
So is it more or less inevitable that the majority of the population will contract covid 19 either symptomatically or asymptomatically?  It sure is  seeming that way to me more and more everyday.  The amount of confirmed cases are through the roof and there are likely 5-10 more unconfirmed cases for every confirmed one because asympotmatic people normally wont get tested.  I heard that 40% of people going into hospitals for non-covid reasons are testing positive for the virus, just to give you an idea of how widespread it is.

The other alarming thing is how the ICU bed availability, which was mocked by the no maskers a couple months ago is now approaching capacity in hotspot locations, which there are many of.   I find it incredible that many businesses and sports leagues that deal with large masses of human beings are pressing forward to reopen.  I just don’t know how you can do it if minimizing transmission is the objective.

At some point I think that contracting covid 19 is going to be more likely than less likely.  For the majority of the population it should be a minimal event however if you are in the unlucky group of people that have a very bad experience with the virus you are out of luck.  However even if the inevitable outcome is mass infection I don’t think it excuses people from doing whatever they can to take responsibility for minimizing their chances of transmitting covid 19. Asking people to knock down their transmission circle with a mask and not voluntarily putting yourself into crowded situations wherever possible isn’t a huge request IMO.  I know being courteous of others is not something that is regularly practiced in modern US society but hopefully this mess is enough to bring it back into fashion.