Working through the doldrums

I have been doing my best to try to ignore the post Xmas blues that have affected me most of my life.  I have plenty of things to grab my attention plus I can focus on the slow but persistent sense of illness that has affected me most of the week.  The symptoms are still a mild cough, a mild runny nose, and feeling a couple ticks below normal energy-wise.  My hope is it never progresses beyond this stage however my track record with this sort of thing is less than stellar.

To make things more fun, I get to start off my weekend with a visit to the office to do an internet firewall upgrade Saturday morning.  If things work as I envision it should be a pretty simple and painless process.  The bad thing is not many projects of mine go as I envision.  At least we got the new workbench shuffle out of the way on Christmas so it’s one less thing to do around the house.  There is still some smaller scale sorting and organizing that remains.

Our chicken Kathy has been having a rough go of it lately, she can hardly stand and or walk.  Katie, her barred rock sister has had difficulty walking for over a year but at this point gets around better than Kathy does.  We have been trying to make sure to take Kathy off and place her on the perch manually. We also keep food and water near her at ground level during the day to minimize how much she needs to move.  This just sort of came out of the blue 2-3 weeks ago without a known cause.  She almost acts like her one leg is broken, it’s that bad.  I wonder if somehow she hurt herself coming off the perch one morning, which the hens do kamikaze style most of the time.  She still seems pretty normal otherwise with a good appetite and drinking water.  I’m hoping if we keep babying her, whatever it is that is injured slowly heals over time.