalyst.

My new workout routine will still contain some bodyweight staples like pull ups and push ups but heavy, low rep, high effort movements are off the menu for the foreseeable future.  I also think I will be doing a lot more cardio, including more rower time.  My routine may start to look a little more soccer mom-ish and less beast mode but if it allows me to return to normalcy in other areas of my overall health I am down with it.