Conference, the kiss

Yesterday was an unconventional work day that didn’t really start until noon.  My boss and I attended a user conference for a software package that we are considering implementing.  During the morning I jumped on the treadmill for a 3 mile run and did some chores around the house to make productive use of the time. The conference was beneficial to us as we got to talk to other customers to get their feedback which was overwhelmingly positive.  The staff of this company are very impressive and they all seem to absolutely love working there, a rarity nowadays.

The conference was held at the Marriot just outside of Sanibel.  I rarely get up in that region but it is quite beautiful.  The hotel that was hosting the conference was top notch.  At the end of the formal sessions they had a happy hour where everyone hung out and got to talk about business and non-business related things.  It was a good time.  By the time I dropped my buddy off and got back home it was almost 8 o’clock.

Cn25t24UMAEll4N[1]I did not get to watch any more of the 3 ring circus aka, the RNC last night. I did catch some highlights like Ted Cruz getting booed for refusing to officially endorse Trump during his speech and the awkward and weird “air kiss” embrace Trump exchanged with Mike Pence during his speech.  The convention has done a good job of echoing the chaos and idiocy that is now the de facto standard in American politics.